CAA / CIA Data

The CAA/CIA widget is on the Dashboard for Administrators, Teachers, and Specialists. It displays information relevant to graduation requirements.The widget indicates if a student has met the Certificate of Individual Achievement (CIA) requirement, the Certificate of Academic Achievement (CAA) requirements, and/or Diploma requirements.This data needs to be uploaded by the Homeroom Admin. It can be uploaded on any schedule suggested by your High School counselors.

Extract Data:

Download data from the OSPI EDS website:

  1. Sign-in to your EDS account.
  2. Click My Applications on the menu bar.
  3. Choose CAA / CIA Database from the list.
  4. Choose your school district from the Organization drop down list. Click Next.
  5. Choose Graduation Database from the top menu.
  6. Leave the default School Year (it should be the current year). Then select Search.
  7. When the file renders, click Download.

Prepare & Upload File:

The file must be modified slightly before uploading. Using the file, follow these steps.

  1. Open in file.
  2. Navigate to Homeroom Admin and download the CAA / CIA template. Two locations now, navigate to one of the following:
  • Homeroom Admin => Assessments => CAA CIA => Add CAA CIA Record => downlaodcsv template => download csv template
  • or, Uploads => Add CAA CIA Record => download csv template => download csv template
  1. Open the template and copy the header row.
  2. Navigate back to the CAA / CIA file and paste the header row copied from the template above the first row.
  3. Scan the new header and make sure it lines up with the original two headers in the CAA / CIA file.
  • Note:If the headers do not match up, please contact us at.
  1. Delete the original two headers.
  2. Save the file as a .csv (comma separated value) file with a descriptive naming convention such as the following:

{SchoolDistrictName}_{date file was downloaded_{assessment}.csv

Toppenish School District_2013 03 27_CAA CIA.csv

  1. To upload, go to (one of two locations):
  • Homeroom Admin => Assessments => CAA-CIA => Add CAA CIA Record
  • or, Uploads => Add CAA CIA Record
  1. Choose Upload CSV, select the file just prepared and submit.
  2. An email will be sent to you with the results of the upload.

To see the CAA CIA data log into Homeroom and utilize the widget. For more information view the following links:


How often should you upload the CAA / CIA data?

Should it vary at different times of the year?

If you are unsure of the answer to the questions above, who will you discuss it with to make a schedule?