We the members of the Student Council of Athens Academy, in order to promote a closer relationship between students and faculty, foster unity within the student body through leadership, responsibility and good citizenship, and fulfill the other objectives laid-out herein, do establish this constitution as declaration of our means, methods, and responsibilities.
Article I:
Name and Objective
Paragraph I. The name of this organization shall be “The Student Council of Athens Academy”.
Paragraph II. The objective of this governing body shall be to faithfully adhere to the ideals set forth by the Preamble and to promote student life and activities by the cooperative efforts of its members, the rest of the Student Body and administration.
Article II:
Paragraph I. The Council shall be composed of five (5) “Delegations,” one for each class of the Upper School, and a fifth representing the Student Body as a whole, composed of Juniors and Seniors. Each Class Delegation shall be responsible for affairs and concerns of its grade, and the Student Body Delegation shall be responsible for the entire Upper School.
Paragraph II. A Delegation shall be composed thus: a president, a vice-president, a secretary, and a treasurer. Each shall perform specific duties as specified in Articles III and IV, but all four shall be considered equal for votes of the Council.
Paragraph III. In the event that a president is removed from office or otherwise rendered unable to fulfill his/her duties, the vice-president shall accede to the position. In the event that one of the other officers is rendered unable to fulfill his/her duties, the other officers shall confer amongst themselves to divide those responsibilities between them as they deem fit.
Article III:
The Student Body Delegation
Paragraph I. All Student Council members are required to attend the Student Council Spring Organizational Meeting in May and the Student Council Fall Retreat in August.
Student Council members are required to attend regular D-Day meetings. Student Body Officers will also attend once-a-cycle planning meetings with the Student Council Sponsor.
Paragraph II. The Student Body President Shall: 1.) Plan, organize, and preside over business meetings of the Student Council in conjunction with suggestions from other officers and the Student Council Sponsor. 2.) Administer and delegate responsibilities and appoint committees if needed. 3.) Oversee completion of Student Council projects and activities. 4.) Lead school meetings. 5.) Preside over the Judiciary Board.
Paragraph III. The Student Body Vice President Shall: 1.) Assume all duties and responsibilities of President as needed. 2.) Preside over fall fundraising. 3.) Chair committees as specified by the president. 4.) Encourage and motivate fellow classmates to support all Student Council activities. 5.) Help lead school meetings.
Paragraph IV. The Student Body Secretary Shall: 1.) Prepare the agenda for Student Council meetings. 2.) Keep clear, detailed minutes of Student Council meetings and activities. 3.) Chair committees as specified by the president. 4.) Encourage and motivate fellow classmates to support Student Council activities. 5.) Handle and relate Student Council Correspondence. 6.) Write announcements and create signs relative to Student Council activities.
Paragraph V. The Student Body Treasurer Shall: 1.) Keep clear, accurate records of all monies received and spent, and an accurate balance of Student Council Funds. 2.) Make financial reports at Student Council Meetings and School Meetings as needed. 3.) Over-see fund-raising projects. 4.) Chair other committees as specified by the president. 5.) Encourage and motivate fellow classmates to support Student Council activities.
Article IV:
Class Delegations
Paragraph I. The Class President Shall: 1.) Plan, organize, and preside over business meetings of the class in conjunction with suggestions from other officers and the Class Sponsor. 2.) Administer and delegate responsibilities and appoint committees if needed. 3.) Oversee completion of Student Council projects and activities. 4.) Lead Class Meetings.
Paragraph II. The Class Vice President Shall: 1.) Assume duties and responsibilities of Class President as needed. 2.) Preside over fall fundraising. 3.) Chair committees as specified by the president. 4.) Encourage and motivate fellow classmates to support Student Council activities. 5.) Help lead Class meetings.
Paragraph III. The Class Secretary Shall: 1.) Keep clear, detailed records of Class Officer meetings and activities. 2.) Chair committees as specified by the president. 3.) Encourage and motivate fellow classmates to support Student Council activities. 4.) Handle and relate all Class Correspondence. 5.) Write announcements and create signs relative to Student Council activities.
Paragraph IV. The Class Treasurer Shall: 1.) Keep clear, accurate records of all monies received and spent, and an accurate balance of the Class Funds. 2.) Make financial reports at Class Meetings as needed 3.) Oversee Class Fund-raising Projects along with the Class Vice President. 4.) Chair other committees as specified by the president. 5.) Encourage and motivate fellow classmates to support Student Council activities.
Article V:
Functions and Votes
Paragraph I. A Quorum shall be the minimum portion of the Student Council that must be present for any decisions or actions to be considered an official act of the Student Council. A Quorum shall be defined as 3/4ths of the members of the Student Council.
Paragraph II. Actions and decisions made with less than a Quorum of the Student Council present shall be considered advisory decisions and must be reaffirmed at the next meeting of a Quorum in order to become an official decision.
Paragraph III. A Quorum of the Student Body Officers shall be required to approve new programs and items of business for the Student Council. Any decision made with less than a Quorum of the Student Body Officers shall be considered an advisory decision, and must be reaffirmed at the next meeting of a Quorum in order to become an official decision.
Article VI:
Elective Franchise
Paragraph I. Elections by the Student Body shall be by ballot and only Athens Academy Students shall be allowed to vote.
Paragraph II. Candidates must have a clear understanding of the philosophy of Athens Academy and the Athens Academy Student Council and be willing and able to accept and carry out the specified duties and responsibilities of the sought office. If elected to a Student Council office, a student may not hold an official position of another Athens Academy club or organization.
Paragraph III. The election of members of the Student Council shall be held during February and/or March. The specific day of elections during the above designated period will be determined by the Student Council sponsor and administration. Elections will be held annually as stated herin unless changed by an amendment to this Constitution. The election of Student Body President, Student Body Vice President, Student Body Secretary and Student Body Treasurer shall be determined in an election by the entire Student Body. The elections of Class President, Class Vice President, Class Secretary and Class Treasurer shall be determined by separate elections in each class.
Paragraph IV. Candidates for Student Body President must be rising seniors. Candidates for Student Body Vice President must be rising juniors. Candidates for Student Body Secretary and Student Body Treasurer may be rising juniors or rising seniors.
Paragraph V. Candidates for election to the Student Council are required to show, by petition, their intentions to run for office. Candidates for President and Vice President shall fulfill the qualifications as set forth in this constitution and shall secure four faculty signatures and twenty student signatures. Candidates for Secretary and Treasurer shall fulfill the qualifications as set forth in this constitution and secure two faculty signatures and ten student signatures.
Paragraph VI. Candidates are required to attend a mandatory “candidate advisory session” at least one week prior to the nomination assembly led by the Upper School Director, the Dean of Students and the Sponsor of the Student Council. Candidates are required to meet the deadlines of speech approval, platform approval, and Spartan Review submissions.
Paragraph VII. Candidates for all Student Body offices shall select one student to nominate them for candidacy in a Nomination Speech Assembly. In this assembly, candidates will choose to accept the nomination and deliver a brief speech. Candidates for Student Body President will provide the student body with their platforms in the Presidential Forum a week after the Nomination Speech Assembly. Candidates for all Class Offices will only provide their class with speeches.
Paragraph VIII. Campaigning will only be allowed for a designated period of time. All campaign material must be approved by the Student Council Sponsor. All campaign material must be removed when the election concludes and officers have been elected.
Paragraph IV. If a candidate running for any office receives a majority of votes, this candidate will be declared the winner. If no candidate receives a majority of the votes cast in the election, then a run-off election shall be required.
Article VII:
Removal from Office
Paragraph I. Removal proceedings shall be brought against any elected member of the Student Council who is found negligent in the duties of his/her office or other reasons, such as honor conviction, a Disciplinary Board appearance, or lack of attendance at meetings. Student Council members must demonstrate through behavior and attitude a clear understanding of the philosophy of Athens Academy as stated in the Student Handbook. Student Council members must cooperate fully with the Student Council Sponsor and administration. Student Council members must take an active part as planner, organizer and participator in all business, service and social functions of the Student Council.
Paragraph II. Members of the Student Council may initiate removal proceedings. A successful Vote of No Confidence made by a Quorum shall be considered a request to the Upper School Director to remove the Officer in question from office.
Article VIII:
Paragraph I. This constitution may be amended by a ¾ vote of the Student Council, and the approval of the Faculty Sponsor, the Upper School Director, and the Headmaster.