Fr. Paul O’Driscoll 059 9144164 Mobile 087 2564076
Parish Office 059 9144888, Sr. Pauline & Sr. Caitriona059 9144152
Email or see
18th September2016
Weekend Masses
Sat 7.00p.m.Peter Byrne (A),Kathleen Cummins (A),
Castledermot:Shirley Jenkinson (A),Mary Teresa Nolan (A),
Daniel & Ellen Kelly (A), Deceased members of the Kelly Family (A).
Sun 9:30a.m.
Sun 11.00a.m.Michael Hunt (A), Mary-Ann Byrne (A).
Prayers requested for:Carmel Ryan (R.D) (Funeral arrangements to follow),
Betty Byrne (R.D), Liam Brennan (R.D) (England and formally of Plumplestown) .
Mass & Services Schedule:
Mon:7.00pmEvening Mass:Seamus Berkeley (R.D).
Tues: 8.45am Morning Prayer:
Wed:7:00pm Evening Mass:
Thurs: 9:00am Morning Prayer:
Fri: 7:00pm Evening Mass:Des Cope (1st A).
Eucharistic Adoration Mondays at 6.30pm followed by Mass at 7.00pm
Ministers of the Eucharist (Castledermot)
Sat 17th Sept:A. O’Shaughnessy & E. Osborne.Sun 18th Sept:S. O’ Briain & A. Wall.
Sat 24th Sept:S. Ormsby & M. Lyng.Sun 25th Sept:C. Doyle & Sr. Pauline.
Ministers of the Word (Castledermot)
Sat 17th Sept:J. O’Hara.Sun 18th Sept:C. Dunne.
Sat 24th Sept:P. Keane.Sun 25th Sept:Sr. Pauline.
Ministers of the Word (Levitstown) Sun Sun18th Sept:C. Heslin & E. Holden.Sun 25th Sept:M. Hayden & C. Byrne.
Collectors (Levitstown) Sept: M. Heslin & T. Heslin.Oct:P. Murphy & S. Dowling.
Altar Servers
Sat 17th Sept:I. Adekoya.A. Adekoya.
Sun 18th Sept:R. Harries.E. Kenny.
Crosscare Annual Collection:The Annual collection for Community & Homeless Services will be held at all masses thisweekend 17th & 18th September. It will replace the usual Share collection.
Parish Pastoral Council:The next meeting will take place on Monday 26th September at 8pm in Teach Diarmada. Any queries in writing please to Secretary, Avril Heslin C/O Parish Office, Teach Diarmada.
Parents Meetings: Confirmation Classes – Parents meeting at 8pm on Wed 28th Sept at Scoil Diarmada
Italian Earthquake Appeal:A total of €493.59 was gathered for this very worthy cause. Thanks to everyone who contributed.
Castledermot Vintage Club: Their 10th Annual Threshing and Vintage working day takes place on Sunday 25th September. Steam Parade through the town Saturday night 24thSept. This year’s main charity is Sapling Autistic School, Carlow. If anyone has bric a brac, sponsorship or prizes for the raffle please contact Rita on 086-1903968.
Rathvilly & Castledermot Garden & Flower Club: willresume their monthly meetings in Teach Diarmada, Castledermot on Thursday 29th September at 7.30pm. Diane Gallagher, from the Doddervale Club in Dublin, renowned demonstrator, teacher & judge, will give a flower arranging demonstration.We look forward to the new season ahead, to seeing familiar faces & to welcoming newcomers also. Entry fee €5. Optional raffle €5. Meeting is concluded with Tea, biscuits & chat.
The Call of Pope Francis to care for our common home!Just to let you know that Sr. Nellie McLoughlin will be in Castledermot on Thursday 29th September to give a presentation on Laudato SI’ and care for our common home. This will take place at 7.30 pm in Teach Diarmada, our Community Centre. Nellie is from Donegal, she is a Sister of Mercy, Northern Province and education is her background. In more recent years, having studied theology and cosmology, she has been involved in creation spirituality, cosmology, ecology and sustainable living through retreats, seminars and practical initiatives. She was invited by Veritas to write a response to Laudato SI’ which is called “Life’s Delicate Balance” and is available from Veritas. You might like to pencil in the date in your diary and you will be most welcome.
Faith for Life Course: A course to help you discover more energising and empowering ways to live out your faith in the reality of today’s world; through relationships in Family, Parish, Workplace and Events of daily life. Faith for Life is experienced in a journey of four movements; 1. (Called to become, Human & Holy... Sat 1st & Sun 2nd Oct 2016), 2. (Called to become, Church in and for the world... Sat 12th & Sun 13th Nov 2016),
3. (Called to become, centred on the Word of God... Sat 14th & Sun 15th Jan 2017),
4.(Called to, Live Faithfully...Sat 25th & Sun 26th Feb 2017).
Parkinson’s Association of Ireland: The Parkinson’s Association of Ireland are holding a Patient Conference in the Keadeen Hotel, Newbridge, Co. Kildare on Sunday 16th October 2016 from 10.30 - 4pm. This is a local event and offers a great opportunity for people with Parkinson’s to meet and learn more about their condition. This is not a fundraising event and is part of National Campaign on Parkinson’s awareness. Individuals enquiring about the event can contact the Parkinson’s association on 1800 359 359.