Creston School District No. 073

Professional Learning Community Design and Expectations


In order to maximize the small window of opportunity that we can dedicate to our professional learning and to utilize our energy and talents to the fullest, the following schedule and expectations are established.

Professional Development - Early Release Dates:

Date / Large Group Focus / Individual or Group Focus
September 18, 2015 / Kickoff (60-minutes) / SAE (120 minutes)
October 2, 2015 / Bi-County Professional Development Day (Davenport): Focus on Common Core State Standards (& NGSS) and Reading/Writing across the content areas.
December 4, 2015 / Examples of standard, assessment, and teacher evaluation (digital sharing) (15 min) / SAE
(165 minutes)
February 5, 2016 / Examples of standard, assessment, and teacher evaluation (digital sharing) (15 min) / SAE
(165 minutes)
March 18, 2016 / Examples of standard, assessment, and teacher evaluation (digital sharing) (15 min) / SAE
(160 minutes)
April 22, 2016 / Examples of standard, assessment, and teacher evaluation (digital sharing) (15 min) / SAE
(160 minutes)
May 20, 2016 / Examples of standard, assessment, and teacher evaluation (digital sharing) (15 min) / SAE Wrap-up
(70 minutes)


·  Standards, Student Assessment, Teacher Evaluation (S.A.E): The focus of the learning this year will be to assess and adjust our instructional strategies to meet the learning needs of the individual and class as a whole. We will connect formative assessments with instruction to standards which will provide evidence in the teacher evaluation system (components 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 6.1, and 6.2). The ultimate outcome is to improve student learning.

·  Through this process, teachers will have a greater understanding of standards, formative assessment, their students’ abilities, and how to adapt their teaching to students’ needs (both individually and as a class). Students will develop metacognition of their performance in relationship to learning targets and standard-driven assessment expectations (components 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 6.1, and 6.2).

·  Through the process of developing and incorporating the S.A.E, teachers will have the opportunity to collaborate and share best works to be used and evaluated by peers (components 8.1, 8.2, and 8.3).

·  Teaching staff will have the opportunity to present their products and artifacts to the entire staff on May 20th, 2016 (components 8.1, 8.2, and 8.3).

·  The intent is to provide staff with the greatest flexibility in learning while having clear expectations for sharing products and a focus on collegiality (components 8.1, 8.2, and 8.3).

Marzano Teacher Evaluation Model Criteria

Component 3.1: Effective Scaffolding of Information within a Lesson

Component 3.2: Planning and Preparing for the Needs of All Students

Component 4.1: Attention to Established Content Standards

Component 6.1: Designing Instruction Aligned to Assessment

Component 6.2: Using Multiple data Elements

Component 8.1: Seeking Mentorship for Areas of Need or Interest

Component 8.2: Promoting Positive Interactions with Colleagues

Component 8.3: Participating in District and School Initiatives

Creston School District No. 073

Professional Learning Community Design and Expectations


In-Service Day Plan

September 12th In-Service Day

1)  Presentation on the connectivity between standard, student assessment (including adjustments to instruction based upon assessment(s)), and teacher evaluation (emphasis on BIG ideas) (10 minutes) (Bill)

2)  Questions, Concerns, and Common Wisdom (and SAE example if needed) (5 minutes) (BILL)

3)  Discussion to generate a list of topics that need to be addressed during the first 15 minutes of professional development pertaining to SAE (20 minutes) (KELSEY)

4)  Opportunity to sign-up for sharing (December, February, March, and April) (5 minutes) (CAMI)

5)  Final Project Expectations (15 minutes) (DLIT)

6)  Opportunity to work in small groups or individually (120 minutes) (WAYNE)

*Optional: Work time with Bill to address TPEP/professional development needs

October 2nd Bi-County In-Service Day

Focus on Collaboration.

December 4th In-Service Day

1)  Examples of standard, assessment (formative learning), and teacher evaluation (digital sharing) (15 min.)

2)  Small-group or Individual Opportunity to:

a.  Deconstruct and incorporate Standards = (S)

b.  Creating Protocols and Data Analysis for Student Assessment = (A)

c.  Accessing Data-driven Analysis and post into process for Teacher Evaluation = (E)

February 5th In-Service Day (Same as prior with 15 min. sharing)

March 18th In-Service Day (Same as prior with 15 min. sharing)

April 22th In-Service Day (Same as prior with 15 min. sharing)

May 20th In-Service Day

1)  Small group/individual sharing

2)  Each member will share a digital presentation of an S.A.E (5 minutes/teacher; 110 minutes total).