Consumer Rights, Advocacy and Support
Ngā Tikanga O Te Kiritaki, Mahi Taunaki Me Ta Tautoko
Purpose / To ensure consumers receive services of an appropriate standard that complies with the consumer rights legislationScope / All staff involved in service provision
Performance Indicator / Staff demonstrate knowledge and understanding of consumer rights and obligations, and incorporate them as part of their everyday practice
Consumer & their Family/Whānau
The consumer will be provided information on the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights (the Code), the complaints system and the National Health and Disability Advocacy Service.
The Code, complaints system and advocacy services will be explained, discussed and clarified with the consumerand their family/whānau of choice where appropriate.
Information will be provided (at the earliest opportunity) in languages and formats that suit the consumers’ needs which may include but not limited to:
use of an interpreter
DVD presentation with subtitles, in New Zealand sign language and with audio description
leaflets in alternative languages.
Consumers will have access to family/whānau and other visitors of their choice where the safety of the consumer and others is not compromised.
All newly engaged staff will receive education which will include an orientation and ongoing training related to the Code, complaints system and advocacy services.
Education will be relevant to the staffmember’s role and level of contact with the consumer and family/whānau.
Ongoing Provision of Information
Throughout service delivery; opportunities will be provided to the consumers and their family/whānau (of choice) to discuss the Code and/or their rights to an independent advocate. This may include but not limited to:
on request by the consumer or their family/whānau
on receipt of a complaint
following an incident or accident
following any consumer or family/whānau feedback as appropriate
during or on review of service delivery.
Staff will facilitate access to a Māori advocate for consumers who required this service.
Breaches in the consumer’s rights, advocacy and support will be reported using the incident/accident reporting processes.
Opportunities will be made available for a health and disability advocate to present to consumers programmes such as Speaking-Up, Tell Someone, You’re Not Alone and Self Advocacy.
The Code (poster) is displayed within the facility and located .
Leaflets on the Code and advocacy services are located .
The consumer and their family/whānau will be provided the opportunity to provide feedback as a means of improving outcomes. Feedback will be sought by appropriate methods which include but not limited to:
consumer and family/whānau surveys
feedback/suggestion box which is located
complaints process
consumer meetings
family/whānau meetings
review of care delivery
opportunistic feedback.
SERVICE / CONTACT DETAILSHealth and Disability Advocacy / Free Phone: 0800 555 050
Free Fax: 0800 2 SUPPORT / 0800 2787 7678
Tauranga Advocacy Service / Tauranga: 07 577 1715 – Emma Ngawhare
Tauranga Email:
Health Consumer Service
Advocacy & support for consumers who have concerns about their health or disability. / PO Box 4023
Mount Maunganui 3149
Phone: 07 575 3398 / 07 575 6906
Freephone: 0800 801 482
Fax: 07 575 8100
Age Concern Elder Abuse and Neglect Services / Age Concern offers free and confidential service to help
177A Fraser Street
Phone: 07 578 2856 / 07 578 2631
Fax: 07 578 2015
Reference: Health and Disability Services (Core) Standards. NZS 8134.1:2008.
Aged Care Service Agreement for the Provision of Aged Related Residential Care.
Version: / Issue Date: / Review Date: / Authorisation:1 | Page