Eagle Class
Lesson Plan # 1
Core Lesson: 9 Core Values/Introduction to Core Lesson 22: Stay Well for Life
· 9 Core values: Respect, Sportsmanship, Integrity, Honesty, Responsibility, Judgment, Courtesy, Confidence, Perseverance
· Introduction to Stay Well for Life: Health, body, mind, and heart. (22.1)
· Healthy Habit: Mind - The mind is a powerful tool for health. One’s mind influences his/her emotions and behaviors and can be utilized for self-improvement, building confidence and
maintaining perspective.
o Work on page 6 and 7 in Yardage Book and create circuit workout for next class
· Golf Skill: Putting, Full-Swing
· Rules of Golf: Order of play, Teeing Ground
· Golf Fundamental: Target Awareness, ball contact, distance response and pre/post shot routines.
· Homework: Pages 1 - 9
“The part can never be well unless the whole is well.”
- Plato
The purpose of this lesson is for players to review the 9 Core Values and check for understanding/application. The first activity is a putting game where players will be given definitions and then be required to match it up with its corresponding core value. The other activity will be on the driving range where participants will be asked to hit a series of shots to different targets. This game will hone students in on the golf fundamental of target awareness.
Warm-Up: Golf Fitness Warm-Up Activity (odd numbered workout day – see separate “Golf Circuit Warm-Up” handout located on the private coach website)
Opening Questions: After completing the golf fitness warm-up exercises above, coaches and participants will discuss the following questions:
1. What core values are the most important to you and why?
2. How do you live out the 9 Core Values on a daily basis?
3. Do you ever encounter times in your life where it’s difficult to follow one or more of the core values? Talk about it.
4. What does wellness mean? Pg 5 in YB
5. How can you keep your BODY healthy? Pg 6 in YB
6. What is the importance of having a target when you hit a golf shot?
7. How do you go about picking a target each time? Explain your process in detail.
Review 9 Core Values: Respect, Courtesy, Responsibility, Honesty, Sportsmanship, Confidence, Judgment, Perseverance, and Integrity.
Putting Activity: 9 Core Values Crossword Puzzle
Objectives of Game: To call upon participant’s knowledge and understanding of the 9 Core Values. Goal is to be the first team to successfully complete the putting/crossword puzzle challenge.
Objectives of Golf Fundamental: Activity will test participants ball contact, distance control and pre/post shot routines, and target awareness.
Supplies: Crossword puzzle copies and definitions or examples of core values (at end of lesson plan), envelops to put definitions/situations in, pencil or pens to write on crossword puzzles, putters, golf balls, tees or small cones
Description of Set-Up: Coaches will select 3-4 holes on the practice putting green to use for this activity. Place 3-4 tees evenly spaced around each hole approximately 7-9 feet away from the hole.
How to Play: Break students up into groups of 2 or 3 (2 is recommended). Hand each group an envelope of definitions, a copy of the crossword puzzle and direct them to one of the holes. Explain that they are to use the definitions/examples in the envelope to finish the crossword puzzle. The trick is they can only get a definition/example from the envelope if both players make putts back to back from one of the tees. For example: Ryan and Brandon are partners playing this game together. Ryan putts first and he makes his putt, then it’s up to Brandon to make his putt. But Brandon misses his putt which means they must start over together before grabbing one of the definitions/examples from the envelope. Players must make back to back putts 9 times and must complete the crossword puzzle to finish the activity.
Coach Notes: Putting Crossword Puzzle: coaches should be observing to see whether the activity is too easy or too difficult. If participants are struggling, remind them to lean on one of the core values that begins with a P (don’t tell them it’s perseverance!). Adjust the length of putts as necessary. If you provide any instruction, keep it focused on set-up and alignment alone. We want to keep the focus on target awareness which is the golf fundamental for this lesson plan.
Set-Up Diagrams: See diagrams at the end of the lesson plan for set-up help and additional instructions that may apply.
Full Swing Activity: Phase Challenge
Objectives of Game: This game reveals strengths and weaknesses by requiring consecutive and repeatable targets with defined outcomes. The process of reaching the five phases becomes an individual and/or a competitive based challenge depending upon the participant’s intent.
Objectives of Golf Fundamental: Complete five challenging phases of Target Golf by hitting shots at defined areas of full-swing shot-making.
Supplies: 35 range balls per participant: 5 shots for practice; 30 for the Challenge
Description of Set-Up: Each participant will need 35 range balls (using a set amount each time will allow for measuring progress/success against a standard—Personal Par). Five of the shots will be used for practice and warm-up. Each player will only hit 2 consecutive shots and then wait until it is their turn to hit again. The set-up can be adjusted to match the age and skill level of the participant. The plan is to have them hit various shots with an emphasis on the scoring clubs first and build a bit of nervous energy awaiting their turn.
How to Play: Hit until you get the number of golf balls stated at that target before moving on to the next target.
Phase I: Hit five balls on a green (or designated target area) about 50–75 yards away.
Phase II: Hit four balls in a designated fairway area, about 75–100 yards away.
Phase III: Three balls must at some point touch, roll through, or land on the target area about 125 yards away.
Phase IV: Two balls must travel into or through a designated area or fairway lane about 150 yards away.
Phase V: One ball must hit a target approximately 25 yards away (an extra large range bucket works great).
***Coaches can give participants more range balls if necessary to complete their remaining phases.
Coach Notes: Phase Challenge: coaches should be looking to ensure that participants are focusing on a specific target each time. When you provide instruction, make sure that your instruction is focused on picking a target each shot. Find coachable moments to remind students the importance of a target and how it should be small and specific. This would be a great drill to talk about the planning process of a golf shot.
Set-Up Diagrams: See diagrams at the end of the lesson plan for set-up help and additional instructions that may apply
Work Out Prep: Circuit for Next Week
Objectives of Activity: To have the young people create a circuit workout for daily use. Break the kids into groups of 2-3 and have them develop a warm up circuit using at least one activity for each of the five fitness categories:
1. Strength
a. Core
b. Large Muscles
2. Flexibility and Mobility
a. Bend/Stretch/Extend
b. Twist/Rotate
3. Agility and Coordination
a. Speed
b. Footwork
4. Balance
a. Body Awareness
5. Object Control
a. Dribble/Kick
b. Throw/Catch
c. Strike
Coach Notes: Each group will deliver their warm up to their peers next week at the start of class. Make sure all of kids have all of the equipment necessary to be successful.
Bridge to Life: Use the following questions to help participants apply their “on-course” work to their “off-course” activities and experiences.
1. Did you have to demonstrate a core value in any of today’s activities? Explain.
2. Was it important to have a target in mind? Why?
3. What did you learn about your golf game in today’s activity?
4. How will this information help you improve in the future?
5. What core value(s) will be the most important for your future? Why?
Lesson Plan Progression: Activities will follow this sequence.
· Light stretching and practicing as participants arrive
· Golf fitness warm-up
· Warm-up discussion questions on the 9 Core Values.
· Explain activities and break into groups
· Participants complete all stations
· Participants are given time to work on circuit workouts to prepare for next week.
· Bridge to Life questions
Eagle 2016Page 1