(conference contributions, abstracts, invited lectures)

(Károly Rózsa)

1.L. Csillag, M. Jánossy, K. Rózsa, J. Bergou: Results and perspectives of hollow cathode lasers.

Proc. of Laser'79 Opto-Electronics Munich, Technology Press, England 1979 p. 89-93.

2.J. K. Mizeraczyk, J. Koneczka, J Wasilewki, W. Urban, K. Rózsa: Performance of hollow cathode He-I laser with internal anode system. Proc. of EKON-80 Poznan, 1980, p. 119-120.

3.K. Rózsa, I. Kuen, F. Howorka, W. Dobler: Hollow cathode discharges with variable voltage.

Proc. of Symposium on Atomic and Surface Physics Maria Alm/Salzburg, 1980, p. 167-172.

4.K Rózsa: Hollow cathode lasers and their design principles.

Invited lecture at VII. Summer School of Quantum Optics, Gdansk, 1980, p. 277-307.

5.J. Mizeraczyk, J. Konieczka, J. Wasilewski, K. Rózsa: High voltage hollow cathode He-Cd laser. Proc. of Optika 1980, Budapest, p. 177-180.

6.M. Jánossy, K. Rózsa, L. Csillag, L. T. Muu: Investigations on a hollow cathode He-Kr ion laser. Proc. of Lasers 1980, New Orleans, p. 186-187.

7.K. Rózsa, M. Jánossy, F. Howorka, I. Kuen: He-Ne laser in hollow cathode discharge.

Proc. of Symposium on Atomic and Surface Physics, Maria Alm/Salzburg, 1982. p. 184-189.

8.M. Jánossy, K. Rózsa, L. Csillag: Hollow cathode laser research.

Europhysics News 13, 9, (1982)

9.K. Rózsa: Variable voltage hollow cathode discharges and lasers.

Invited lecture at 6. Tagung Physik und Technik des Plasmas, Leipzig. 1982. p. 12-16.

10.K. Rózsa, M. Jánossy: Hollow cathode discharge lasers.

Invited lecture at XVI Int. Conf. on Phenomena of Ionized Gases. Düsseldorf, 1983, p. 150-153.

11.K. Rózsa, F. Howorka, I. Kuen, S. Chinen, P. Apai, P. Mezei, M. Jánossy: Endoergic charge transfer reactions near the cathode surface.

Proc. of Symposium on Atomic and Surface Physics, Maria Alm/Salzburg, 1984, p.67-70.

12.K. Fujii, Y. Moya, K. Rózsa, M. Jánossy, F. Howorka: Fundamental properties of the obstructed glow discharge.

Proc. of XVII Int Conf. on Phenomena of Ionized Gases, Budapest, 1983, p. 673-675.

13.M. Jánossy, K. Rózsa, P. Apai, L. Csillag: D. C. hollow cathode He-Kr ion laser.

Proc. of Optika'84 Budapest, 1984, SPIE Vol. 473. p. 177-180

14.P. Apai, M. Jánossy, I. Pálmai, K. Rózsa, G. Rubin: D. C. hollow cathode He-Kr discharge.

Proc. of Optika'84 Budapest, 1984, SPIE Vol. 473. p. 198-201

15.K. Fujii, H, Yokoyama, K. Rózsa, M. Jánossy, F. Howorka: Fundamental properties of helical hollow cathode discharge. Proc. of Gas Discharge Conf. GD'85 Oxford (1985)

16.K. Rózsa, P. Mezei, P. Apai, M. Jánossy, F. Howorka, I. Kuen, M. Grindhammer: Endoergic charge transfer reactions in the cathode glow. Proc. of Symposium on Atomic and Surface Physics, Obertraum, 1986.

17.K. Rózsa: Discharges for cw gas lasers. Invited lecture at SPIG'86 conference, Sibenik Yugoslavia. 1986. p. 387-389.

18.K. Rózsa, M. Jánossy, L. Csillag, P. Apai, P. Mezei: On the hollow cathode He-Kr ion laser.

Invited lecture at SPIG'86 conference, Sibenik Yugoslavia. 1986 p. 399-405.

19.H. L. Lancaster, H. A. Phillips, M. B. Denton, F. A. Hopf, K. Rózsa, P. Apai: Measurements on spectral line shape and absorption sensitivity using different geometries in hollow cathode discharges.

Proc of IX. Int conference "Gas Discharges and their Application" Venezia 1988, Ed: Benetton Editore, p. 543-545.

20.K. Rózsa, M. Jánossy, P. Apai, P. Mezei, L. Csillag: Lasers in hollow cathode discharges.

Invited lecture at Int. Conference "Gas Lasers and Applications" Warsawa 1989

21.L. Csillag, M. Jánossy, K. Rózsa, S. Kartaleva: Single mode operation in hollow cathode lasers

Proc 1st Symposium on Laser Spectroscopy, Pécs, 1986. p.66.

22.K. Rózsa, P. Apai, P. Mezei, G. Rubin, H. A. Phillips: High intensity hollow cathode light sources. Proc. of Symp. on Atomic and Surface Physics, Obertraum 1990.

23.P. Apai, P. Mezei, K. Rózsa, G. Rubin: Cathode sputtered Cu-II lasers.

Proc. of Symp. on Atomic and Surface Physics, Obertraum 1990.

24.E. P MacKerrow, H. C. Bryant. M. Halka, A. H. Mohagheghi, R. Pastel, C. Y. Tang, C. R. Quick, J. B. Donahue, A Hsu, J. Tiee, K. Rózsa: Polarization and intensity effects on multiphoton detachment of negative hydrogen ion. Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 36, No 4, 1249 (1991).

25.M Halka, H. C. Bryant. E. P Mackerrow, W. Miller, A. H. Mohagheghi, C. Y. Tang, S. Cohen. G. B Donahue, C. R. Quick, J. Tiee, K. Rózsa: Photoproduction of doubly excited states in the negative hydrogen ion. Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc.36, No 4, 1375 (1991).

26.A. V. Phelps, Z. Lj. Petrovic, K. Rózsa, B. M. Jelenkovic: Transient oscillations in low current discharges in hydrogen. Proc. of Joint Symposium on Electron and Ion Swarms and Low Energy Electron Scattering. p.77-78. Bond. Univ. Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. 18-20 July 1991.

27.K. Rózsa, P. Apai, P. Mezei, G. Rubin: Transient phenomena in double pulse excited Ne-Cu discharge. Proc. of the Pentagonale Workshop on Elementary Processes in Clusters, Lasers and Plasmas. (ELCP'91) Küthai, Austria p 279-285 (1991).

28.P. Apai, K. Rózsa: Hollow cathode laboratory light sources. Invited Lecture.

Proc. of the Pentagonale Workshop on Elementary Processes in Clusters, Lasers and Plasmas. (ELCP'91) Küthai, Austria p 279-285 (1991).

29.K. Rózsa, G. Stutzin, A. C. Gallagher: Efficient sputtering and deposition by a flat cathode DC glow discharge. (abstract, MB-1) 44th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, GEC'91.

Albuquerque, NM p.146 (1991).

30.K. Rózsa, L. Li, G. J. Collins, P. Apai: High voltage hollow cathode magnetron discharge. (abstract MA-4) 44th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, GEC'91. Albuquerque, NM p.139 (1991).

31.E. P. Mackerrow, H. C. Bryant, M Halka, A. H. Mohagheghi, R. Pastel, C. Y Tang, C. R. Quick, J. B. Donahue, A. Hsu, J. Tiee, K. Rózsa: Polarization and intensity effects on multiphoton deteachment of H and H. Big Sky Workshop on Super-Intense Laser-Atom Physics. June 22-25, 1991. Big Sky Lodge, Big Sky. MT.

32.L. Li, Z. Yu, B. Shi, G. J. Collins, K Rózsa, J. D. Meyer: Investigation of discharge impedance and spectral emission of a cylindrical magnetron with an internal anode grid. (abstract MA-11)

44th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, GEC'91. Albuquerque, NM p.143 (1991).

33.G. Rubin, M Jánossy, P. Mezei, P. Apai, K. Rózsa: Recombination peaks in a pulsed noble gas - Cu hollow cathode afterglow. (abstract JB-6) 44th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, GEC'91.

Albuquerque, NM p.116 (1991).

34.M. B. Jelenkovic, Z. Lj. Petrovic, K. Rózsa, A. V. Phelps: Oscillations in a pulsed plane-parallel hydrogen discharges. (abstract PA-7) 44th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, GEC'91.

Albuquerque, NM p.170 (1991).

35.A. V. Phelps, Z. Lj. Petrovic, K. Rózsa, M. B. Jelenkovic: Transient oscillations in low current discharges in hydrogen. Joint Symposium on Electron and Ion Swarms, and Low Energy Electron Scattering. Bond Univ. Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, 18-20 July, 1991, p 77-79.

369.K. Rózsa, R. C. Tobin, Z. Zhang. N. D. Perry, G. J. Collins, L. Li: High voltage hollow cathode discharge with anode mesh. (abstract 6.03) 7th Gaseous Electronics Meetings and Plasma Processing Workshop of the Australian Institute of Physics. 12-14 Feb. 1992. Parkville, Victoria.

37.K Rózsa, R. C. Tobin, Z. Zhang: Modified hollow cathode arrangements to increase energy of the electrons and the ions in the plasma. (abstract 6.02) 7th Gaseous Electronics Meetings and Plasma Processing Workshop of the Australian Institute of Physics. 12-14 Feb. 1992. Parkville, Victoria.

38.R. C. Tobin, Z. Zhang, K. Rózsa, N. D. Perry, K. A. Peard: Cu II laser in a slotted hollow anode-cathode discharge with longitudinal magnetic field.

Proceedings on CLEO-QELS'92 conference. p. Anaheim, CA. May 10-15, 1992.

39.Z. Donkó, K Rózsa, K. A. Peard, M.Jánossy, P.Mezei, L Szalai: Investigations on the role of electrode arrangement in high voltage hollow cathode He-Cu and He-Kr lasers.

Proc. 16th Congress of the International Commission for Optics: Optics as a Key to High Technology, SPIE Volume 1983, (Ed Gy. Akos, T Lippényi, G. Lupkovics and A Podmaninczky) pp. 36-37 (1993)

40.Z Donkó, K Rózsa, R. C. Tobin, K. A. Peard: Modeling the obstructed glow discharge in helium. Proc. of XXI ICPIG (International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases), Bochum, Contributed Papers Vol. 1 (Ed G. Ecker, U. Arendt, and J Böseler), pp. 375-376. (1993)

41.R. C Tobin, K. A. Peard, K. Rózsa, Z. Donkó: Towards a continuous-wave vacuum ultraviolet laser. Proc. of ACOLS'93 (Australian Conference on Optics, Lasers and Spectroscopy) p. 48 (1993)

42.Z.Donkó, K.Rózsa, K.A.Peard, M.Jánossy, P.Mezei and L.Szalai: "Investigations on the role of electrode arrangement in high voltage hollow cathode He-Cu+ and He-Kr+ lasers" Proc. 16th Congress of the International Comission for Optics: Optics as a Key to High Technology, SPIE Volume 1983, (Ed. Gy.Ákos, T.Lippényi, G.Lupkovics and A.Podmaniczky) pp.36-37 (1993)

43.R.C.Tobin, K.A.Peard, K.Rózsa and Z.Donkó: "Towards a continuous-wave vacuum ultraviolet laser" (Abstract) ACOLS93(Australian Conference on Optics, Lasers and Spectroscopy) (1993)

44.Z Donkó, K. Rózsa, R. C. Tobin, K. A. Peard: Studies on an obstructed glow discharge in helium. Proc of SASP'94 (Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics) Maria Alm, Austria (Ed: T. D. Mark, R. Schrittweiser and D. Smith) pp. 408-411 (1994)

45.K. Rózsa, Z. Donkó, L. Szalai R. C. Tobin, K. A. Peard: High voltage hollow cathode discharges for UV and VUV laser operation. Proc of SASP'94 (Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics) Maria Alm, Austria (Ed: T. D. Mark, R. Schrittweiser and D. Smith) pp. 412-415 (1994)

46.R. C. Tobin, K. A. Peard, K. Rózsa, Z. Donkó: High voltage hollow cathode discharges: efficient pumping of ultraviolet metal ion lasers. (abstract)

GEM, Eighth Gaseous Electronics Meeting, Feb. 1994, Australian National University. Canberra, ACT

47.R. C. Tobin, K. A. Peard, G Bode, K. Rózsa, Z. Donkó, L. Szalai: High gain hollow cathode metal ion lasers for the UV and VUV. (invited lecture) LEOS'94. 7th Annual meeting (IEEE Laser and Electro-Optics Society) Oct. 31 - Nov. 3, 1994 Boston, MA

48.K. Rózsa, A. C. Gallagher, Z. Donkó: Excitation of Ar lines near the cathode surface. (Abstract) 47th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, GEC'94.

49.K. Rózsa, Z. Donkó, L. Szalai, R. C. Tobin, K. A. Peard: "Segmented hollow cathode discharges for UV metal ion lasers", Hungarian Quantum Electronics Symposium, P9 Budapest (1994) (in Hungarian)

50.K. Rózsa, A. C. Gallagher, Z. Donkó: "Excitation of Ar lines near the cathode surface", (Abstract: NC3), 47th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, October 18-21, 1994, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA(1994)

51.Z. Donkó, K. Rózsa: "The effect of electron reflection from the electrodes in an obstructed discharge", (Abstract), 10th Symposium on Elementary Processes and Chemical Reactions in Low Temperature Plasma, Stará Lesná, Slovakia (1994) and Acta Physica Universitatis Comenianae, Vol.XXXVI, 1, pp.35-44 (1995)

52.B. Leigh, F. Robilliard, R. C. Tobin, K. Rózsa, Z. Donkó: "Dependence of TEM00 mode gain on cathode area in a metal ion laser", (Abstract) 10th Conference of the Australian Optical Society, 5-7 July 1995, Brisbane, Australia, p.103 (1995)

53.M. Ulbel, G.Pretzler, T.Neger, Z.Donkó, L.Szalai, K.Rózsa, R. C. Tobin, H.Jäger: "Untersuchung von Hohlkathodenentladungen mittels ortauflösender Spektrointerferometrie", (Abstract) PA35, Jahrestagung, Österreichische Physikalische Gesellschaft, 18-22 September 1995, Leoben, Austria (1995)

54.Z. Donkó, K. Rózsa R. C. Tobin: "Study of the electrons' motion in a high voltage segmented hollow cathode discharge", Proc. of the 11th International Conference on Gas Discharges and their Applications", Vol.II, pp.372-375, 11-15 September 1995, Chuo University, Kasuga, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan (1995)

55.K. Rózsa, Z. Donkó, L. Szalai, R. C. Tobin: "High voltage hollow cathode discharges for lasers", Proc. of the 11th International Conference on Gas Discharges and their Applications", Vol.II, pp.356-359, 11-15 September 1995, Chuo University, Kasuga, Bunkyo-k u, Tokyo, Japan (1995)

56.R. C. Tobin, K. A. Peard, B. Leigh, G. Bode, K.Rózsa, Z. Donkó, L.Szalai: "Novel low-temperature pulsed metal-vapour lasers", Proc. of NATO Advanced Research Workshop: Pulsed Metal Vapour Lasers, Physics and Engineering Applications in Industry, Medicine and Science, 7-10 August 1995, University of St Andrews, UK (1995) (NATO ASI Series), to be published.

57.R. C. Tobin, B. Leigh, F. E. Robilliard, J. Schulze, K. Rózsa Z. Donkó: "Atom and ion concentrations in a high-voltage hollow-cathode metal ion laser", (Abstract) 9th Gaseous Electronic Meeting (GEM), January 29-31, 1996, Flinders University, Adelaide, SA, Australia (1996), to be published

58.T. Adamowicz, Z. Donkó, W. Kwasniewski, L. Szalai and K. Rózsa: "Comparison of IR gain in He-Cu ion lasers with different hollow cathode geometries", Proc. of V. Symp. on Ion Beam Techniques, 21-23 March 1996, Szklarska Poreba, Poland (in Polish) (1996)

59.R. C. Tobin, B. Leigh, K. Rózsa, Z. Donkó, L. Szalai, J. Schulze: "The segmented hollow-cathode ultraviolet laser", (Abstract) International Quantum Electronics Conference (IQEC), July 14-19, 1996, Sydney, Australia (1996), to be published

60.T.Adamowicz, Z.Donkó, W.Kwasniewski, L.Szalai and K.Rózsa: "Comparison of IR gain in He-Cu ion lasers with different hollow cathode geometries", Proc. of V. Symp. on Ion Beam Techniques, 21-23 March 1996, Szklarska Poreba, Poland (in Polish) (1996)

61.R.C.Tobin, B.Leigh, K.Rózsa, Z.Donkó, L.Szalai and J.Schulze: "The segmented hollow-cathode ultraviolet laser", (Abstract) International Quantum Electronics Conference (IQEC), July 14-19, 1996, Sydney, Australia (1996)

62.T.Adamowicz, Z.Donkó, W.Kwasniewski, L.Szalai and K.Rózsa: "Spatially resolved gain in segmented hollow cathode He-Cu discharges", (Abstract) ESACAMPIG XIII Conference,

August 27-30, 1996, Poprad, Slovakia, Europhysics Conference Abstracts Vol 20 E, Part A, pp.197-198 (1996)

63.K.Rózsa, L.Szalai and Z.Donkó: "Oscillations in a low current argon glow discharge", (Abstract) ESACAMPIG XIII Conference, August 27-30, 1996, Poprad, Slovakia, Europhysics Conference Abstracts Vol 20 E, Part A, pp.161-162 (1996)

64.Z.Donkó, T.Šimko and K.Rózsa: "Monte Carlo model of an obstructed glow discharge in hydrogen", (Abstract) ESACAMPIG XIII Conference, August 27-30, 1996, Poprad, Slovakia, Europhysics Conference Abstracts Vol 20 E, Part A, pp.149-150 (1996)

65.K.Rózsa, Z.Donkó, L.Szalai, T.Adamowicz and R.C.Tobin: "UV lasers in highly efficient hollow cathode discharges", (Abstract) Joint Polish-German Conference on Modern Optics, September 23-28, 1996, Jaszowiec, Poland (1996)

66.M.Ulbel, L.Szalai, G.Pretzler, T. Neger, H.Jäger, Z.Donkó, K.Rózsa and R.C.Tobin: "Measurements of copper atom concentration in a high voltage hollow cathode discharge" 28th EGAS Conference, contribution C4-91, Graz 1996, Europhysics conference abstracts20D, p. 396-397 (1996)

67.Z.Donkó, L.Szalai and K.Rózsa: "Continuous UV metal ion lasers excited in segmented hollow cathode discharges", Technical Digest, CLEO/Pacific Rim'97 (Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics) Chiba, Japan, 14-18 July 1997, pp. 97-98 (1997)

68.K.Rózsa, M.Jánossy, Z.Donkó and L.Szalai: "Charge transfer excitation processes in a segmented hollow cathode discharge" (Abstract) 4th European Workshop on Analytical Glow Discharge Spectrometry, October 9-10, Dortmund, Germany (1997)

69.Z.Donkó, K.Rózsa, L.Szalai: "Simulations of the motion of electrons in hollow cathode discharges for lasers", 3rd Hungarian Quantum Electronics Symposium, P43, Budapest (1997) (in Hungarian)

70.K.Kutasi, G.Bánó, Z.Donkó, L.Szalai, K.Rózsa, "The gain of He–Cu+ laser in segmented hollow cathode discharges", 3rd Hungarian Quantum Electronics Symposium, P44, Budapest (1997) (in Hungarian)

71.Šimko, Z.Donkó and K.Rózsa: "Electron and ion kinetics in hydrogen obstructed glow discharges" Proc. of XXIII. International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG), (Ed.: M. C. Bordage and A. Gleizes) Contributed Papers Vol.II. pp.64-65, July 17-July 21 1997, Toulouse, France (1997)

72. M. Adamowicz, G. Bánó, L. Szalai, K. Dzieciolowski, W. Kwasniewski, Z. Donkó, and K. Rózsa: "High gain cathode sputtered He-Zn laser in a segmented hollow cathode discharge", Proc. of 11th Symp. on Elementary Processes and Chemical Reactions in Low Temperature Plasma, Contributed papers, Part 1, 11-14 (1998)

73Szalai, T. M. Adamowicz, A. M. Tokarz, G. Bánó, K. Kutasi, Z. Donkó, and K. Rózsa: "Operation characteristics of a segmented hollow cathode Au ion laser", Proc. of 11th Symp. on Elementary Processes and Chemical Reactions in Low Temperature Plasma, Contributed papers, Part 1, 157-160 (1998)

74L. Szalai, T. M. Adamowicz, A. Tokarz, G. Bánó, K. Kutasi, Z. Donkó, and K. Rózsa: "Optimum Operating Conditions of a Hollow-Cathode Au-II Laser", In: Optika'98 : 5th Congress on Modern Optics, Budapest, Hungary, Proc. of SPIE, 3573, pp. 28. (1998)

75Z. Donkó, G. Bánó, L. Szalai, K. Kutasi, K. Rózsa, M. Pinheiro, N. Pinhão: "Investigations on discharge constriction in the cathode region of argon glow discharges", Proc. of XXIV. International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG), (Ed.: P. Pisarczyk, T. Pisarczyk and J. Wolowski) Contributed Papers Vol.3. pp.51-52, July 11-July 16, 1999, Warsaw, Poland (1999)

76P. Hartmann, Z. Donkó, G. Bánó, K. Rózsa: “Studies of electric breakdown in low-pressure helium gas” Proc. of XXIV. International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG), (Ed.: P. Pisarczyk, T. Pisarczyk and J. Wolowski) Contributed Papers Vol.4. pp.217-218, July 11-July 16, 1999, Warsaw, Poland (1999)

77W. Kwasniewski, Z. Donkó, L. Szalai, G. Bánó, K. Rózsa, and T. M. Adamowicz: "Evaluation of Au diffusion coefficient in He by 2-pulse excitation of a hollow cathode discharge" Proc. of XXIII. International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG), (Ed.: P. Pisarczyk, T. Pisarczyk and J. Wolowski) Contributed Papers Vol.2. pp.83-84, July 11-July 16, 1999, Warsaw, Poland (1999)

78Z.Donkó, L.Szalai and K.Rózsa: "Continuous UV metal ion lasers excited in segmented hollow cathode discharges", Technical Digest, CLEO/Pacific Rim'97 (Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics) Chiba, Japan, 14-18 July 1997, pp. 97-98 (1997)

79K.Rózsa, M.Jánossy, Z.Donkó and L.Szalai: "Charge transfer excitation processes in a segmented hollow cathode discharge" (Abstract) 4th European Workshop on Analytical Glow Discharge Spectrometry, October 9-10, Dortmund, Germany (1997)

80Z.Donkó, K.Rózsa, L.Szalai: "Simulations of the motion of electrons in hollow cathode discharges for lasers", 3rd Hungarian Quantum Electronics Symposium, P43, Budapest (1997) (in Hungarian)

81K.Kutasi, G.Bánó, Z.Donkó, L.Szalai, K.Rózsa, "The gain of He–Cu+ laser in segmented hollow cathode discharges", 3rd Hungarian Quantum Electronics Symposium, P44, Budapest (1997) (in Hungarian)

82L. Szalai, G. Bánó, K. Kutasi, Z. Donkó and K. Rózsa: "Optimization of hollow-cathode discharges for pumping metal ion lasers", In: Book of Abstracts , Tenth International School on Quantum Electronics, Lasers - Physics and Applications, 21-25 Sept. 1998, Varna, Bulgaria, pp. 11. (1998)

83K.Rózsa, Z. Donkó, L. Szalai, G. Bánó and K. Kutasi: "Cathode sputtered metal ion lasers" (abstract) (in Hungarian) National Meeting of Hungarian Physicists, 25-28 Aug. 1998, Gödöllõ, pp. 168-170 (1998)

84M. Jánossy, G. Bánó, Z. Donkó, K. Rózsa, L. Szalai: Charge transfer excitation cross-sections in the He-Au+ laser, ESACAMPIG XV Conference, August 26-30, 2000, Miskolc-Lillafüred, Hungary, Ed. Z. Donkó, L. Jenik, J. Szigeti, Europhysics Conference Abstracts24F, pp. 86-87 (2000)

85K. Rózsa, G. Bánó, A. Gallagher: The Locatin of Very Small Particles in Silan RF Discharges, 8th Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, April 26-28 2000

86K. Rózsa, G. Bánó, A. Gallagher: “The Location of Small Particles in a Silane RF Discharges” 53d Annual G.E.Conf., Huston, Okt 24-27 2000.

87K. Rózsa, G. Bánó, A. Gallagher: Location of trapped particles in RF silane plasma, XV. ESCAMPIG, Lillafüred Aug. 26-30, 2000. Europhysics Conference Abstracts 24F, 86 (2000)

88 P. Horváth, G. Bánó, K. Rózsa: Optimization of hollow-cathode configurations for heated metal ion lasers, XV. ESCAMPIG, Lillafüred Aug. 26-30, 2000. Europhysics Conference Abstracts 24F, 476 (2000)

89P. Horváth, G. Bánó, K. Rózsa: “Design of heated hollow-cathode zinc ion laser” (in Hungarian), Quantumelectronics 2000, Nov. 3, 2000, Budapest, Book of abstracts, edt. S. Varró, pp. 38, ISBN 963 372 624 7

90G. Bánó, K. Rózsa, A.Gallagher: Causes of small particle growth in Silane discharges, CP649, Dusty Plasmas in the New Millenium:3rd International Conference on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas, 20-24 May 2002, Durban, South Africa. Ed. R. Brautharm et al. pp 152-156. American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0106-3

91G. Bánó, P. Horváth, K. Rózsa, T. M. Adamowicz: “224 nm segmented hollow-cathode silver ion laser” (in Hungarian), Quantumelectronics 2003, Oct. 21, 2003, Budapest, Ed: Varró S, (ISBN 963 372 629 8) pp.1136.