Consultant Opportunity

Opportunity / Consultant Role Title / Writing of Professional Development Experiences (PDE)
Programme Title / National and Regional Programmes
Sub-Project Title / Regional Programme PDE Development
Details of the Opportunity / Periodically we review the PDE content of our regional course programme. This opportunity is to review a selection of the current programmes to ensure that the content is relevant and contains recent updates in research, and where applicable incorporate new practical activities. You will be provided with existing course materials to review and update, providing additional guidance as tutor notes on PowerPoints where changes are made. Handouts for the PDE Sessions also need to be reviewed and updated as will a session guidance document detailing the outcomes of the session (each session would be typically 60 or 90 minutes).
Courses to be reviewed / written:-
Activity Code / Range / Activity Title / Course Duration
RP112 / Primary Science / Developing Subject Understanding in Primary Science (REVIEW) / Variable
RP114 / Literacy and Science (REVIEW)
RP116 / Thinking and Talking in Primary Science (REVIEW)
RP117 / Running successful clubs, events and visits (REVIEW AND RE-WRITE)
Length of the opportunity / Ultimate deadline for completion is 28th February 2018, although we would prefer that the work is completed before this date.
Start Date / As soon as possible – due to tight deadlines, we will commission as soon as interest is expressed by suitable individuals.
Location for the work / From Home.
Fee / There will typically be up to 4 PDE’s to write / update per 1 day of course at a rate to be agreed after discussion regarding the amount of work that needs to be done to review / write the course. The maximum payable for a total re-write of a set of 4 PDEs will be £880 inclusive of VAT. Reviews of PDEs will be paid at a lower rate.
Essential Skills and Expertise required from interested consultants / Understanding of the latest research around pedagogy as we well as a thorough knowledge of the relevant curriculum being covered.
Experience of designing and delivering training.
Ability to design interactive activities as part of professional development.
Understanding of ways in which impact of training can be measured.
For any queries regarding the opportunity, contact details of who to speak to / Wayne Jarvis, Senior Network Educational Lead

07801 595444
Closing Date for expressions of interest / As soon as possible – due to tight deadlines, we will commission as soon as interest is expressed by suitable individuals.
Instructions on how to register interest – i.e. where to send submission / Please email in the first instance, explaining the expertise that you have in the PDE area(s) that you are interested in. Please include contact details (email, telephone and address) in your expression of interest.
Please send expressions of interest to Wayne Jarvis, Senior Network Educational Lead ()
Date consultants will be notified if they have been successful / As soon as commissioned
Web link to relevant Programme/Project / N/A
Any Additional Important Information for Consultants
The following will be provided:-
  • This writing/reviewing project is to produce new sessions and associated PDEs, there are some materials existing for this course; all existing materials will be provided to the successful consultant. It is expected that latest research and developments in the PDE areas will be incorporated into the PDEs and that all PDEs are developed to include appropriate activities and detailed notes for the facilitators to use in the delivery of the sessions.
  • Templates for the guidance document will be provided.
  • A writing guide will be issued.
  • Consultants are welcome to express interest in multiple courses.