Deadline / Scholarship / Value / Criteria
Dec 15th, 2017 / Canadian Women in Municipal Government Scholarship / $500 x 5 / Grade 10-12 young women involved in school leadership
16th / CEMF Undergraduate Scholarships
John Evans Engineering Entrance Award / $5000 x 5
$5,000 x1 / Women in the field of engineering, not final year
Entering any field of Engineering
25th / University of Guelph National Scholarship Program / $34,000 x 12 / Academic excellence
Community and school engagement
31st / Hubert Carnegie Future Aces Foundation Scholarship click on Student Centre Scholarships
Available to apply by mid-December 2017 / $1000 x 30 / Canadian student who exhibits exemplary citizenship
Financial need
31st / Mensa Canada Scholarship / $1000-$3000 / Enrolled in any post-secondary program
Essay requirement (on career goals)Apply year after graduation
31st / Mayor Andree Boucher Memorial Scholarship / $2000 / Women enrolled in post -secondary
Interest in the political realm
February 1st / Dr. Gary McPherson Leadership Scholarship
Be a Canadian citizen living in AB enrolled in full-time post-secondary program
School Awards Committee nominate & submit student application / $2000 x 100 / Shown outstanding leadership, especially in the area of disability, and/or initiative to improve the lives of others
February 1st / HYRS: Heritage Youth Researcher Summer Program Paid work experience opportunities / $ work compensation / -  Exceptional Grade 11 students; at least 85% in Grade 11 math and sciences
February 1st / Terry Fox Humanitarian Awards
Opens Nov 5th 2017 / $7000 / -  Students entering post-secondary
-  humanitarian contribution
February 1st / Kin Canada Bursaries / $1000 / -  Planning to attend post-secondary
citizenship qualities
February 1st / W.H.”Howie” McClennan Scholarship / $2500 / -  For son or daughter of firefighter killed in the line of duty
February 1st / Masonic Higher Education Bursaries / $2000 x 100 / -  Students enrolling in post-secondary
-  financial need
February 2nd / Canadian Right of Way Education Foundation High School Scholarship / $2500 / For post-secondary areas of study may include (but are not limited to) law, surveying, engineering, planning, real property appraisal, public administration or environmental studies
February 2nd / Herbert H. Future Aces Foundation Scholarship and Citizenship Award / $1000 x 20 / -  Ages 16-24 demonstrating good citizenship & contribution to society
February 2nd / Schulich Leadership Scholarships
February 1, 2018 – Deadline for school to submit a Nominee February 22, 2018 – Deadline for Nominee to submit Schulich Leader scholarship application / $60,000 x 20 / -  Graduating students planning to study one of the STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering or Math) at designated universities are eligible
-  Students nominated by School Awards Committee
February 15th / Hans Klinkenberg Memorial Scholarship
The Award shall consist of a certificate and a cheque, the amount of which will be determined by the Board of Trustees and will be based on the interest accrued on an annual basis, but likely will be not less than $1000.00 / Not less than $1000 / -  Student in the field of geomatics
February 23rd / RBC Students Leading Change Scholarship / $10,000 / -  Canadian students showing a passion to lead and inspire positive change in their community
February 28th / AFGA Conservation Scholarship / $500 / -  Environmental studies; member of fish/game club
-  Essay required
February 28th / Explore Bursary / $2000 / -  Grade 11 and up
-  5 week intensive French language learning course
February 28th / Robert (Bob) K. Goddard Memorial Scholarship / $1500 / -  Student enrolling in wildlife biology or management
February 28th / RBC Aboriginal Student Awards Program
Info avail late Dec to apply / $10,000 worth up to $4000 each academic year for 2-4 years / -  Status and non-status Indians, Inuit or Metis pursuing post-secondary education
March 1st
Mail Only / ODD Fellows (Allan Simpson)*&f / $2500 / -  For orphans; both parents deceased
-  Planning on attending post-secondary studies
March 1st / The John Hasselfield Endowment Foundation
Not to be used for post-secondary / $350 / -  Financial need
-  Someone who displays a desire for personal development & learning through education, sports, music & physical activity
-  Essay
March 1st / Canadian Association of Principals Student Leadership Award / $250 x 12 / -  Grade 12
-  Student leader in school and community, academic achievement
March 1st / Scholarships available at St. FX (Alberta Residents) / $3500 / -  Alberta students who wish to attend St. Francis Xavier Univ., NS
March 12th / REMAX Quest for Excellence Bursaries / $1000 x 16 / -  Grade 12
-  Qualities of leadership, communication, volunteering. Etc.
March 15th / St. John Ambulance Bursary & Scholarship Awards / $500-$1000 / -  Active members of St. John’s Ambulance
March 15th / Leonard Foundation / $1000 x 140 / Preference given to children of clergy, teachers, military or engineers
-  Financial need
-  Leadership
-  Participate regularly in athletic, fitness or military activities
-  Nomination required
May 1st and May 15th / Anthem and The Fountainhead Essay Contest
Read FAQ’s for good information! / $30-$2000 / -  Grades 9,10 & 11,12 students
-  Essay based on novel “Anthem” and “The Fountainhead”
March 30th / Odenza Marketing Group Volunteer Scholarship
Odenza Marketing Scholarships / $500 / -  Have at least one full year of post-secondary studies remaining at the time
-  Current High School students are also eligible
-  Have a GPA of 2.5 or greater
-  Be between the ages of 16 and 25
Feb 28th 2018
Deadline varies. / Indigenous Shining Student Award
Check website for all details / Opportunity to attend a youth conference on leadership and change / -  Grade 10-12 student of First Nations, Metis or Inuit heritage who is pursuing their goal despite challenges
March 31st / Agnes Jacks/Cara Brown Scholarship Awards / $1000 / Actively involved in ringette
Enrolling in post-secondary education
March 31st / Belcourt Brosseau Metis Awards / $2000- $10,000 / -  Metis student
-  financial need
-  intend to pursue post-secondary
March 31st / Retail as a Career Scholarship Program avail to apply Jan 2018 / $1000 x 20 / -  Pursuing studies in retail. Business, or marketing
-  Reference letter
-  essay
March 31st / Canadian Aboriginal Arts & Writing Challenge / $100-$2000 / -  Aboriginal age 14-29
-  short story, Art; Aboriginal themes
April 1st / Girl Guides of Canada Scholarship / $1000-$2000 / -  Academic achievement
-  Member of Girl Guides
April 1st / Scouts Canada Scholarships / Varies / -  Participation/achievement in Scouts
-  leadership
April 1st / Concordia University College
Click on Admissions, Financial Aid & Awards / Varies / -  Variety; entrance, athletic, leadership
Feb 23 / Colonel Douglas H. Gunter History Awards / $1000 x 5 / -  Open to all senior students graduating from secondary school in the spring of 2018
Open Feb to April 2018 / Tim Hortons Scholarship Program / $1000 x 200 / Tim Hortons employees or their children/grandchildren
•Must be accepted to an accredited or registered post-secondary institution for part-time or full-time studies within the scholarship year.
April 15th / Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes / $2500 / -  Young leaders ages 8-18 who made a significant positive difference to people or planet
April 15th / Archie Memorial Scholarship
Society of Petroleum Engineers / $5000USD
Up to 4 yrs / -  Plans to attend a university and pursue an undergraduate degree in petroleum engineering
April 25th / Sears Canadian High School Design Competition sent email Nov 7 Waiting for update / $15-$250 / -  Grades 9-12
-  Submit a design project
April 30th / InviteRight SchoolTools
Sweat Your Way to Grad – Athletics Scholarship
Sent email via the website Nov 6 / $500 / -  Gr. 12 students
-  Demonstrate school spirit throughout the year; include special awards – MVP, class President, league championship
May 31st / Karthiha Guruparan and Bill Winsor / $6000 / -  High academics
-  Pursuing commerce/finance/business degree/diploma
-  Parents/guardians do not have post-secondary education or received their post-secondary education outside of Canada
May 1st / Aboriginal Educational (Post-Secondary) Financial Support
Please read criteria carefully
Link to scholarships/bursaries available to FNMI across Canada / Varies btw $2000 and $11000 / -  Financial need
-  Previous academic record
-  Involvement in aboriginal community

May 1st / Alberta Foundation for the Arts Grants (dance/music/theatre/visual arts/creative writing) / $5000 / -  Check website
-  Read criteria carefully
Aug 1st 2018 / Keyara Energy – Peter J. Renton Memorial Scholarship
• must maintain a 3.0 grade point average (GPA), out of 4, in their second year of study and a course load of three courses per semester in order to receive the second installment. / Max $6,000
Paid $3000 1st year, $3000 2nd year / -  Gr. 12 students
-  plan to enroll full-time in an accredited Alberta post-secondary institution in the first year of a degree or diploma program in a field of study supporting the oil and gas industry, including but not limited to: business, communications, sciences and engineering, technical programs and information technology, and
May 6th / 4-H Alberta Scholarship Program
Opens for application in March / $2000 / ·  - be past or present member of a 4-H member AB club for a minimum of 3 years
·  - you may apply for a scholarship every year that you are a full-time post-secondary student
Various / Students with Disabilities:
Read criteria carefully / Various amounts / These are scholarships which are primarily for students with a disability.
May 27th / Canadian Federation of Independent Grocers (CFIG) National Scholarship / Enrolled or expected to enroll in a post-secondary program of at least 2 years
Studies in food industry, marketing, business, hospitality, accounting, etc
-  Must be working for a current CFIG member or be a family member of an employee of a current CFICG member
May 29th / Monsanto Fund Opportunity Scholarship Program / $1500 x 65 / -  enroll at a Canadian post‑secondary institution (degree or diploma) in a first-year agriculture, food science or culinary program
May 31st / Pat Fletcher Scholarship / Up to $3000 / -  Student with golf interest & ability
-  Enrolling post-secondary
May 31st / CNIB Scholarships / $1000-$5000 / -  Various awards to vision-impaired students
May 31st / MADD Canada Youth Bursaries / Up to $2000 / -  applicants who have themselves been severely injured or who have had a parent (or legal guardian) or sibling killed or severely injured as a result of an impaired driving crash
Ongoing throughout the year / Alberta High School Child Care Career Scholarship / $2500 / -  For Alberta students pursuing studies in early learning and child care
-  To be eligible for the scholarship, students must have successfully completed high school credit courses through Career and Technologies Studies CCS 3110, 3120, 3130, 3140, and 3150, or take the free, online Child Care Orientation Course, while in high school. Students must register in and attend an early learning and child care certificate, diploma or degree program and sign a service commitment agreeing to work in a licensed or approved child care program for one year.
May 31st / Stuck at Prom Contest / $500 - $5000 / -  Must wear “Duck Tape” wear to prom
-  Submit photo
May 31st / Hec Gervais Academic & Curling Scholarship / Not specified / -  For student active in competitive curling
May 31st / Alberta Equestrian Federation (AEF) Scholarship / $750 / -  AEF members
-  Post-secondary requirement
May 31st / Making Grad Great – Graduation Scholarship
Sent online update request Nov 6 / $500 / -  Gr. 12 students
-  Best displays how they went the extra mile to make grad special at their school
June 1st / United Farmers of Alberta Agricultural Award / $1000 x 4 / -  Advantage 25 UFA member
-  Must be attending University of Lethbridge Faculty of Arts and Science – Agricultural Studies or Agricultural Biotechnology
-  Academic excellence
Aug 1st / Tiessen Foundation Broadcast Scholarship / $750 / -  Gr. 12 graduate
-  Pursuing post-secondary studies in Canada in the field of broadcasting
-  Essay
June 1st / Alberta Citizenship Awards
-  Premier’s Citizenship Award (award plaque for one student at each Alberta high school)
-  Queen’s Jubilee Citizenship Medal ($5000 x 8)
-  Alberta Centennial Awards ($2005 x 25) / -  School staff selects one recipient for the award by June 1st
June 15th / RICOH WORKS Scholarship
Students nominated from school staff. Students receive application from school counsellor. / $500 x 4 / -  Students demonstrating Work Ethic, Resilience, Knowledge and Success in successfully graduating with a High School Diploma or Certificate
-  Student who has overcome some sort of adversity to continue their learning and graduate from high school