Take the Date Night Challenge!
Challenge couples in your church to go on 4 Dates/4 Weeks during the month of August.

The first date is planned for you; a fun, live comedy event.
Sponsored by Every Marriage Matters

We’ve done all the work so that you can offer a fun encouraging event for couples at your church that will benefit their relationships. It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3!

  1. Go to Datenightpdx.org and download posters and postcards to print and display(under Resources)
  2. Schedule some announcements on Sundays that send couples to the website to buy tickets and sign up to take the challenge!
  3. Go on a date and have fun! (Date ideas also included on the website)

OR…. Stream the Comedy Event live to your location!

Web Streaming Instructions:

  1. Verify with your Internet service provider (ISP) that the bandwidth of the Internet signal they furnish is adequate to assure smooth, uninterrupted streaming.
  2. Begin planning the event for couples at your location and decide if you will offer childcare. Seek a lay couple to volunteer their leadership of Date Night Challenge. Download and display posters and postcards from datenightpdx.org. Promote via announcements, email, Facebook.
  3. Purchase the password to streaming content, based on your church attendance: Under 100 attendees/Free, 100 – 250 attendees/$200, 250 and greater/$300

Promotion schedule:

Sunday, July 5:Briefly share with your congregation that dating will impact their marriage, encouraging them to plan for the 4 Dates/4 Weeks challenge in August, and the benefit you’ve noticed in dating.Have ushers hand out the Date Night PDX postcard as couples leave morning services or have placed as bulletin inserts that week.

Sunday, July 19:Share an experience from one of your dates with your congregation. Play a Comedy Night brief video clip.If you are hosting Comedy Night event have a sign-up available after services.Promote Comedy Night by handing out one of the resourcesfrom EveryMarriageMatters.org or datenightpdx.org.

Sunday, July 26:Share with your congregation the impact dating has had on your marriage. Encourage couples to join the 4 Dates/4 Weeks by signing the challenge on the reverse side of the DateNight PDX flyer or on the website. Play another Comedy Night brief video clip.

STREAMING VIDEO at your church:

It is highly recommended that you verify your ability to receive the signal by doing a check of your system during City Bible Church services (9:00 and 11:00 am) at live.citybiblechurch.org before you commit to Internet streaming.

The event starts at 7:00 pm, with preliminary guest interaction as they arrive beginning at 6:30. You will receive an internet password that will open streaming video content beginning at 6:15 pm, closing down at 8:40 pm.

Assure your projector bulb is in good condition and the filters have been cleaned recently.It is highly recommended that you have a computer monitor set to receive the streaming signal to assure thesignal is being received before it is being projected.

City Bible will have an AV technician available via cell phone to assist in the diagnosis of any transmissionproblems.

Questions? e-mail them to Tom Dressel at .

Options for you to learn more: Skim the research article The Date Night Opportunity

for understanding the impact of dating.