Copier Paper Solicitation


Request for Quote


1.NAICS CODE: 322121 – Paper (except Newsprint) Mills

SIZE STANDARD: 1,250 employees

2.PROCUREMENT SET-ASIDE: 100% Small Business

3.This is a Firm Fixed Price Contract.

4.QUOTES DUE BY: No later than 3:00 pm PST on 11/27/2017

5.ITEMS TO BE PURCHASE:1,120 cases of 30% Recycled Copier Paper, 8 ½ x 11 inch

6.Delivery Date: 30 days after receipt of order


Logistics Resource Center

289 Ft Mervine Place BLDG 235

Presidio of Monterey, CA 93944-3402

FOB: Destination

9.Point of contact for this solicitation is:

Jonathan Iverson

Phone: 831-242-6560


(End of solicitationInformation)

Copier Paper Solicitation


Request for Quote

SCHEDULE B – Pricing Template

Item Number / Descriptions / Quantity / Unit / Unit Price / Amount
0001 / 30% Recycled Copier Paper 8 ½ x 11 inch / 1,120 / CS

SECTION C- Contractor Requirements

1.Systemfor AwardManagement(SAM)Registrationisrequiredin orderfor an offeror toreceive a Governmentcontract, so interestedofferors are highlyencouraged to register.Formoreinformation onthis requirement, please refer to Paragraph k of FAR clause 52.212-1,Instructions to Offerors, and/or visit wereregistered inCCR andORCA, your organization’sinformation is already in SAM. You just need to set upa SAMaccount andmigrate your CCR roles.Formoreinformation on SAM, please visit

2.Vendorsareencouraged to registerwiththeWideAreaWorkflow (WAWF).Paymentwill bemade by electronicfundstransfer throughDefenseFinanceandAccountingServices (DFAS).

Theofferor that is awarded the contractmustfollow the instructions requiredforelectronicsubmission ofinvoicesonWAWF:

3.TheselectedOfferormustcomplywith the followingadditionalFAR CLAUSES:

Clausesmay be found at: or

  1. 252.232-7003 Electronic Submission of PaymentRequest andReceivingReports(MAR2008)
  2. 252.243-7001 Pricing of Contract Modifications (DEC 1991)
  3. 252.244-7000 Subcontracts for Commercial Items (JUN 2013)
  4. 252.246-7000 Material Inspection and Receiving Reports (MAR 2008)
  5. 52.204-7 System for Award Management (OCT 2016)
  6. 52.204-13 System for Award Management Maintenance (JUL 2013)
  7. 52.212-1(b) Instructions to Offerors:Submit signed and dated offers to the office specified in this solicitation at or before the exact time specified in this solicitation. Offers may be submitted on the SF 1449, letterhead stationery, or as otherwise specified in the solicitation. As a minimum, offers must show –

(a)The name, address, and telephone number of the offeror, and;

(b)Price and any discount terms.

  1. 52.212-2 (a)Evaluation-CommercialItems:Thegovernmentwillaward a contractresultingfrom this solicitation to the responsible offeror whose offerconforming to thesolicitationwill be mostadvantageous to the government, price and otherfactorsconsidered.Thefollowingfactorsshall be usedtoevaluateoffers: in order to betechnicallyacceptable,Offerorsmustmeet the followingminimumrequirements:

(a)Must beable to provideallrequireditems,

(b)Mustalso be lowest price,and

(c)Meeting the requireddeliverydate is essential.

  1. 52.212-3 Offeror Representations and Certifications-Commercial Items (MAY 2011)
  2. 52.232-33 Payment by ElectronicFundsTransfer (JUL 2013)
  3. 52.252-1 Solicitation Provisions Incorporated by Reference (Feb 1998):

This solicitation incorporates one or more solicitation provisions by reference, with the same force and effect as if they were given in full text. Upon request, the Contracting Officer will make their full text available. The offeror is cautioned that the listed provisions may include blocks that must be completed by the offeror and submitted with its quotation or offer. In lieu of submitting the full text of those provisions, the offeror may identify the provision by paragraph identifier and provide the appropriate information with its quotation or offer. Also, the full text of a solicitation provision may be accessed electronically at these addresses: or

  1. 52.252-2 Clauses Incorporated by Reference (FEB 1998):

This contract incorporates one or more clauses by reference, with the same force and effect as if they were given in full text. Upon request, the Contracting Officer will make their full text available. Also, the full text of a clause may be accessed electronically at these addresses: or

Copier Paper Solicitation


Request for Quote



Ifyou have complaintsabout this procurement, itis preferable that you firstattempt to resolvethose concernswith the responsiblecontractingofficer.However, you can also protest toHeadquarters,AMC. The HQ,AMC-LevelProtestProgramis intended toencourage interestedparties toseekresolution oftheir concernswithinAMC as an AlternativeDisputeResolutionforum,rather than filinga protestwith the GovernmentAccountabilityOffice or otherexternalforum. Contractawardor performance is suspended duringthe protest to the same extent, andwithinthesametime periods, as if filed at theGAO.The AMCprotest decisiongoalis toresolve protestswithin20working days from filing.To be timely, protests must be filedwithinthe periodsspecified in FAR 33.103.Ifyou want to file a protest underthe AMC-LevelProtestProgram, the protestmustrequestresolutionunderthatprogramand be sent tothe addressbelow. All other agency-levelprotests should be senttothe contractingofficerforresolution.

HQ ArmyMaterialCommandOffice of Command Counsel

9301 ChapekRd, Room 2-1SE3401Ft.Belvoir,VA 22060-5527

Facsimilenumber (703)806-8866 or 8875

Packagessent by FedEx or UPS should be addressed to:HQ ArmyMaterialCommand

Office of Command CounselRoom2-1SE3401

1412 JacksonLoop

Ft.Belvoir,VA 22060-5527

TheAMC-LevelProtest proceduresarefound at:

If internetaccess is notavailable,contact the contractingofficer or HQ,AMC to obtain theAMC-LevelProtestProcedures.

(End of Clause)
PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS: Paymentwill be made by:





a.An invoice is a writtenrequest forpayment under the contractforsuppliesdelivered or forservicesrendered. The Contractorshallsubmit an invoiceforpayment in accordancewith thepaymentinstructions of thiscontract and the WideAreaWorkflow (WAWF)Instructions.If theinvoice does not complywithcontractrequirements, it willbe returnedwithin seven (7) daysafter the date the designatedbillingofficereceived the invoice.

b.TheContractorshallsubmitinvoices and supportingdocumentationutilizingtheWideAreaWorkflow COMBOtype invoiceforservices/supplies.TheContractor’sinvoiceshall beby lineitemnumbershown on the bid schedule.

c.Uponacceptance ofa proper invoice,payments ofservices renderedwill be made byElectronicFundsTransfer(EFT) inaccordance withFAR Clause 52.232-33,Payment byElectronicFundsTransfer – Central Contractor Registration(October2003). Instructionsforsubmittingan invoice andreceiptdocumentsforpayment byEFT are as follows:

(1)Contractor: Submit invoices throughWAWF. TheContractOfficeRepresentative(COR)will be the primary point of contact and theContract Specialist (KS)will bethesecondary point of contactregardinginvoices.

(2)COR: Receive and accept the invoice in WAWF within seven (7) days ofcontractor’s submission for services.

Copier Paper Solicitation


Request for Quote


(a)Definitions.As used in this clause--

Department of DefenseActivityAddressCode(DoDAAC) is a six position code that uniquelyidentifies aunit, activity, or organization.

Document type means the type of payment request or receivingreportavailableforcreationinWideAreaWorkflow (WAWF).

Localprocessingoffice(LPO) is the officeresponsibleforpaymentcertificationwhenpaymentcertificationis done external tothe entitlementsystem.

(b)Electronicinvoicing.TheWAWF systemis themethod to electronically process vendorpayment requests andreceivingreports, as authorized by DFARS 252.232-7003, ElectronicSubmission of PaymentRequestsandReceivingReports.

(c)WAWF access. ToaccessWAWF, the Contractorshall--

(1)Have a designatedelectronicbusinesspointof contact intheSystemfor AwardManagementat and

(2)Beregistered to use WAWF at the step-by-stepproceduresforself-registrationavailable at thisWeb site.

(d)WAWF training.The Contractor should follow the traininginstructions oftheWAWFWeb-BasedTrainingCourseand use the PracticeTrainingSitebeforesubmittingpayment requeststhrough WAWF.Both can be accessed by selecting the “WebBasedTraining”link ontheWAWF home page at

(e)WAWFmethods of documentsubmission.Documentsubmissionsmay be via Web entry,ElectronicDataInterchange, or File TransferProtocol.

(f)WAWFpaymentinstructions.TheContractormust use thefollowinginformationwhensubmittingpayment requests andreceivingreports in WAWF for this contract/order:

(1)Document type. The Contractorshalluse the followingdocument type(s).


(2)Inspection/acceptancelocation.TheContractorshallselect the followinginspection/acceptancelocation(s) inWAWF, asspecified bythe contractingofficer.


(3)Documentrouting.TheContractorshall use theinformation in the RoutingDataTablebelowonly to fillinapplicable fields in WAWFwhencreatingpayment requests and receivingreportsin the system.



FieldNamein WAWFData to be enteredin WAWF


PayOfficial DoDAACHQ0490

Issue ByDoDAACW9124N


Inspect ByDoDAACW90JXL



(4)Payment requestandsupporting documentation.TheContractorshallensure a paymentrequest includesappropriatecontractlineitemand subline itemdescriptions ofthe workperformed or suppliesdelivered,unit price/costper unit, fee (if applicable),and all relevantback-up documentation,as defined inDFARS Appendix F,(e.g.timesheets) in support ofeachpayment request.

(5)WAWFemailnotifications.The Contractorshallenter theemailaddressidentified belowinthe “SendAdditionalEmailNotifications”fieldof WAWF once a document is submitted in thesystem.

To be provided at time of award

(g)WAWF point of contact.(1)The Contractor may obtain clarificationregardinginvoicinginWAWFfrom the followingcontractingactivity'sWAWF point of contact.

To be provided at time of award

(h)FortechnicalWAWF help, contacttheWAWF helpdesk at 866-618-5988.

(End of clause)