Monday, January 12, 2009

The Town Council of the Town of Copper Canyon will meet in regular session on Monday, January 12, 2009, in the Council Chambers at Copper Canyon Town Hall, 400 Woodland Drive, Copper Canyon, Texas, at 7:00 p.m., whereupon the following items will be considered:


American Flag – I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Texas Flag - “Honor the Texas Flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.”


Citizens can make comments to the Town Council during this section of the meeting agenda. We ask citizens who wish to speak on agenda items to sign in on the sheet provided on the table at the back of the Council Chambers. There is a 3 minute time limit for each citizen who wishes to make a presentation. Pursuant to State Open Meetings law, the Town Council cannot discuss or take action on items not posted on the Agenda. Therefore, the Council cannot take action on or discuss any issues or items brought up during public input.

III. STAFF REPORTS (in person)

Fire Chief

1.  Calls for service

2.  Staff activity

3.  Call volumes

4.  Gas Well Inspections

5.  Fire hazards of: vacant houses; vacant houses and debris and trash adjacent

to railroad tracks; abandoned vehicles; “junk yard” type areas.


1.  Town’s road maintenance program: State requirement for Payment Bonds

for projects exceeding $25,000 in cost. Feasibility of requiring Maintenance

Bonds also. Need for Town to be increasingly vigilant on security

requirements from all contractors due to the increasing probability of

business failures of contractors in this current economic depression.

Possibility of very competitive road repair estimates and bids for the Town

in current economy. Desirability of keeping an active updated list

of asphalt contractors willing do small paving projects and pothole

repairs in Town and an updated list of references per contractor.

2. Designated construction routes and weight limits for trucks:

Our Town Attorney is working on an Ordinance for Council approval at the

February meeting. In the meantime our Sheriff’s Deputies are putting

to good advantage the training they have recently had on identifying

truck safety issues and are strictly enforcing speed limits on construction

vehicles cutting through Copper Canyon.

3. County Road Bond Program: Denton County has a Triple A bond rating (one

of only five counties in Texas to have that rating.) But due to the credit crunch nationwide, the County will pay 125 basis points more for bond money

this year as compared to last year. However, at this time, the county intends to

issue some bond indebtedness early in 2009.

4. County asks Towns with more than one road project approved in the

County Bond Program to prioritize their projects: Commissioner Andy Eads

will meet with Copper Canyon’s Town Council at their February meeting to

discuss a time table for rebuilding Orchid Hill Lane and Chinn Chapel Road.

5. Neighborhood Watch volunteer Block Captains complete training:

The Sheriff’s training officer commended Copper Canyon for its new silver

bumper sticker Decals which identify the vehicles of Town residents. She

also said that Copper Canyon Is a “model” Neighborhood Watch for some

Lantana residents who observed our training. Eagle Scout Candidate

Kevin Boes will be erecting the new Neighborhood Watch signs in Town.

6. Sheriff’s Officer makes Town Aware of GPS thefts & the “choking game”:

Areas in North Texas are experiencing an increase in thefts of GPS systems

from parked cars that are broken into. The increase is attributed to the severe

down turn in the economy. There is also a dramatic increase in deaths in Texas

from the so-called “choking game”, which is becoming more prevalent even in

elementary schools. (For additional information for parents and grandparents

see the Copper Canyon’s Mayor’s article in the January issue of the Cross

Timbers Gazette.)

7. Personnel Policy: Council Member Dan Christy and Mayor Pro Tem Jeff

Mangum volunteer to help Mayor Tejml prune proposed 60 page Personnel Policy to a more workable size for Copper Canyon’s two full time and two part time Staff employees. Town Administer Quentin Hix and our Project Manager

Donna Welsh will be invited to work on this team. Town Attorney Terry Welch will review the Policy to ensure it complies with general law State statutes that apply to a small Town like Copper Canyon, which does not qualify for a Home Rule Charter and does not have a City Manager form of Government. Our target date is to have the finished Personnel Policy on the February Agenda for Council approval.

8. Proposed Route of Hondo Pipeline to be determined shortly: This pipeline

will connect Carrizo Oil and Gas’s well sites from east of Jernigan Road to well

sites east of Copper Canyon Road. Town officials and residents do not want

the pipeline crossing homeowners’ land and destroying heavily wooded areas.


1.  Revenues/Expenditures through December 2008

2.  Capital Project Spreadsheet update

3.  Town Hall Activity Summary for December 2008


Items on the Consent Agenda are routine and administrative in nature. As such, these items are considered for approval by a single motion and vote without discussion. Council Members can remove an item or items from the agenda so it can be considered separately and/or add any item to be considered as part of the Consent Agenda.

1. Approve Minutes of Council Meeting held November 10, 2008

2. Approve Minutes of Council Meeting December 8, 2008

3. Approve Bills to be paid, and transfer of funds


1.  Discuss, consider, and take action on November and December 2008 Financial Statements.

Review revised and updated Budget Pro Forma for fiscal year 2008-2009.

2.  Presentation of the Annual Audit for FY 2007/2008.

3.  Discuss, consider, and take action on an Ordinance adopting and enacting a

new Code of Ordinances.

4.  Discuss, consider, and take action on an Ordinance regarding screening

of building supplies.

5.  Discuss, consider, and take action on an Ordinance regulating retaining walls.

6. Discuss and consider Town policy to require bids, Payment Bonds and Maintenance

Bonds for contractors applying to do road and drainage projects in Copper Canyon;

possibility of business failure of said contractors in this current depressed economy;

the desirability of validation of references of all applying contractors.

VIII. EXECUTIVE SESSION – The Town Council shall convene in closed session in accordance with the Texas Government Code Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.074, and 551.087 to discuss the following:

1.  Consultation with the Town Attorney regarding legal issues associated with

job duties of Town employees.

2.  Discuss and consider modifications to the job duties of the Town Administrator and Town Secretary.

3.  Discuss and consider evaluation of Town Administrator based on first quarter

of his performance of duties under Job Description for Town Administrator as

proposed by Town Administrator and adopted by Council September 29, 2008.


X.  CONSIDERATION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION ITEMS – The Town Council will reconvene into open session pursuant to Texas Government Code Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.074, and 551.087 to take any action necessary regarding consultation with Town Attorney, pending litigation, personnel, real property and economic development negotiations as follows:

1.  Consultation with the Town Attorney regarding legal issues associated with job duties of Town employees.

2.  Discuss, consider and take action regarding modifications to the duties of the Town Administrator and Town Secretary.

3. Discuss, consider, and take action on the evaluation of Town Administrator based on first quarter of his performance of duties under Job Description for

Town Administrator as proposed by Town Administrator and adopted by

Council September 29, 2008.


XI. COUNCIL REPORTS – Special Assignments 2008 - 2009

Jeff Mangum, Mayor Pro Tem

(1)  Gas Well Sites - Monitor Town’s new Agreement for gas well inspections with Argyle Volunteer Fire District and its Assistant Fire Marshall Mike Lugo. Inspections will now include fire, safety and hazardous waste evaluations. With TA create a timetable and “paper trail” of inspections, notification to gas well operator of any infractions and time table for remedy, with FYI copies to Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem and Council. Enforcement of landscaping provisions for sites. (Being done according to Procedure now.)

(2)  Code Enforcement (Major) – 670 Orchid Hill Lane (Non-resident owner)

Gaping fence repaired or removed, tires, many non- moving vehicles, two 18 wheeler containers, propane tanks, portable gas cans, vacant house – can it be brought up to code or razed. Possible clean-up project for Town with lien to be filed.)

(3) Code Enforcement (Minor) – 650 Orchid Hill (Non-resident owner)

Owner notified this week by registered letter that dilapidated fence needs repair

under Town’s new ordinance. Vacant lot needs regular mowing. (Repairs being done)

(4) Code Enforcement (Major) – 1081 Post Oak (Viper Rental – non resident owner?) Post Oak residents complain of commercial roofing business being operated from a duplex. Duplex would be in violation of Town zoning ordinance.

(5) Town Personnel Policy - Represent Council on team to write Copper Canyon’s

first Personnel Policy.

Steve Hill, Deputy Mayor Pro Tem

(1)  Safety of Town Depository – Maintain up-to-date vigilance; keep Council informed.

(2) Budget Pro Forma & Monthly Financials - Revise Budget Pro Forma due to

depressed economy. Monitor monthly Town financials for accuracy of numbers.

(3) Code Enforcement (Major) – 648 Chinn Chapel (Resident home owner).

Non moving vehicles, trailers, loose metal - visible from street & neighbors.

Recent complaint of septic system odor from neighbor and possible fire hazards

alongside railroad tracks.

(4) Code Enforcement (Major) – 618 Chinn Chapel (Non-resident owner.

Two non-moving vehicles in front yard. Mobile home may be vacant and can not

be brought up to code. Grass currently being mowed.

(5)  Code Enforcement (Major) – 670 Estates Drive (Possible resident home owner)

Continue to monitor for compliance of home business to Town ordinances.

Chris Franks, Council Member

(1)  Office Protocol – Streamline procedure for handling incoming calls, emails,

mail, persons at counter. Create system of logging complaints and accountability

and time table for resolution of complaints. Now doing weekly & monthly task list

for Staff.

(2)  Code Enforcement (Major) – 975 Copper Canyon Road (Non resident owner)

Vacant home – Ask family for voluntary admission to determine if house can be

brought up to code or needs to be razed. Yard needs mowed.

John Brothers, Council Member

(1)  Code Enforcement (Major) – 13 and 15 Blackjack Lane (Non resident owner)

Two vacant houses on one lot. Houses need to be razed. Get advice of Town

Attorney on time table for legal notice and code compliance if delayed sale closing

does not occur by end of January. Be sure houses are secure and not being used.

Pick-up truck with flat tire and load of tires remains in front of house.

(2) Code Enforcement (Major) – 11 Blackjack Lane (Non resident owner) Commercial businesses being actively operated from lot for over a year. Two commercial trucks, two commercial gooseneck trailers, and bobcat on trailer in front yard at various times. Cartons of construction materials and tiles stacked in open area and in full view of residential street and neighbors. Multiple neighbors have noticed the commercial activities and wondered at the lack of Town code enforcement.

Dan Christy, Council Member

(1)  Code Enforcement (Major) - Hidden Creek Subdivision

Creek embankment needs ruts smoothed and stabilized with permanent sodding.

Railroad crossing needs earthwork that would prevent vehicles from going around the current road barrier erected. (TA confirmed that Railroad Company has been contacted, budget item for work to be approved in January 2009, RR insists on doing the work.)

(2)  Code Enforcement (Minor) – Orchid Hill Lane (Non resident owner) 34 acres

need regular mowing. (Located north side of Orchid Hill, east of railroad tracks.)

(3) Town Personnel Policy – Represent Council on team to write Copper Canyon’s

first Personnel Policy.

Sue Tejml, Mayor

(1)  Neighborhood Watch – Training of Block Captains completed, maps completed,

Copper Canyon bumper sticker decals designed and available. Vehicle information sheet created. Group emails being compiled by Block Captains for alerts and information. Need to order and erect new Watch signs.

(2)  Code Enforcement (Major) – 800 Waite Drive (Resident home owner.

Neighbor complaints concerning building materials visible in back yard for

half a year. Standing water in yard determined by TCEQ inspection a year

ago to not be septic water. State requires retaining wall over 4 feet tall to

have a registered engineer’s approval. Home owner’s excavation may have

destabilized slope of neighbor’s lot. Retaining wall may be needed to

stabilize. Two ordinances are being considered to address the issues.

(3) Code Enforcement (Major) – 1081 Post Oak (Resident home owner)

Neighbors complain of traffic and noise for youth baseball training facility.

For profit coaching and tutoring business may violate Copper Canyon’s Home

Occupations ordinance.

(4) Town Personnel Policy - Represent Council on team to write Copper Canyon’s

first Personnel Policy.

(5) Town Priorities – 10/22/08 TA & Mayor agree on immediate short term goals below:

Town Administrator Mayor, Council, Others

1. Develop Plat Intake Spread Sheet Mangum & Town Engineer review

2. Road Repairs – arrange for bids Road Committee Chairman – assist TA and payment & maintenance bonds Town Engineer review contractor references; prepare specs, contracts and bonds w/Town

Attorney’s input; inspect during & after repairs.

3. Code Enforcement Council: Expedite assignments

TA: Do citations as needed Hill: Intake Form - Resident Code complaints

4. Office Protocol Franks: Track data coming into Town Hall,

Work with Franks including mail, contracts, materials.

Daily & monthly Task List per Staff member