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Old Testament Immorality Admitted

Shalom! People often make the comment, “YaHVaH, please stay out of my bedroom”. That is as if YaHVaH has no domain in our personal life.

Adam and Eve rebelled directly against their Creator. Havah/Eve was deceived, but Adam’ knew better, I Timothy 2:14. He meekly followed his wife and gave in to the path of least resistance. All sins of mankind that followed Adam's sin have followed a similar pattern. **

Abram lied about Sarai being his sister when she was his wife. He feared for his life. They did this twice, Genesis 12:10-20, and chapter 20. Later, Sarah and Abraham lacked faith in God's promise to give them a son in their old age and tried to work it out through a "surrogate mother" Hagar. This was the sin of adultery, a great wrong, Genesis 16:1-5.

Take note of Pharaoh, an unbeliever and compare him to a believer in today’s culture. Here is Pharaoh’s response in Gen. 12:18, “What is this that thou hast done unto me? Why didst thou not tell me that she was thy wife?” He did not use any such alibi as one might use today, “I am not under the Law but under grace”.

Idolotry, fornication, adultery and materialism are modern problems.

Leviticus 18:6-30 Sex sins of Canaanites;

19:20Fornication with bondmaidens;

19:29 Daughter do not prostitute;

Leviticus 20:10-21 Adultery, incest, sodomy, bestiality death penalties;

Leviticus 21:7 Do not marry a whore or divorcee (Deut. 22:13-21what virginity is).

24:22 There is one manner of law for the stranger and for the home borne. No, these are not for priest only, but for all Israyl Romans 11, all of us who have been grafted-in to YaHOSHA the King of the Universe.

Marriage is for life (excerpts from

Churches of God and many Protestant leaders have almost uniformly perverted scriptures such as Genesis 2:24, allowing divorce and remarriage contrary to the Bible. Twisted human reasoning born out of physical lust and perverted minds have come up with all sorts of aberrant ideas supposedly allowing divorce and remarriage, interracial marriage, and even acceptance of homosexuality. We are not talking about Protestants and Catholics. We are talking about avowed Sabbath-keepers.

One man said that "God didn't condemn David for marrying more than one wife; G_d allows a man to have more than one wife by divorcing and remarrying." A minister (falsely) claiming to be "conservative" says that "except it be for fornication" in Matthew 19:9 means "except it be for fraud or some other problem." Real bad! This is not true

Thousands of Sabbath keepers condemned television evangelist Jim Bakker for his much publicized adultery. Yet these same people are promoting adultery right in the church by accepting, tolerating and promoting false divorce and remarriage teachings.

Suppose you are divorced and struggling to raise a family alone? Or maybe you have never married and can't seem to find the right mate? Satan is bombarding you with thoughts of discouragement, and in many cases, wrong physical desires. Do not yield to sin. If you are divorced or separated from your true mate, do not yield to sin and remarry, which is adultery. If you are eligible to marry, do not hastily rush into an ill-conceived union. Sexual sins and lusts still plague many Sabbath keepers, both men and women. Many ministers actually promote doctrines which encourage sexual sins. We need to rid our lives of these sins.

Invite YaHVaH and The Word in your life to specify what morality (or ethics), even what standard for living will be followed. The standard is The Torah, the Word. Let us invite YaHH into our very lives, our bedrooms and into every domain.

IsaiYah 8:19-20 “If we speak not according to the Torah and the Testimony, we have no light in us.”

Repent and be immersed in the Name of Yahosha see Acts 2:38.

1 John 2:6. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins

Romans 10:9; John 3 “Except a man be born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of YaHVaH.”

Ephesians 2:8-10 For by unmerited favor through faith are we saved, not by meager works of man, least anyone could boast. Luke 13 “Be converted and repent.”

Romans 7:2. "For the woman which hath an husband is bound by the law to her husband so long as he liveth; but if the husband be dead, she is loosed from the law of her husband,"

Hebrews 13:4 "Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge,".

YaHOSHA is our Deliverer and gives the free gift of Salvation. If we walk with Him, YaHOSHA will see that our spirit will be acceptable to YaHVaH and have Eternal life.

Shalom, If you have a question, please let me know.

Your Servant, TsephanYah Eber

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Links to Marriage Articles:

Review: "Is There Life After Divorce?" This is a refutation of Ronald L. Dart’s article in the February, 1990, issue of The International News. He is wrong in saying that no marriage is binding for life. New Testament usage of the word for fornication, porneia, does not support divorce and remarriage for adultery.

Bring Back Daddy, by Jeffrey H. Patton. Fatherless America is headed for disaster. We need to put Father back in the home as the loving head of the family.

Jesus and Remarriage, by Derek Seaman. The so-called "Pauline Privilege," allowing divorce and remarriage when an unbelieving spouse departs, is not Biblical, and was not taught for several hundred years after Christ. How did the Worldwide Church of God change its doctrine on marriage in 1974? Does God bind all or any marriages? This article rocked the Church of God in the United Kingdom, and we are very happy to present it to you here.

Questions About Divorce and Remarriage, by Paul Woods. This hard-hitting article gives Bible answers to ten frequently asked questions about divorce and remarriage.

Lesbianism: Satan's Lies Versus God's Truth, by Yvonne Brown.

Divorce and Remarriage by David Myer.

Marriage is for Life . . . Not From Wife to Wife, by Dan L. White

Marriage Ceremony .

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