Context Sensitive Solutions

Project Review Assessment

Multi-Disciplinary Teams[1]

Was a multi-disciplinary team assembled for the project?

Identify the team members and their area of expertise:

Name / Agency/Position / Expertise

Identify any areas of expertise that were not represented in the multi-disciplinary team.

Did the multi-disciplinary team work as a single unit, or were tasks assigned and worked independently?


Were all stakeholders (internal and external) with a recognizable interest in the project identified?

Identify the various stakeholder groups and at least one representative:

Stakeholder / Contact

Were stakeholders appropriately involved in the project development process? Please describe any stakeholder involvement activities as well as how these activities affected the project development process.

Physical Setting[3]

Describe how the project preserve or enhance its physical and/or social context?

What unique features, problems, or opportunities existed for the project?

Transportation Objectives

Describe how the project preserves and/or enhances the safety of the transportation facility, transportation system, and the community?

Describe how the project preserves and/or enhances the mobility needs of the transportation facility, transportation system, and the community?

Principles and Characteristics of Context Sensitive Solutions

Listed below are the CSS principles and characteristics that represent excellence in transportation design. Please review each characteristic carefully and identify if/how your project exemplifies these principles and characteristics. If possible, ask stakeholders to also perform this evaluation.

Rate the project for each of the CSS Principles using the scale below and please provide comments or explain:


Strongly Strongly

Disagree Agree

Rate / Principle / Comments/Example
The project satisfied the Purpose and Needs as agreed to by the full range of stakeholders. Agreement on the project purpose and need was forged early in the project development process and amended as warranted as the project developed.
The project is a safe facility both for the user and for the community.
The project is in harmony with the community and preserves environmental, scenic, aesthetic, historic, and natural resource values of the area.
The project exceeds the expectations of all internal and external stakeholders, and achieves a level of excellence in people’s mind.
The project involves effective and efficient use of resources (time, budget, community) of all involved parties.
The project is designed and built with minimal disruption to the community.
The project is seen as adding lasting value to the community.

[1] Multi-disciplinary teams include internal team, members, consultants, and others as appropriate

[2] Stakeholders include those internal and external groups with a recognizable and demonstrated interest in the outcome of the project.

[3] Physical setting includes the natural environment as well as the communities and social resources of the project area.