Services Offered / Price List
The following list gives some example services with indicative costs, but an individual quotation can be provided on request. All services are offered at the LifePsychol offices, RegusAtterburyLakes, Milton Keynes, MK10 9RG or can be offered at your base with the additional of travel costs.
A consultation is a chance to discuss a case with a Clinical Psychologist with specialist expertise in relation to parenting, attachment relationships, child development, therapeutic needs, placement planning, contact arrangements and child and adolescent mental health issues. This can be used to help plan appropriate interventions, placement or contact plans, decide whether to instruct an expert and what to ask them, or to ensure that you have considered appropriate evidence before presenting a case to the courts. Consultations are for professionals to consider cases and can be attended by as many members of staff as you wish. Once a case is known to the psychologist it can also be appropriate to use a further consultation to help support or inform foster, adoptive or kinship carers about psychological issues. A letter can be provided summarising the discussion and advice given.
One hour (no letter)£150With letter£250
Block of 3 consultations together (no letters)£400With letters£650
Teaching sessions can be offered to any team or group on subjects including attachment patterns, parenting children after abuse/neglect, child development, autistic spectrum disorders, child mental health, different types of therapy, etc. Teaching can be pitched at any level and be made as interactive or didactic as you wish. The audience can be as large or small as you wish.
One hour (single trainer)£150 One hour (two trainers)£250
Half day (single trainer)£450Half day (two trainers)£750
Full day(single trainer)£800Full day(two trainers)£1250
Group: Managing Behaviour with Attachment in Mind
An ongoing group allows adoptive parents or foster carers to learn about the ideas of attachment and re-parenting in more depth. The group format is of six 2.5 hour sessions, which allow participants to get to know each other, and let people put the ideas into action between weekly sessions. The content of the group is evidence based and has been shown to be effective as well as well-liked by participants (see Holmes and Silver, in Adoption and Fostering, Spring 2010). We will run the group according to demand, normally termly during the school day (normally 10am-12.30pm). There will be 6-20 participants per group.
One foster or adoptive carer for 6 sessions of 2.5 hours each £800
Two foster or adoptive carers (or one carer and a ‘supporter’) in relation to the same child £1000
Further families/carers funded by same service (per family, up to 2 attendees) £700
A group of up to 15 families £7500
Training to run Managing Behaviour with Attachment in Mind
I can also train professionals such as social workers, guardians, or health professionals to run the Managing Behaviour with Attachment in Mind group. This includes a folder of materials to use to run the group and permission to copy the handouts for participants, as well as use of the outcome measures.
Full day, per participant£195
Full day, per participant (3 or more participants from same service)£165
We can offer various forms of psychological assessment. This could include a cognitive assessment of an adult, to explore whether they have learning disabilities, or a cognitive and/or developmental assessment of a child to look at whether there is global or specific delay. We can explore a particular area of concern or potential diagnosis (such as ADHD or Autistic Spectrum Conditions) or we can screen for mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, anger, low self-esteem. We can explore behaviour, and whether there is an underlying cause such as trauma, abuse or neglect. We can also describe personality traits and highlight any areas of concern in the mental health of parents, as well as checking how open and honest they are being and how well they relate to professionals.
Specialist interview techniques can be used in association with psychometric measures to explore adult’s attachment history and what they bring to parenting (for example in relation to a parent where the child is at risk of coming into care to know whether continued support is appropriate and how to target this, or whether adults who have put themselves forward to be foster or adoptive carers are appropriate). Similarly, specialist tools and techniques can be used with children to explore their perceptions of their family, whether they wish to disclose any abusive experiences, how they understand that parents behave and families function. This can guide whether intervention is necessary, the kind of placement and contact arrangements that might be suitable and whether therapy would be beneficial.
Charges will vary according to the needs of the case, but some examples measures are given for guidance:
Cognitive assessment (adult or child)£500
Assessment of a specific disorder (eg ADHD or ASD)£500
Questionnaire screening of development or mental health£250
Personality and mental health assessment£500
Story stems, In My shoes or Family Relations Test (each)£250
We can offer specialist therapy in relation to children and young people who have experienced trauma, neglect or abuse. We can also offer support for adoptive parents and foster carers, and provide Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy, Theraplay, or attachment narrative work to help enhance the parent-child relationship between children and their non-birth-parent carers. These forms of therapy are evidence based, and outcome data will be collected. They are delivered by highly skilled and experienced professional staff and are models specifically developed to help with attachment relationships, so this is very different to offering generic ‘counselling’ or ‘play therapy’.
6 sessions of input, plus a letter and outcome measures starts at £600
6 sessions of family work with 2 therapists, plus letter and outcome measures starts at £1000
Service Evaluation/Audit/Research
In a time when outcome measurements and evidence of effectiveness determine who wins contracts, where young people are placed and how services are funded, gathering and evaluating research data in a meaningful way is key. At LifePsychol we are able to offer research and audit services to evaluate your service and evidence outcome effectiveness, staff knowledge or milieu. For example, we are able to help evaluate whether the service offered by a specialist provider of residential or foster placements has additional qualities or better outcomes compared to ‘standard’ Local Authority services. We are able to help evaluate how children change during the course of placements, the quality of parent/carer-child relationships, the knowledge of staff and the way that they manage challenging behaviour and perceive their working environment.
We can create individualised research/audit plans for your service, and can also create online systems to produce individualised reports about the needs of children in placement based on their scores on questionnaires exploring areas of need. The cost of this will vary according to the service required, so please do not hesitate to discuss the options available with us. We are also keen to collaborate to apply for research grants for more innovative projects.