Lesson Plan

Content Area: Math Name: Kellie Thomas

Grade Level: 5th Title: Division

Sunshine State Standard(s):

» MA.5.A.1.1: Describe the process of finding quotients involving multi-digit dividends using models, place value, properties, and the relationship of division to multiplication.

» MA.5.A.1.2: Estimate quotients or calculate them mentally depending on the context and numbers involved.

» MA.5.A.1.3: Interpret solutions to division situations including those with remainders depending on the context of the problem.

» MA.5.A.1.4: Divide multi-digit whole numbers fluently, including solving real-world problems, demonstrating understanding of the standard algorithm and checking the reasonableness of results.

Mathematics Goals Objective:

·  The students will be able to represent division of 3 digit numbers using base 10 blocks.

·  The students will be able to find patterns for the number of different base 10 blocks in a rectangle representing a quotient.

·  The students will be able to use the patterns to find quotients mentally.

Grouping for Instruction/ Students Needs:

Whole group instruction will be used to review and cover skills and basic concepts that should already be known. These skills include basic one digit multiplying and dividing along with the process of the traditional method of dividing. (DMSB: Divide, Multiply, Subtract, Bring-Down)

Small groups will be implemented for reinforcement, modeling and investigation exercises and techniques when using the base-ten blocks.


Dry Erase Boards

Base Ten-Blocks

Overhead Projector

“Division Using Base-Ten Blocks Worksheet” (attached)

Input/Modeling of Concepts: (Before)

1.  Write and state the content and objectives on the board for ELL students.

2.  Explain that the purpose of this lesson is to prepare them for their test and to give them extra practice dividing.

3.  Tell the students that they will be visually representing division using base-ten blocks which will represent the quotient.

4.  Write the following words on the board: Quotient, Dividend, and Divisor and review the definitions of the mathematics vocabulary as a class.

5.  Pass out Dry Erase Boards and remind students that they have been learning the traditional method of division and have been using other methods to find the quotient.

6.  Write this problem on the board and instruct students to work out the problem on their dry erase boards and to hold up the board when they are finished. 514/3

7.  Call on a student to explain their reasoning.

8.  Repeat steps 2 and 3 using these problems 583/4 and 642/6.

9.  Ask: How many of you have ever used base-10 blocks?

10.  Ask: How would we represent or model division using based 10 blocks? (take suggestions)

11.  Write this on the board: Steps to Divide Using Based 10 Blocks

1. Model the dividend

2. Divide into equal groups by the divisor

3. (Trade if necessary: ex 10’s stick for 10 ones)

4. Determine remainder (if any)

5. Check your answer using long division.

12. Ask: How would we represent 514 using base 10 blocks? How do we divide it by 3?

Should we trade anything? (Model)

Guided Practice: (During)

1.  Place the students in cooperative group of about 3-4 students each.

2.  Assign a task to each person in a team (leader, recorder, material manager)

3.  Have the material managers from each group get all the materials.

4.  Ask the teams to complete the worksheet, “Division Using Base Ten Blocks”

5.  Circulate among the groups, guiding them to complete the worksheet and observing students’ interaction and understanding.

Assessment: (After)

Each team will have and assigned problem to report to the class and explain what they have learned from the lesson.

For homework, the students will complete the worksheet “Long Division with Remainders (A)”

ELL Accommodations

Stating Objective

Re-teaching mathematics vocabulary


Manipulatives (Base 10 Blocks)

Peer Grouping



Homework Worksheet Attained From:




Directions: As a group solve each problem using the base ten blocks. Write an equation for the word problems and be sure to SHOW ALL YOUR WORK!!

1.  Pamela buys 104 popsicles for her party. She has 6 carrier bags and needs to put an equal amount in each bag. Can she do this? How many will she have remaining?

2. 313÷4=

3. 543÷5=

4. I read 489 pages of my book over 6 days. How many pages do I read a day? How many remaining?

5. 634÷6

6. 154÷4