Copier/Printer Installation
All Staff,
Please read these instructions to add the Building Copier/Printers to your Computer.
These instructions will help you install the appropriate software for the new copiers/printers in your building on your computer.
1) You can install as many of thecopiers/printers as you wish to your computer, most buildings have 3 to 4 total. You may want to check the location of the copier/printer nearest your room and install only that one. Not all copiers/printer are available to everyone depending on location and network rights.
2) These are intended for Staff use only please do not install on Student computers, install to the workstation or thecomputer you use mostoften in your room. Students will not have the capability to install or use these copiers/printers.
3) Note that these instructions are for installing the networked copier/printers in your building, not any local printers that are already attached to your computer.
4) Note that some of the office computers may already have the copier/printers installed to them during the testing/setup period.
To Install copier/printers:
1) On your desktop double click on the iPrinter icon ex: "MS iPrinters". This will open up the install folder with the list of copier/printers in your building. Please re-login to your computer if you do not see the iPrinter icon on your desktop.
2) Under the column "Install Printer" click one time the copier/printer link you wish to install.
3) The first time you install a copier/printer you will have to install the iPrint client first. Just click on "Run", "Run", "Next" and "Finish" to install the client. You may have to restart your computer after this step.
4) Click once more on the copier/printer link you wish to install, you will see a window called "The Printer is not Installed" answer "Yes" to the question "Do you want to install it now". Please un-check the box "Set printer as default" unless you want it as your default printer. The print driver will now be installed to your computer and you will see a message indicating it was successful when it is finished.
5) Continue to install whatever copier/printers you want by repeating step number 4.
6) When you are finished open the "Printer and Faxes" folder in "Start", "Settings" menu and make sure the copier/printersyou installed are located in this folder.
7) Just close the iPrinter installation folder when you are finished, this folder is for installation only and you will not need to use it again unless there are other copier/printers you want to install later.
8) Any time you wish to use one of the copier/printers you installedjust select it within the "Print" window of the application you are in to use it.
Any questions please email the Help Desk.
Happy printing!!