
Nanaimo Flying Club General Meeting

15 May 2011

The meeting was called to order at 0935 by Barbara Riddy. 27 Members were present.

1.  Minutes of Last Meetings

Moved by Doug Wakefield: that the Minutes of the 17 Apr 11 meeting be accepted.

Seconded by Art Gast. Carried

2.  Executive Meeting Report

The Executive decided not to renew the service contract with QT Technologies for the fuel terminal. The contract options are expensive, the terminal is quite new, and it was considered cost-effective to pay the hourly rate if problems with the terminal are encountered.

Other items discussed by the Executive will be covered in the appropriate agenda items below.

3.  Financial

The Treasurer’s monthly report was deferred until the next meeting due to software problems encountered in preparing the report.

Given that the costs of the Air Show are not fully known, and that the Club is facing a large expense for a fuel dump before end-June, and thus there is a risk of running out of cash before revenues from the Air Show come in, the following financial changes were made:

Moved by Darrle Schlitz: that the Club open a high-yield savings account with the Credit Union. Seconded by Art Gast. Carried

Moved by Ron Whyte: that the Club terminate its environmental and contingency term deposits and transfer the proceeds to the high-yield savings account.

Seconded by Bob Lepschi Carried

Moved by Ron Whyte: that the Club transfer $20,000 from the high-yield savings account to the chequing account. This money is to be repaid to the high-yield savings account after revenue from the air show comes in. Seconded by Bob Lepschi. Carried

Moved by Ron Whyte: that the Club make available $10,000 to the Fly-in organizers to cover pre-event expenses. Seconded by Lois Gast Carried

An invoice for $1700 for T-shirts for the air show was received. Moved by Darrle Schlitz: that the invoice for $1700 be paid. Seconded by Ron Whyte. Carried

4.  Committee Reports

a.  Building – Darrle Schlitz

Darrle reported that repairs to the building and fascia have been completed at a cost of about $4670, slightly under the estimate of $5000. Darrle thanked the volunteers who participated in this effort.

Members expressed their appreciation to the volunteers who gave of their time, effort and skills to repair the fascia and renovate the Clubhouse; and to Darrle in particular for his efforts in leading all the work.

b. Parking – Bob Lepschi

Arrangements are being made to move tied down aircraft to another location during Wings and Wheels. This move will accommodate visiting aircraft and make room for displays and activities.

Bob has developed a new parking arrangement to accommodate more aircraft. It is intended to adopt this new arrangement when planes move back after Wings and Wheels. The new arrangement has been posted on the notice board and Bob will contact individual owners to confirm the move and rearrangement.

c.  Social – Mike Wilkey (absent)

Doug Sowden was awarded the prize for identifying the mystery airplane in the latest edition of Av-Gass. (It was an F2F.)

d.  Membership – Ken Griffith (absent)

Moved by Al Brust: that a Membership application from Don Louden be accepted.

Seconded by Ron Whyte. Carried

e.  Av-Gass – Al Brust

Submissions are welcome any time at

f. Fuel – Al Brust.

Fuel sold during April: 10,785 litres.

Fuel available as of 30 April 2011: 32,345 litres

Al noted that our fuel is apparently the cheapest in the province at the moment. In the last month he has arranged two small fuel dumps and there will be another dump before 30 June.

5. Announcements and Coming Events

a.  Fly-ins:

June 3-5 Nanaimo. NFC Wings ‘n Wheels http://www.nanaimoflyingclub.org/

June 11 Qualicum. Airport Appreciation Day. Paul Connor. 250-752-3427

June 24-26 Langley. COPA AGM. Tim Cole. 604-299-0806

July 3 Texada Island Fly-in. No contact information

July 16 Princeton. Princeton Air Show. www.princetonairshow.ca

July 16-17 Nimpo Lake. BC Floatplane Association AGM and Fly-in.

July 6 Nelson. Annual Flight-fest.

August 13 Oliver. Annual Fly-in Breakfast.

- Arlington Fly-in, Arlington, WA. 6-10 Jul http://www.arlingtonflyin.org/

- EAA Airventure, Oshkosh, WI. 25-31 Jul http://www.airventure.org/

- Abbotsford Air Show, Abbotsford. 12-14 Aug http://www.abbotsfordairshow.com/

- Reno Air Races. Reno, NV. 14-18 Sep http://www.airrace.org/indexJS.php

- AOPA Summit. Hartford, Conn, 22-24 Sep http://www.aopa.org/summit/

b.  the COPA Flight 91 meeting will be held immediately following this meeting.

c.  the guest speaker, Les Mitchell of the Aerobatic Club of BC, will follow lunch today.

d.  new RCO frequencies are posted on the notice board. New air-air frequencies for training areas including Duncan are also posted

e.  new Vancouver VTA and VNC charts were effective on 5 May.

6.  Old Business

a.  Status of Lease Negotiations

The lease has been finalized and signed.

b. Bylaw Review

The proposed changes to the Bylaws will be voted on at the 19 June meeting

c. NFC Wings ‘n Wheels 3-5 June 2011

Plans include a recurrency seminar by Vital Aviation on 3 June at 1300, followed by a BBQ hosted by the Nanaimo Airport Commission at 1600; an airshow and dinner/dance on 4 June, and a pancake breakfast and COPA for Kids flights on 5 June (pilot briefing at 0900, passenger briefing at 0930, certificate presentation at about 1130).

d. YCD ILS 16

The issue is the desire to have an ILS approach published in the Canada Air Pilot (CAP) (making it available to all pilots) as opposed to it being in just the Restricted CAP and thus available only to designated operators such as Jazz.

The problem is that the missed approach does not meet the obstacle clearance criteria for inclusion in the regular CAP. The solution is to have two minima – one for inclusion in the CAP and the other (lower) for inclusion in the Restricted CAP.

Nav Canada is aware of this situation and is trying to find a solution, but it involves getting the suppliers of GPS data bases (such as Jeppesen) to provide two approaches (with different minima) to the same runway. This may take some time. No further action will be taken by NFC.

Thanks to Autumn Umanetz for pursuing this and getting a reply from Nav Canada, which is

posted on the notice board.

7.  New Business

a. Proposed parking configuration.

Discussed at paragraph 4b above.

b. Upstairs Office

CASARA made a proposal to rent the upstairs office for an extended period at a low rent. Before the Executive could fully consider the proposal and before any discussions took place CASARA withdrew the offer.

c.  Air Cadets

Ken Welte described the benefits of the Air Cadet program. He also:

-  invited Members to attend the 205 (Collishaw) Air Cadet Squadron Annual Cadet review at 1300 on May 29. The event will take place at the Nanaimo military base on Nanaimo Lakes Road.

-  invited Club Members to donate flying time to take Air Cadets for familiarization flights. Details on how this is to be done will be provided by Adam O’Connell of 205 (Collishaw) Air Cadet Squadron.


Sigmund Sort is a candidate for BC/Yukon Director. He described his qualifications and what he would seek to accomplish if elected.

Information on all candidates and on-line voting instructions are at www.copanational.org

On-line voting closes on 3 June.

e. Pop/Beer Machine

The President stated that the Club would move to monthly accounting for beer/pop machine sales and inventory.

f.  Pool table cover

Moved by Doug Sowden: that $103 be provided for a new pool table cover.

Seconded by Darrle Schlitz Carried

h. Clean-up

Darrle Schlitz will put out an announcement for volunteers for a general clean-up, grass-mowing, etc. prior to the fly-in.

8. Next Meeting Date

19 June 2011

Executive Meeting 0900

General Meeting 0930

9. Adjournment Moved by Ron Whyte: that the meeting be adjourned.

Seconded by Art Gast. Carried

The meeting was adjourned at 1042.

Doug Wakefield


Guest Speaker

Thanks to Les Mitchell, Aerobatic Club of BC, for an interesting presentation on flying and judging aerobatics. http://www.bc-aerobatics.com/

Thanks, as always, to those responsible for arranging the luncheon.


15 May 11