Conus xanthicus Dall,1910

Picture Link: Holotype in USNM Mike Filmer

Picture Link:Image from the LACM collection, picture taken by J. Tucker

Picture Link:Image from the LACM collection, picture taken by J. Tucker

Picture Link:Image from the LACM collection, picture taken by J. Tucker

Picture Link: C & S Shell Auction

Radula Picture: Manuel TenorioRolán

Published in: Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. xxxviii, p. 225
Ocean geography:Eastern Pacific
Type Locality: Off Guaymas, Mexico
Type Data: Holotype in USNM deposited and catalogued
Type Size:42x22.5mm
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: A valid species
Current Group Names:-
Synonyms:-chrysocestus Berry, 1968
Geographic Range:-Sea of Cortez, W. Mexico - Honduras; Galapagos
Habitat:-Deep Water

Original description

Shell biconic with a low, slightly turreted spire, straight sides and about 10 whorls; surface of whorls on the spire evenly excavated, smooth or with two or three faint spiral striae in the channel; sides of the shell straight, smooth with very faint indication of obsolete striation, striae rather distant; near the channel there are, as usual, a few spiral cords; outer lip straight, receding to the sinus at each extremity; ground color of the shell white with broad brownish yellow irregular areas so disposed as to indicate three irregular white spiral areas, one near the channel, one at about the middle of the side and the third somewhat in front of the shoulder. No pattern on the shoulder
Source Walls
Moderately light in weight, with a good gloss and waxy texture; low conical, the upper sides nearly parallel then straight to base; basal ridges and axial growth marks; shoulder broad, carinate, concave above; spire low/moderate, sharply pointed, the sides concave; early whorls nodulose, slightly stepped becoming undulate; body whorl deep orange tan to bright yellow, sometimes with greenish tint; two distinct bands of white blotches at midbody shoulder; midbody band wider sometimes continuous or narrow axial flammules or narrow spiral line; margin of shoulder narrowly white with axial flammules; spire white, heavily checkered with orange brown to yellowish; early whorls pale; aperture moderately narrow, uniform; outer lip thin, straight; mouth white; columella internal
Discussion:-Was considered juvenile of C.fergusoni; but it is thicker heavier with rounded shoulder and lacks spiral banding.


Conus xanthocinctus Petuch, 1980

Picture Link: Holotype in MORG John Tucker

Picture Link: Paul Kersten

Published in: Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. xcix, no. 1, p. 13, f. 11 & 12
Ocean geography:West Atlantic and Caribbean
Type Locality: Cabo Frio, Rio de Janiero, Brazil; trawled in 100 m.
Type Data: Holotype in MORG deposited and catalogued
Type Size:47x22mm
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: Synonym colour form of ConuslemniscatusReeve, 1849
Current Group Names:-
Genus:-LamniconusSpecies:-lemniscatusxanthocinctus forma
Synonyms:- There are no junior synonyms
Geographic Range:-Brazil
Habitat:-Found at depths of 35 to100m.
Description:-Source Original description
Shell elongate, slender, thin and fragile; spire protracted, stepped; body whorl and spire smooth, shiny; shoulder only slightly produced, rounded, anterior end of shell with few weak spiral striae; aperture narrow; shell color bright golden-yellow with three darker; orange-yellow bands, one just below shoulder, one around mid-body, and one around anterior end; mid-body band darkest, deep orange colored; bands overlaid with 12-14 spiral rows of brown dashes and scattered white flammules; spire golden-yellow with numerous crescent-shaped tan flammules; shoulder and suture of spire whorls ornamented with bands of alternating dark tan and white flammules; interior of aperture pale golden colored; periostracum thin:, smooth, translucent yellow; operculum -small, oval
Discussion:-This distinctive new species could only be confused with the sympatric C. clenchi Martins, 1943, and then only in general shell shape. The bright golden color bands arid characteristic shoulder coloration readily separates C. xanthocinctus from C.clenchi.
Now considered by some authors a synonym of C.lemniscatus.


Conus xhosa Veldsman, 2016

Picture Link: Holotype in NMSA Original Description

Published in: Malacologia no. 92, July 2016; p. 28-30, fig. 6 & 7
Ocean geography: South Africa
Type Locality:Fish River mouth &Southern East Coast Sub-Province, East Coast Province, South Africa
Type Data: Holotype in NMSA deposited and catalogued
Type Size: 21.59 x 12.80 mm
Nomenclature: an available name

Taxonomy: A form of SciteconusbrianhayesiKorn, 2001 or valid species
Current Group Names:-
Geographic Range:-South Africa
Habitat:-Dredged on 110 m on sand
Description:-Source original description
Shell small, heavy; profile broadly conical; shoulder rounded convex and smooth. Spire very low, slightly stepped to smooth with a sharp nipple-like-protoconch with a moderately deep suture. Thin ridges close to suture on inner part of the spire whorl brown to orange markings on spire. The basal third has very fine ribs around the body whorl. Moderately broad aperture with very rounded convex lip. The background color is off-white to cream. Thin evenly-spacedorange spotted bands around body whorl. No markings on or below shoulder. Thick orange band consisting of a zig-zag like pattern around the middle of the shell.
Discussion:-C. xhosa is found in a very localized area, in the northern Transkei region of South Africa. They are a deep-water species , being dredged from about 70 to 100m deep. They are only known from a very restricted area at present.


Conus xicoi Röckel, 1987

Picture Link: Paratype MNHN Mike Filmer
Picture Link: Paul Kersten

Radula Picture: Manuel TenorioEmilio Rolán

Published in: Publ. Ocas. Soc. Port. Malac. no. 9, p. 45, f. 1a-d, 1a. c
Ocean geography:East Atlantic and West Africa
Type Locality: Santiago Beach, Angola; intertidal. rock or sand.
Type Data: Holotype in NMSF deposited and catalogued
Type Size:25.5x14.7mm
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: A valid species
Current Group Names:-
Synonyms:- There are no junior synonyms
Geographic Range:-Angola
Habitat:-Intertidal from very low water down to the surge zone, in rock crevices or between rocks, partly buried in sand.
Description:-Source Original description
Shell description: Small to moderately small, moderately solid, Last whorl broadly and ventricosely conical; outline convex at adapical third, straight or slightly concave below. Aperture moderate, wider at base than near shoulder. Shoulder angulate and smooth. Spire of low to moderate height with straight, sometimes slightly convex outline. Teleoconch sutural ramps flat with numerous striae, crossed by axial threads. First 4- 5 postnuclear whorls with 2 stronger spiral grooves, perceptible in juvenile specimens only. Surface smooth and slightly glossy with about 10 narrow spiral grooves at base. Periostracum yellowish, thick and only partially translucent, with slightly tufted spiral lines.
Ground colour bluish white with two small lighter spiral bands at centre and shoulder. Dark brown reticular pattern leaving spiral rows of bluish-white axial streaks as well as fine irregular ziczac-lines and flammules. Occasionally specimens may be completely brown with scattered light spiral bands at centre and shoulder. Aperture dark brown with a light margin; deeper inside light violet
Shell morphometry:
L 22-32 mm
RD 0.70-0.81
RSH 0.10 -0.18
PMD 0.76-0.84
RW 0.10-0.16 g/mm


Conusximenes Gray, 1839

Picture Link: Lectotype in NHMUK Mike Filmer

Picture Link: Paul Kersten

Radula Picture: Manuel Tenorio Emilio Rolán

Published in: Zool. Beechey's Voyage, p. 119
Ocean geography:Eastern Pacific
Type Locality: Panama
Type Data: Lectotype in NHMUK deposited and catalogued

Type Size:40x19mm
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: A valid species
Current Group Names:-
Synonyms:- interruptusBroderipSowerby, 1829; triggiCotton, 1945
Geographic Range:-Sea of Cortez, W. Mexico - Peru; Galapagos
Description:-Source Walls
Moderately heavy with a good gloss; low conical, the upper sides slightly convex; basal ridges and widely spaced punctate grooves on lower third extending in juveniles; shoulder broad, roundly angled, not carinate; spire moderate, sharply pointed, the sides concave; body white to pale straw covered with many spiral rows of small squarish brown spots; tendency to develop blotches around midbody; shoulder with large rounded spots;spire covered with brown oval spots or patternless except for brown dots on margins; early whorls eroded white; aperture moderately narrow, widening; outer lip thick,straight; mouth lavender; columella narrow, not distinct;
Discussion:-No Data


Copyright Paul Kersten. Rights to all images remains with the originator.Every effort has been made by the editor to respect copyright and image rights and to seek the appropriate approvals. The source of any text quoted from original descriptions or other publications is acknowledged. Acknowledgements and References can be viewed by clicking on the links provided. Should you have any queries or material which would improve the content of the website, you may contact the author at the E mail address on home page.

Last update April 2014