Board of Appeals
Phone: 978-374-2330 Fax:978-374-2315
The Haverhill Board of Appeals will hold A PUBLIC HEARING ON WEDNESDAY EVENING MARCH 19, 2014 AT 7:00 P.M. in ROOM 202, CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, HAVERHILL, CITY HALL, to hear the following items:
1. North Shore Golf Club Holdings for 201 Kenoza Street (470; 187; 11): Applicant seeks a Dimensional Variance for existing lot frontage of 191’ where 200’ required in RR Zone; to subdivide Lot A, from Lot 11, Kenoza Street from Kenoza Street property.
2. Timothy Palmer for 112 Lowell Avenue (560, 1, 138-139): Applicant seeks a Special Permit in order to construct an accessory apartment within the second floor of a garage addition.
3. Moriarty Family Real Estate Trust for 309 Groveland Street (422, 151, 10A): Applicant seeks Dimensional
Variance for side yard setbacks from 10’ required to 5’ & 8’ in order to construct 1st floor and 2nd floor additions to existing non-conforming structure; lot has sufficient area and frontage to convert to 2-family dwelling in RH Zone.
4. Blue Wave Capital, LLC for 1050 Hilldale Avenue (585, 431, 22): Applicant seeks Special Permit in order to
construct Solar Energy Generating Facility in RR Zone.
5. Leslie Filomeno for 1001 Hilldale Avenue (585, 430, 2): Applicant seeks Zoning relief in order to provide
overnight boarding for existing Animal Day Care Facility.
6. Bradford Unlimited Corp. for 36 School Street (400, 5, 4): Applicant seeks Dimensional relief for lot
coverage of 27% where 25% is required in order to replace existing 2-family dwelling with new 2-family dwelling; and Applicant also seeks a Finding that to demolish pre-existing non-conforming lot and rebuild a 2-family dwelling with non-conformities, is not substantially detrimental than the existing building.
Advertise: March 6, 2014
March 13, 2014 George Moriarty, Chairman
The Haverhill Board of Appeals will hold A PUBLIC HEARING ON WEDNESDAY EVENING MARCH 19, 2014 AT 7:00 P.M. in ROOM 202, CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, HAVERHILL, CITY HALL, to hear the following items:
7. Bradford Unlimited Corp for Unnumbered Green Street & School Street (400, 5, 4A): Applicant seeks
Dimensional Variance for front set back of 11.7’ where 20’ required; rear set back 13.1’ where 30’ required; building coverage of 29% where Max. 25%; existing lot non-conforming, area of 4,441sf where 9,00sf required, frontage of 50.32’ & 66.47’where 80’ required in RU Zone.
ClearChannel Outdoor for 116 Bank Road: Applicant seeks a Finding to alter existing 14’ x 48’ single faced trivision billboard to a 14’ x 48’ single faced digital billboard; previous sign approved June 20, 2001.
Advertise: March 6, 2014
March 13, 2014 George Moriarty, Chair