Consultant general surgeon with an interest in upper gi surgery

royal alexandra hospital/vale of leven hospital

Information pack

reF: 28493d

Closing Date: noon 3rdmay 2013


Post: consultant general surgeon with an interest in upper gi surgery

Base:royal alexandra hospital/vale of leven hospital

Applications are invited for a Consultant post in General Surgery with an interest in upper GI Surgery, based at Royal Alexandra Hospital, Paisley.

This is a substantive replacement post and the successful candidate will provide general and specialist services from Royal Alexandra Hospital and the Vale of Leven Hospital.

The successful candidate will be able to provide an elective specialty service within general surgery that complements the services already being provided in the hospital. The emergency component of the post will be based at Royal Alexandra Hospital. The elective sessions relating to the post will be delivered from both the Royal Alexandra Hospital and the Vale of Leven Hospital.

The RAH is a 600 acute bed hospital, opened in 1986 in a 78 acre site in the town of Paisley. Located only 5 minutes from the M8 motorway and Glasgow International Airport, the RAH provides an ideal centralised location.

Applicants must have full GMC registration and a Licence to Practice. Those trained in the UK should have evidence of higher specialist training leading to CCT or eligibility for specialist registration (CESR) or be within 6 months of confirmed entry from date of Interview.




APPOINTMENT OF A consultant surgeon in GENERAL surgery with an interest in Upper GI SUrgery Based at Royal alexandra hospital with sessions in the vale of leven hospital


REF: 28493D

March 2013


Further particulars of the post of Consultant Surgeon in General Surgery with an interest in Upper GI Surgery based at Royal Alexandra Hospital with session in the Vale of Leven Hospital


  • Acute Services Division

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde is the Largest NHS Employer in the UK and in partnership with 8 local authorities, is responsible for the health needs of a population of 1.2 million, almost a quarter of the entire Scottish population. The Acute Services Division is split into nine Directorates across 18 sites with a workforce of 27,500 and an annual budget of £1.2 billion. The geographical area covered is diverse; it covers the major city of Glasgow, large and small towns, villages and some rural areas. We have significant challenges ahead as we deliver the objectives set out in Better Health Better Care and we seek to ensure that we have the right people for the right posts delivering a comprehensive health service to the population of Greater Glasgow and Clyde.

The Acute Services Division is the largest group of adult acute hospitals in Scotland. This allows individuals a wide range of opportunities for professional development whether in community-based care or general and specialty hospital services.

The investment in acute services in Glasgow in the last ten years has been considerable with two new Ambulatory Care Hospitals opening in 2009. Redevelopment of the Western Infirmary and Gartnavel Hospitals to support the delivery of the Acute Services Review has taken place in the last two years with the opening of the new Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Care Centre (2008) and the centralisation of a number of specialties including Renal and Vascular onto the Western Infirmary site. Work is on schedule to deliver the new South Glasgow Hospital in 2015. This investment in acute care, which will see Maternity, Children and Adult acute services together on a single campus, will inevitably challenge us to deliver progressive, integrated services to all of our patients throughout the Board area.

A substantial volume of complex surgical work is performed in the Glasgow and Clyde units that provide a range of tertiary and national services. We enjoy close links with Glasgow’s three universities and make a significant contribution to teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. Research also has a high profile within the organisation. We provide excellent facilities for students and their tutors in the £15 million, state of the art, Wolfson Medical School based at Glasgow University adjacent to the Western Infirmary site. Excellent education facilities are also provided at Glasgow Royal Infirmary with a refurbishment of the University Tower commencing late 2011.

The hospitals, within Glasgow, north of the River Clyde, all with teaching responsibilities are Glasgow Royal Infirmary (including Princess Royal Maternity Hospital), Western Infirmary, Stobhill Ambulatory Care Hospital and Gartnavel General Hospital. In south Glasgow the Southern General Hospital and the Victoria Infirmary alongside the new Victoria Hospital, providing ambulatory care, support the acute surgical patient. Within Clyde sector we have the Royal Alexandra Hospital, Inverclyde Royal Hospital and the Vale of Leven Hospital all providing acute surgical care with RAH and IRH also supporting unscheduled care.

General information.

NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde provides services from 9 acute hospital sites including the Southern General Hospital, Victoria Infirmary, Stobhill Hospital, Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Western Infirmary, Gartnavel General Hospital, Vale of Leven Hospital, Royal Alexandra Hospital and Inverclyde Royal Hospital

Today Glasgow is a compact, vibrant and modern city. In fact Glasgow’s scale comes as a surprise to some people. It has the largest suburban rail network outside London and is second only to the UK capital as a retail centre. There are top-ranking schools, excellent leisure facilities, beautiful golf courses and elegant accommodation across all price ranges. The night life and restaurants are renowned and its opera, theatres, art galleries and museums offer plenty of cultural stimulation.

From Glasgow, the West of Scotland’s jewels are within easy reach. Loch Lomond is just 45 minutes drive, a little further to the Argyll peninsula – or over the sea to Arran, Skye, Iona and Mull.

The Royal Alexandra Hospital (RAH), Paisley:

The RAH is a 600 acute bed hospital, opened in 1986 in a 78 acre site in the town of Paisley. Located only 5 minutes from the M8 motorway and Glasgow International Airport, the RAH provides an ideal centralised location.

Clinical Aspects:

As well as providing healthcare to the people of Renfrewshire, RAH provides major trauma and emergency surgical care for Lomond and Argyll, stretching as far as Oban.

The staff of over 2,300 provide a comprehensive range of services, including a full 24 hour A&E, ITU, HDU, a Coronary Care Unit, General Medicine, Medicine for the Elderly, Clinical Haematology, Dermatology, Neurology, Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, General Surgery, Urology, Orthopaedics, ENT, Ophthalmology, Palliative Care, Plastic Surgery, Orthodontics, Anaesthetics, Radiology and Laboratory Specialities – Clinical Biochemistry, Haematology, and Microbiology. Oncology services are provided by visiting consultants.

The RAH site is an acute hospital with both acute medical and surgical receiving and the full range of DGH and teaching DGH specialties and associated facilities.

Vale of Leven District General Hospital (VOL), Alexandria:

The VOL, with approximately 200 in-patient beds, is situated at the southern tip of the picturesque Loch Lomond, within the outer borders of the Lomond National Park. A convenient 30 minutes from Glasgow.

Clinical Aspects:

Core services provided at the hospital are General Medicine, Department of Medicine for the Elderly, Surgery, Women's Health, including some Maternity Services and Orthopaedics. The Minor Injuries Unit is open from 09:00 to 21:00 and the GP out of hours service is open from 21:00 to 09:00. In addition, the Medical Assessment Unit is open 24 hrs per day.

A wide range of General Surgery outpatient clinics, endoscopy, day surgery and some inpatient services are provided at the Vale of Leven.

Department Information and scope of post

This post will have sessions within the Royal Alexandra Hospital, Paisley and Vale of Leven Hospital (VoL), Alexandria.

There are currently 11 consultant general surgical posts within the RAH. The consultants work across the sites covering the major sub-specialities of Upper GI, Breast and Colorectal. Each sub-specialty employs a team approach with close links to the regional Managed Clinical Networks.

Applications are sought from suitably trained individuals who are able to provide an elective and emergency surgical service at consultant level. It is expected that the successful candidate will have skills in endoscopy including colonoscopy and advanced laparoscopic surgery, including lap cholecystectomy and lap nissen fundoplication procedures.

In addition to providing clinical services the successful candidate will be required to participate in the training and assessment of junior staff and to undertake the administrative duties required in a consultant job. This will include but not be exclusive to the maintenance of appropriate patient records, keeping and participating in personal and unit audit and the retention of documentation for appraisal. All consultants are required to have an annual appraisal.

Surgical trainees, at all levels, rotate from the West of Scotland Deanery and are based at the Clyde sites. Teaching of Undergraduate medical students, trainee surgeons and visiting surgeons from overseas is considered an integral part of the work of the Directorate. It is anticipated that the appointee would contribute in a significant way to the education of Surgeons in training, using the well-equipped facilities within the Surgical Skills Laboratory

Emergency Surgery for the post is based at the Royal Alexandra Hospital (1:11) with clinics and elective surgery at RAH and VoL. Fully staffed Intensive Care, High dependency and Palliative Care beds are well utilised. Clinical Nurse Specialists are valued members of the teams.

Applicants should have a broad surgical training and should have full GMC registration and eligibility for inclusion on the Specialist Register. UK trainees will have evidence of Higher Specialist Training leading to CCT, or be six months from confirmed entry from the date of interview. Non-UK applicants must demonstrate equivalent training.

Advanced laparoscopic skills and expertise in endoscopy including diagnostic and interventional ERCP is desirable.

Indicative Clinical Duties / Job Plan:

The contract will have 1 session of SPA, the split of 9:1 between direct clinical care PAs and supporting professional activities is now the standard for all new consultant job plans in Scotland. The one SPA is for activities such as appraisal, personal audit and professional development occurring outside study leave time. In time, more supporting professional activities may be agreed for roles such as undergraduate and postgraduate medical training (which takes place outside direct clinical care time), as well as research and/or management. If desired by the department, these activities would be identified specifically and agreed with the candidate up to an absolute maximum of 2.5 PAs.

Mon.amMDT /ADMIN0.5


Tues amClinic Vol 2.0

pmTheatre Vol

WedamRegional Upper GI MDT/Admin0.5


ThursamEndoscopy – RAH1.0

pmOP Clinic - RAH 1.0

Fri amTheatre1.0


Session Description / NEW POST CONSULTANT
On-Call / 1
Clinic / 2
Theatre/ Endo / 4
Ward/Admission/Pre-Assessment/M.D.T. / 2 (inc Reg MDT)
S.P.A. / 1
Total / 10

This is an indicative job plan and may be subject to change in line with service development or requirement. Participation on the on call emergency rota 1:11 is a requirement of the post. This is currently a split week working (Week 1: Mon-Thurs, Week 2 Fri-Sun). On-call covers a population of approx. 330,000. On call PA allocation 1 PA.

Interested applicants are invited to visit the department and discuss the posts further with:

Mr Mike McKirdy,Lead Consultant Surgeon, Royal Alexandra Hospital

Tel: 0141 314 6936Email:

Mr Graham Sunderland, Consultant Surgeon, Southern General Hospital

Tel: 01412011655Email:

Principal Activities

Royal Alexandra Hospital / Vale of Leven Hospital

Mr A Buter

Ms L Chisholm

Mr E Eltahir

Mr P Finn

Mr M McKirdy

Mr C Porteous

Mr A Renwick

Mr M Vella

Ms K Krupa

Ms V Gough

Ms S Moug (Locum)

Inverclyde Royal Hospital

Mr A Alani

Mr C Bolln

Mr G Denys

Mr N Manimaran

Mr J Reidy

General Surgery Service GG&C – Clinical Management Team

Clinical Director, Mr Graham Sunderland

Lead Clinicians for General Surgery

Mr J H Anderson / Mr C K MacKay (shared role), North Glasgow.

Mr C. Wilson, West Glasgow

Mr A. Hair, South Glasgow

Mr A Alani / Mr M McKirdy, (shared role), Clyde

Glasgow Royal Infirmary/Stobhill Ambulatory Care Hospital

Dr R McKee, Prof P Horgan, Mr C R Carter, Mr C J McKay, Mr G Fullarton, Mr E Dickson,Mr M Forshaw, Mr A McMahon, Mr D Chong, Miss C Craig, Mr G MacKay

Western Infirmary / Gartnavel General Hospital

Prof P O’Dwyer, Mr D Galloway, Mr R Molloy, Mr P Chong, Mr M Duff, Ms J Doughty, Ms S Stallard; Mr P Rogers, Mr D Byrne, Mr G Welch, Mr W Stuart, Mr D Orr, Mr P Teenan, Mr D Kingsmore, Mr K Daly, Mr G Treharne

Southern General / Victoria Infirmary / New Victoria Hospital

Mr D Wright

Mr G Smith

Mr P Glen

Mr G Sunderland

Mr P Witherspoon

Mr A Hair

Ms H Dorrance

Mr C Wilson

Mr I Pickford

Mr L Romics

Miss I Reid

Miss A Winter

Specialist Nurses

Specialist nurses provide a commitment to Colorectal, Upper GI and Breast Surgery sub-specialties. Nurse Endoscopists are also in post on each of the sites.

Terms and Conditions

(a)This post is covered by the terms and conditions of service for Consultant Grade Staff (Scotland).

(b) Extra programmed activities are subject to review no less frequently than annually and may be terminated at any time by either party to the agreement, subject to three months notice being served. Applications for employment on a part time basis will however be considered.

The appointment is superannuable under the NHS (Scotland) Superannuation Scheme unless you opt out in favour of some other arrangement. Your remuneration will be subject to deduction of Superannuation contributions in accordance with the Scheme. Details of the Scheme are given in the Scheme Guide, copies of which may be seen at the Department of Human Resources. Superannuable pay will include basic salary (up to 10 programmed activities, but not any extra programmed activities above this level), on-call availability supplements, discretionary points, distinction awards, and any other pay expressly agreed to be superannuable

(c)You have 3 pension options as follows:

(i)To join the NHS superannuation scheme. Employees in the NHS scheme are “contracted out” of the state earnings Related Pension Scheme and pay a lower rate of National Insurance Contributions. (The NHS Scheme is explained in the attached booklet).

(ii)To participate in the state Earnings Related Pension Scheme.

(iii)To take out a Personal Pension. This is a private agreement with the pension provider, which will be an organisation such as a Bank, Building Society or Insurance Company.

(d)New entrants to the National Health Service who are whole-time and aged sixteen but under seventy (sixty-five in the case of members of the special classes and Mental Health Officers) will, however, be taken automatically into membership of the NHS Scheme unless they elect not to join.

(e)The employment is subject to 3 months notice on either side subject always to the appeal and other provisions of section 10 of the Consultant Grade (Scotland) Terms & Conditions of Service of Hospital Medical and Dental Staff (Scotland).

(f).In terms of NHS Circular 1989 (PCS) 32 dealing with Medical Negligence, the Trust does not require you to subscribe to a Medical Defence Organisation. Divisional indemnity will cover only Trust responsibilities. It may, however, be in your interests to subscribe to a defence body in order to ensure you are covered for any work, which does not fall within the scope of the indemnity scheme.

(g)Private residence shall be maintained by you in contact with the public telephone service. Reimbursement of certain telephone charges may be payable on application to the Division.

(h)For all new entrants to the Division a medical examination will be required prior to confirmation of the appointment. You will also be required to provide evidence of your immune response to Hepatitis B.

(i).Salary Scale: As per National Guidelines

NHS Glasgow does not negotiate salary placements. On commencement the salary will be in line with paragraph 5.1 of the terms and conditions of the new consultant contract. Appointees start on the scale minimum except in the circumstances of paragraphs 5.1.2 – 5.1.7 of the terms and conditions of service.

(j)Dependent upon present place of residence, the Division may require the successful candidate to undertake to remove home to a distance acceptable to the Division, normally within 10 miles of the base hospital. In such circumstances removal expenses may be payable in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of Service of Hospital Medical and Dental Staff (Scotland). In some cases, however, an existing residence more than 10 miles distant from the base hospital will be acceptable to the Division and in this case removal expenses will not be met. Either way, the position will be made clear to the successful candidate, who should contact the Medical Personnel Section immediately after offer of appointment to discuss domicile requirements.

  1. The successful candidate will be required to complete a criminal record check (Disclosure Scotland) form. No approach will be made without written permission of the successful applicant who will be asked to sign and complete a disclosure application, giving authorisation for the check to be undertaken.

Application process

Curriculum Vitae (12 copies) with details of three referees should be returned to

NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde

Recruitment Services

Medical and Dental

5th Floor

Tara House


G2 1HJ

Closing date is 4 weeks from date of advert

Proposed interview date: 2nd May 2013


Qualifications and



MBCHB or equivalent

FRCS or equivalent

Should have completed a recognised higher specialised training programme (or equivalent) in surgery with Higher Specialist Training in General Surgery. Must have a CCST/CCT or be within 6 months of attaining it.


Relevant higher degree

Clinical Experience


Wide experience in a surgical unit


A specialist interest in Upper GI Surgery, with advanced laparoscopic surgery and interventional ERCP

Experience of shared care clinics and managed clinical networks



Competence in clinical audit

Training in management and audit at SPR or equivalent level