Copyright restrictions on the use of words and music in churches
All compositions published over the past 75 years, or for 75 years after the death of the author or composer, almost certainly will carry copyright restrictions which prevent unauthorised copying and distribution. Compositions published before the 75-year cut off are said to be in the “Public Domain” and if so, will not carry any copyright restrictions, unless indicated by the publisher. Many publishers are happy for churches or individuals to make limited copies of a hymn for a single use available free of charge. However, if congregations regularly intend to reproduce copies (hard or digital), of copyright praise material, then it is essential that a copyright licence is obtained. This is done through Christian Copyright Licensing International [CCLI] at who handle the copyright arrangements of the vast majority of composers and publishers of Christian praise. In return for payment of an annual fee (the size of which will depend on the size of the congregation) congregations will be free to use copyright praise material.
Christian Copyright Licensing International [CCLI]
Whether your church wants to play and/or record music, photocopy from authorised publications or download hymn lyrics and music, CCLI provides a simple, legal and affordable solution toyour copyrightneeds. The following has been taken for the CCLI website:
Reproducing Song WordsIf you use song projection software or OHPs, create your own song sheets or store song words on your computer then you may need a Church Copyright Licence (CCL).
Downloading Song Lyrics and Music
If you want instant access to CCLI's online song database, with great features such as transposing songs into the key of your choice, Music Player and30-second sound samples, then you may need SongSelect.
If you photocopy from any books, magazines or publicationsin your church then you may need a Music Reproduction Licence (MRL) or a Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) Church Licence.
Playing Music
If youplay music in your church (either live or from a physical format such as CD) then you may need a PRS for Music Church Licence.
Showing Films
If youshow films in church activities you are likely toneed theChurch Video Licence (CVL) and PRS for MusicChurch Licence.
Recording Music
If yourecord musicfrom your church services, wedding ceremonies or live concerts, then you may need a Church Copyright Licence (CCL), Wedding Video-Recording Licence (WVRL) or a Limited Manufacture Licence (LML).