Stanford Support Program Continuing Education Units Worksheet 2016-17 for

EDUC465 - National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Support Program

Please submit this worksheet with your registration form and payment upon completing the support program.

Stanford will award up to 10 quarter graduate level continuing education units for attendance at the National Board Candidate Support Program at Stanford and for participating in the National Board Certification process. Please note that continuing education units are not Masters level units. While continuing education units often contribute toward professional development credit and can be counted toward increases on district salary scales, each district treats continuing education units according to its own negotiated agreements.

Name of participant: ______Certificate Area: ______

Part I. Support sessions at Stanford University

We keep a record of your attendance at Stanford Support Meetings. Please have your support provider verify your attendance at the end of the program by initialing in the column marked SP Init. The maximum number of units available for attendance is 3.

Part II. Small group independent meetings

Please keep a record of your attendance at small group meetings outside of Stanford. Small group independent meetings are: (1) face-to-face meetings (2) with fellow candidates or support providers (3) organized for the purpose of discussing the National Board assessment (4) that are held outside of regularly scheduled support program meetings (5) for which you are not receiving other credit or reimbursement. Please inform your support provider of your meetings, and have her or him initial the column marked SP Init. You will receive credit for a maximum of 40 hours or 4 quarter units.

Part I Stanford Sessions / Part II. Small group independent meetings
Meeting Date / Attended / SP Init. / Date / Hours / SP Init. / Date / Hours / SP Init.
Aug. 27/Sept.10
September 24
Nov.12/ Dec. 10
January 7
February 18
March 18
April 8
May 8 (online)
May 13
# of Stanford meetings attended / Total number of hours in small group independent meetings:

Part III. Component entries submitted to NBPTS

Please indicate which Component entries you submitted to the National Board in 2016.

Component entries submitted to NBPTS

Component Entry / One / Two / Three / Four
Total number of entries submitted:

Estimating continuing education units (quarter units):

Stanford Meeting attendance:

# meetings: ______* 3 (multiplied by three) = ______/ 10 (divided by ten) = ______

Small group independent meetings:

# hours: ______/ 10 (divided by ten) = ______

Component entries submitted to National Board:

# entries: ______x 2 units= ______