Cooper Mountain PTO

General MeetingProposed Minutes

Meeting Date: October 27th 2015

Time: 7:07 pm

Location: Library


Danielle KrakowieckiTammy Eck Rohnda CarnellRenaeNylanderHolly Stanfill

Kathleen Kasey Diya Khothule Kristin LeMonLauren PearsonJennifer Westerland

Misa NikonovSarah Miles Erica Wichmann Melissa Hallnor Dina Hersey

Welcome and Call to Order

Kathleen called the meeting to order at 7:07pm

Minutes: Review of minutes from Maymeeting

Becky motioned to approve minutes

Jennifer Westerland2nd motioned

Officer’s Reports

President’s Report Kathleen Kasey

Cougar run recap: $25,210.53 was raised an additional $500.00 will be coming in as well from Intel.

Harvest Festival recap: additional monitors will be needed for any events held in the gym.

Movie tickets sales are down from last year thisyears sales were roughly $700 last years were $1,200.00

Auction funds update: No date for the installation of the funnels or water bottle as of yet. As far as technology we

Are looking at the cost to be between $13,000.00 - $11,998.00 . That is for 20 iPad airs, 20 cases, 7 chrome books a


President Elect Diya Kholthule

Spoke with Danielle Grigsby our social/raffle chair potential dates to hold event will be either May 13rd or June 3rd

Treasurer’s Report Danielle Krakowiecki

Checking $34,748.82

Savings $5,014.06

Project Account $15,894.27

PayPal (cougar Run) $2972.61

Dining for Dollars brought in $844.41

Popcorn sales are still coming in

Tax return will be filed next month and will run us around $500-$600.00

Media Secretary Rachel Vinson

Rachel was not in attendance

Event Volunteer Coordinator Rebecca Stein

Vision screening is 10/28

Parent teacher conferences are this week, lasagna was ordered for the staff’s meal. Plenty of volunteers signed up on help counter to bring in sides etc.


Classroom Volunteer Coordinator Rhonda Carnell

So far 46 people have already gone through the background check with Volunteer Impact. Roll out will be January 4th.

Principal’s ReportKristin LeMon

  • Harvest festival will require more volunteers in the future and we will need to focus on safety and school rules still applying at this event and any other held on school property.
  • Smarter balanced reports posted. Overview of school performance compared to like schools in the state of Oregon.

New/old business

Ready Northwest PresentationEdward Colson

Overview: Safety preparedness for each classroom which would contain one pouch per child and teacher.

These pouches would be personalized with food, water, emergency contacts , medications or health

concerns listed. There would be a cost per kit and per child. Risk management has approved Ready


Greater Giving Kathleen Kasey

Will be cancelled, unanimously agreed upon

Sandwich Board Kathleen Kasey

Ordered and should be delivered within the week. Any event chairs will have access to the board for event reminders or promotions.

Committee Reports

Dining for Dollars Sarah Miles

November 19th Panda Express

November 29th Coffee Addicts

McMenamins called back for a possible event to be scheduled sometime in spring

5th grade fundraising Chipotle dining for dollars is the next event however more events are in the works.

Gingerbread NightMelissa Hallnor

Save the dates will go out in the next newsletter. Two gift cards $25 each one from Aloha Costco and one from

Tigard were donated and will be used to purchase supplies. Next icing will be ordered and the 5th grade will sell

bags of candy to decorate the gingerbread houses for the event.


Misa Motioned at 8:25 pm

Becky Stein 2nd