Cook Islands Activity Management
Te Tarai Vaka
Activity Concept Note:[Activity Title]
Provide a short description of the proposed activity. Include indicative budget and note if this is a Cook Islands or development partner led project.
[ All instructional text can be deleted ]
Background and Rationale
Where did the concept come from?
Briefly explain the problem and context for the activity, including what has been done in the past.
- How does the activity support National development plans/ministry business plans/NIIP/Pa Enua Development plans, or other national/sector policies?
- Identify any findings or lessons learned that are relevant to the proposed activity.
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Activity Purpose and Description
Activity Purpose and Expected Results
What is the overall purpose of the activity?
- Briefly describe what the activity intends to achieve.
- What are the NSDP goal/s linked to the activity, outcomes, and outputs.
- Sector and focus area/s, location, islands/village, etc. and beneficiary population.
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NSDP Goal/s / [ ]Outcomes / [ ]
Outputs / [ ]
Sector and focus area/s / [ ]
Location (islands/village) / [ ]
Key Beneficiaries / [ ]
Indicative Budget
Outline the indicative budget and how value for money has been or will be taken into consideration (refer to Value for Money Guideline). Include indicative funding for the lifetime of the activity, and any estimated maintenance costs beyond activity completion.
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Risks and Mitigation
Have the activity risks been considered? Briefly list potential risks and mitigation strategies, and assign a risk rating (high, medium, or low). Will the activity require an Activity Risk Register (developed in the planning stage for complex activities)? Refer to Activity Risk Guideline and Activity Risk Register Template.
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Environmental and Social Safeguards
List any potential environmental and social impacts and assign a provisional category: A, B,or C. Refer to safeguards categories in theEnvironmental and Social Safeguards Framework.
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Activity Plan
Will the activity require a complex plan/project design? If not, skip to the next section - Implementation.
Planning Process
Outline the proposed activity planning process. Include:
- How this planning process will be governed and managed including how partners, key stakeholders and beneficiaries will be engaged.
- Can the activity plan/design be carried out in-house or does it require technical assistance?
- Timeframes for the plan/design process; including feasibility study, development of the results framework, procurement plan, and detailed design for construction projects.
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Approach to Activity Implementation
Outline the steps required for implementation, e.g. procurement and contracting, inception report, convening a steering group, etc.
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Governance/Co-ordination Arrangements
- Who will lead on design/implementation – i.e. what agency or division. If a joint activity with another partner, how will they engage?
- Outline existing governance/coordination arrangements in the sector/area and how this activity will be integrated or coordinated with existing mechanisms.
- Identify other major activities being implemented in the sector or area of focus, identify any potential links with partners and how coordination will be promoted in the design.
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Stakeholder Consultations and Discussions
Briefly outline the key discussions which have already taken place in relation to the proposed activity including:
- Who has been consulted and is supportive of the concept(e.g. Government department, NGO, private sector, etc.)? What buy-in exists?
- Advice provided by central agencies to date (e.g. MFEM or DCD -financial arrangements, OPM –NSDP priorities and key policies).
- Other stakeholders relevant to implementation
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Prepared by :Ministry, Agency/ Dept:
Cook Islands Activity Management: Concept Note Template || 1