Western School of Technology and Environmental Science
Contract for Regional, State, and National
SkillsUSA Competitions
As a member of SkillsUSA, we would like to offer you the opportunity to represent Western in participating in the regional, state, and national SkillsUSA competitions. We are looking forward to another great season of competition and we are happy that you have decided to participate. Competition involves a lot of hard work and commitment, not only on the part of the student, but also on their teacher and parents. But we believe that with you as part of the Western team, we will have another winning season!
Please read the following contract carefully, sign, and return it no later than December 19, 2014.
Regional Competition Date: February 7, 2015 (Carroll County Career and Tech Center/ Sollers Point High School)
State Competition Date: April 18, 2015 (CAT North, North County HS, Stratford University)
National Competition Date: June 22-26, 2015 (Louisville, Kentucky)
Competition Rules and Regulations
§ SkillsUSA students are proactive by nature, which only increases their success at competition. YOU must take the reins of responsibility and drive your own success. Students are to locate, read, and talk with their program teacher about the competition they wish to enter.
§ Students are to inform their program teacher of any materials they may need and are responsible to purchase materials if not available through their program.
§ Students are to inform their program teacher of any uniform needs for the competition they wish to enter in a timely manner so they may be purchased if needs be.
§ Students will be required to sign a uniform contract stating that they will care for uniforms borrowed for competition. Students may be charged for any damage or loss to uniforms.
§ PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT!!! Students are to schedule times with their program teacher in order to gain knowledge about the competition, practice skills, and get materials together. It is suggested that a minimum of five practice sessions should be scheduled for increased success.
§ Check the mdskills.org website for regional contest updates as soon as March 1st to stay current with any new contest information for your area. Should a student compete at the national contest, they should check skillsusa.org twice a week to look for contest updates.
§ Transportation to and from Western, the contest sites, and closing ceremonies for regional and state competitions are the responsibility of the student and parents.
§ All students competing are to attend closing ceremonies on the date of competition to support the Western team and be present to accept medals won.
§ All information from Chef Christhilf will be administered through Edmodo. Chef Christhilf requires that you register your cellphone to get Edmodo updates so you are current with any and all information.
DISCIPLINARY ACTION: SkillsUSA members are the best of the best in Career and Technical programs and are held to a high standard. Should a competitor demonstrate inappropriate behavior/actions towards any teacher, staff member, or student, be suspended/expelled, or have excessive absences or tardiness, Chef Christhilf reserves the right to take a student out of competition. The student will be responsible for any registration fees that may be lost due to any of the issues stated above.
Western SkillsUSA must pay $25 for each student competing at the regional level and $90 for each student at the state level. All competitors must pay a $25 registration fee (payable to Western School of Technology) in order to compete in the regional and state competitions. This fee is due when returning this contract and is non-refundable. Should a student not compete at the state level, for whatever reason, they are responsible for the entire registration fee, payable to Western School of Technology. If these fees are not paid, it will become an outstanding obligation that must be satisfied before the end of the current school year.
National Competition:
Should a student earn a gold medal at the state level and wish to pursue a medal at national competition, they are required to pay their airfare to the national contest site. Western will pay for all registration and lodging fees. The student may raise funds through community organizations, personal/business donations, church fundraisers, etc. Western School of Technology will hold fundraisers to offset registration/hotel fees for student competitors. If sufficient monies have not been raised, then it is the responsibility of the student to supply the rest of the monies needed to compete at the national level.
This agreement is entered into between ______(Student’s name),
______(Parent’s name), and Western School of Technology. We have read the
rules and regulations as specified as above in order to compete in any SkillsUSA competition. We understand that
participation is a privilege and not a right. We understand the expectation to perform according to this contract and
the group rules and penalties may occur, which could include dismissal from competition, if not in accordance with any of
the statements above.
Student signature: ______Date: ______
Printed student name:______
Student email address: ______Cellphone #: ______
Parent signature: ______Date: ______
Printed parent name:______
Parent email address: ______Cellphone #: ______
Signed: ______
Chef Lisa Christhilf
SkillsUSA Advisor