Content Map: Unit 4 ReconstructionContent Area: Social StudiesGrade: 5


Beliefs and Ideas / Conflict and Change / Individual, Groups, Institutions / Production, Distribution, Consumption

Lesson Essential Questions:

How did the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments influence the beliefs and ideals of the country?
Gave all citizens rights / How did the effects of Reconstruction change American life?
North had railroads and factory. Their economies increase.
South had to rejoin the Union. There’s no slavery. Jim Crowe Laws and segregation. / How did the actions of Congress affect society?
Gave African Americans rights
North production was stable.
North wanted the South punished.
South formed their own laws. / How did people decide what goods and services to produce, distribute, and consume during Reconstruction?
Product in high demand increases supply. Product in low demand decreased supply and production.
How does the Constitution protect a citizen’s rights by due process?
Trial by jury, speedy trial / How did the Jim Crow laws restrict the new freedoms of African Americans?
African American rights were limited / How did the Freedman’s Bureau affect African Americans?
Helped provide food, shelter, and medical for freed slaves, poor whites and children. Set up Contracts for African Americans to work with southern farmers / How did the destruction caused by the Civil War affect the production of goods and services?
Goods and services decreased in the South while remaining stable in the North
Why did the treatment of African Americans in the South lead to the creation of the 14th Amendment?
All citizens deserve equal rights / How did Congress change the Constitution to protect the rights of African Americans?
13th Amendment outlawed slavery
14th Amendment awards citizenship to all people born in the United States.
15th Amendment all men the right to vote / In what ways were slavery and sharecropping similar and different?
They were both still working for little to no pay.
Sharecroppers were freed slaves that worked on plantations (borrowed land) after the Civil War.

Key Vocabulary

improve, alter in writing / Reconstruction
the period when the South rejoined the Union / Freedman’s Bureau
provided food, shelter and medical care to African American, poor whites and children / goods and services
a product produced for a consumer
13th Amendment
outlawed slavery / Jim Crow Laws & Customs
laws that segregated African Americans from other Americans / Labor
work / Services
work done by people that benefits another
14th Amendment
– awards citizenship to all people born in the United States / Citizen
legal resident of country: somebody who has the right to live in a country because he or she was born there or has been legally accepted as a permanent resident / Sharecropping
system in which landowners let poor farmers use small areas of their land, and in return, the famers gave the landowners a share of the crop / Consuming
buying and selling goods
15th Amendment
gave all men the right to vote / Black Codes
limit the freedoms of African Americans / Market economy (influence)
an economic system in which people and businesses make most economic decisions
due process
all people follow the same laws and have the same rights which cannot be taken away without a fair trial / Segregation-
forced separation of the races / Opportunity costs-
the thing you give up when you decide to do or have something else / Competition
what occurs when more than one business tries to sell the same goods and services
voting rights
the right to elect government officials / Profit –
the amount of money left over after expenses have been paid / Investing
to use savings in the hope of earning more money in the future
Means to accept / Saving
putting money away to purchase larger items

Amending the Constitution:

Step 1: Congress proposes a new amendment (2/3 Senate + 2/3 House of Representatives)

Step 2: Proposed Amendment is sent to the states

Step 3: State legislatures choose to ratify (accept) or reject the amendment

Step 4: ¾ of the states must ratify (accept) the amendment for it to be added to the constitution

Amending the Constitution:

Step 1: Congress proposes a new amendment (2/3 Senate + 2/3 House of Representatives)

Step 2: Proposed Amendment is sent to the states

Step 3: State legislatures choose to ratify (accept) or reject the amendment

Step 4: ¾ of the states must ratify (accept) the amendment for it to be added to the constitution