Continuous ImprovementPolicy and Procedure


ARC Training is committed to providing quality training and assessment services and demonstrates this commitment by improving on and maintaining compliant training and assessment delivery. This policy and procedure outlines how ARC Training recognises the need to implement improvements and responds to changing requirements.


This policy applies toall aspects of training delivery and services provided to all clients, students, employees and third parties acting on behalf of ARC Training.


Continuous Improvement / Always maintaining a commitment to make changes which provide a better training and assessment service


To ensure ARC Training continues to review and enhance its service provided whilst maintaining compliance with changes to standards, regulations and legislation. This policy and procedure meets the Standards for National VET Regulator (NVR) RTOs 2012/ Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015, other State and Commonwealth Government funding requirements and all relevant legislation.


ARC Training endeavours to activelyimprove its service, on an ongoing basis and ensure all updates to requirements are implemented in a timely manner. To improve services students, staff and clients are encouraged to provide feedback via surveys and completion of internal continuous improvement request forms.

All matters raised for continuous improvement will be reviewed by the ARC Training Continuous Improvement Committee. This Committee meets to review and implement improvements on a bimonthly basis. The committee consists of the Administration ManagerCEO, the National TrainingTraining Delivery Manager and the Administration and Compliance Manager. Compliance Coordinators.


Monitoring feedback from students and clients

  1. During the course of training a participant questionnaire will be provided to students (in the case of trainees also provided to employers) for completion at the finalisation of training.
  2. Trainers encourage students (and employers of trainees)to complete and return these surveys as a means of receiving feedback about the training service provided. All surveys remain anonymous.
  3. Once received the surveys are filed electronically. Any complaints or suggestions that are identified by the Administration Student Engagement staffTeamare brought to the attention of the Administration and Compliance Manager and the Training Delivery Manager.
  4. The Administration and Compliance Manager will complete a continuous improvement request form where applicable.

Continuous Improvement requests

  1. Where a need for an improvement is identified a continuous improvement request form will be completed and given to the Administration and Compliance Manager.
  2. Continuous improvement requests are logged on a register and evaluated for implementation by the continuous improvement committee bi monthly.
  3. Progress of requests are monitored by the Administration and Compliance ManagerCompliance Team.

Continuous Improvement Maintaining Compliance

  1. ARC Training identifies changes to standards, requirements and legislation through its membership of ACPET, VELG and subscriptions to updates from ASQA, VETR and State government funding providers/ regulators.
  2. All changes to training provision regulations will be recorded on a continuous improvement request form and managed by the Administration and Compliance Manager and Compliance Team.
  3. Continuous improvement requests are logged on a register and evaluated for implementation by the continuous improvement committee bi monthly.
  1. Progress of requests are monitored by the Administration and Compliance ManagerManager and Compliance Team.

Requirements of Standards for National VET Regulator (NVR) RTOs 2012/ Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015

ARC Training understands that all procedures must comply with the Standards for National VET Regulator (NVR) RTOs 2012/ Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015, the Work Health and Safety Act 2011, State and Commonwealth funding requirements and all other applicable legislation.

Train Australia Continuous Improvement Policy and Procedure v1.21July 2017October 2015 page 1