BMA-IBT-7 Understanding Entrepreneurship Unit
Intro to Business & Technology
Course Standard 7
Demonstrate an understanding of entrepreneurship through recognizing a business opportunity, and basics of how to operate and maintain that business.
7.1 Identify the unique characteristics, traits, and concepts of the successful entrepreneur.
7.2 Describe the importance of developing and organizing a successful business plan.
7.3 Identify components and format of a business plan.
7.4 Examine the business opportunities available in local school and community.
7.5 Participate as part of a team in an effort to accomplish a common goal leading to a successful business endeavor.
7.6 Differentiate between the types of business ownership.
7.7 Explain the implications of technology on business development and future growth.
Support of CTAE Foundation Course Standards and Common Core GPS and Georgia Performance Standards
ELACC9-10SL1: Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grades 9-10 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
ELACC9-10SL4: Present information, finding, and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development, substance, and style are appropriate to purpose, audience, and task.
Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5Bellringer/Warm-up
Essential Question: What is an entrepreneur?
Bellringer: Week 4 #20
Objective: Students will be introduced to entre-preneurship, will learn about how to recognize a business opportunity, and the basics of how to operate and maintain that business.
Guided Practice: Students will take notes over the Intro to Entrepreneurship PPT and will discuss the basics of entrepreneurship.
Independent Practice: Students will take notes on the handouts for the PPT.
Grade: Teacher Observation
Closure: Review today and preview tomorrow.
Materials: Intro to Entre-preneurship PPT and Notes Handout / Bellringer/Warm-up
Essential Question: What is entrepreneurship?
Bellringer: Week 5 #21
Objective: Students will continue learning about entrepreneurship, how to recognize a business opportunity, and the basics of operating and maintaining a business.
Guided Practice: Students will take notes over the Intro to Entrepreneurship PPT and will discuss the basics of entrepreneurship.
Independent Practice: Students will finish taking notes and will complete the What Makes a Successful Entrepreneur Activity.
Grade: What Makes a Successful Entrepreneur Activity
Closure: Review today and preview tomorrow.
Materials: Into to Entre-preneurship PPT, Notes Handouts, and What Makes a Successful Entrepreneur Activity / Bellringer/Warm-up
Essential Question: What is it called when a business is owned by 2 or more people?
Bellringer: Week 5 #22
Objective: Students will view a movie (Daddy Day Care) about men that are laid-off from their job but recognize a business opportunity and then start and maintain a successful business.
Guided Practice: Students will be introduced to the video.
Independent Practice: Students will use the movie handouts to take notes about the entrepreneurial ventures shown throughout the movie.
Grade: Daddy Day Care Activity Sheet
Closure: Review today and preview tomorrow.
Materials: Daddy Day Care Movie and Daddy Day Care Activity Sheet / Bellringer/Warm-up
Essential Question: What type of business do the men start in the movie and why?
Bellringer: Week 5 #23
Objective: Students will view a movie (Daddy Day Care) about men that are laid-off from their job but recognize a business opportunity and then start and maintain a successful business.
Guided Practice: Students will be introduced to the video.
Independent Practice: Students will use the movie handouts to take notes about the entrepreneurial ventures shown throughout the movie.
Grade: Daddy Day Care Activity Sheet
Closure: Review today and preview tomorrow.
Materials: Daddy Day Care Movie and Daddy Day Care Activity Sheet / Bellringer/Warm-up
Essential Question: Who are 3 well-known entrepreneurs?
Bellringer: Week 5 #24
Objective: Students will view a movie (Daddy Day Care) about men that are laid-off from their job but recognize a business opportunity and then start and maintain a successful business.
Guided Practice: Students will be introduced to the video. At the end of the video, the students should complete the ABC’s of Entrepreneurship Activity
Independent Practice: Students will use the movie handouts to take notes about the entrepreneurial ventures shown throughout the movie.
Grade: Daddy Day Care Activity Sheet
Closure: Review today and preview tomorrow.
Materials: Daddy Day Care Movie, Daddy Day Care Activity Sheet, and ABCs of Entre. Activity
Day 6 / Day 7 / Day 8 / Day 9 / Day 10
Essential Question: What are the 4 types of business ownership?
Bellringer: Week 5 #25
Objective: Students will be introduced to the different types of business ownership and will learn about the various forms of liability a company is responsible for.
Guided Practice: Discuss and present the Types of Business Ownership PPT and answer questions as needed.
Independent Practice: Students will fill in the Types of Business Ownership Graphic Organizer and will complete the Types of Business Ownership Matching Activity.
Grade: Types of Business Ownership Matching Activity
Closure: Review today and preview tomorrow.
Materials: Types of Business Ownership PPT, Graphic Organizer, and Matching Activity / Bellringer/Warm-up
Essential Question: Who is Steve Jobs?
Bellringer: Week 6 #26
Objective: Students will view a documentary: iGenius: How Steve Jobs Changed the World – Discovery Channel Documentary and will use a guided handout to answer the questions throughout the documentary.
Guided Practice: Discuss Steve Jobs and the impact that he had on the business world and show the documentary (approximately 40 minutes).
Independent Practice: Students will complete the handout that goes with the documentary.
Grade: Steve Jobs Handout
Closure: Review today and preview tomorrow.
Materials: Documentary, handouts, computer, speakers, and projector. / Bellringer/Warm-up
Essential Question: What is a business plan?
Bellringer: Week 6 #27
Objective: Students will be introduced to business plans, will learn about the components and format of the business plans, and will learn about the importance of a successful business plan.
Guided Practice: Discuss and present the Business Plans PPT and answer questions as needed.
Independent Practice: Students will fill in the Business Plans Notes Handouts.
Grade: Teacher Observation
Closure: Review today and preview tomorrow.
Materials: Business Plans PPT and Notes Handouts / Bellringer/Warm-up
Essential Question: What is the purpose of a business plan?
Bellringer: Week 6 #28
Objective: Students will continue to develop an understanding of why a good business plan is important, and will continue to learn about the components and formatting of a business plan.
Guided Practice: Discuss and finish the Business Plans PPT and answer questions as needed.
Independent Practice: Students will fill in the Business Plans Notes Handouts.
Grade: Teacher Observation
Closure: Review today and preview tomorrow.
Materials: Business Plan PPT and Notes Handouts / Bellringer/Warm-up
Essential Question: How do you create a business?
Bellringer: Week 6 #29
Objective: Students will work with a partner to create a business for the school or community and will research the necessary information needed to complete the project in PowerPoint. Students will present the PowerPoint to the class.
Guided Practice: Discuss the Creating a Business project and the components needed to complete the project. Students will be assigned their partner and will begin working on the assignment.
Independent Practice: Students will work with their partner on the Creating a Business Activity.
Grade: Presentation of Creating a Business
Closure: Review today and preview tomorrow.
Materials: Creating a Business Activity Handouts and list of assigned partners and computers
Day 11 / Day 12 / Day 13 / Day 14 / Day 15
Essential Question: What type of business did you choose to create?
Bellringer: Week 6 #30
Objective: Students will work with a partner to create a business for the school or community and will research the necessary information needed to complete the project in PowerPoint. Students will present the PowerPoint to the class.
Guided Practice: Discuss the Creating a Business project and the components needed to complete the project.
Independent Practice: Students will continue to work with their partner on the Creating a Business Activity.
Grade: Presentation of Creating a Business
Closure: Review today and preview tomorrow.
Materials: Creating a Business Activity Handouts and computers / Bellringer/Warm-up
Essential Question: What is a franchise?
Journal Topic: #1
Objective: Students will work with a partner to create a business for the school or community and will research the necessary information needed to complete the project in PowerPoint. Students will present the PowerPoint to the class.
Guided Practice: Briefly discuss the do’s and don’ts of giving a good presentation. Let the students know that lack of preparation, spelling and grammar, and lack of professionalism will result in a deduction of points. Assign an order to present to the class (can using
Independent Practice: Students will finish working with their partner on the Creating a Business Activity and will practice for their presentation.
Grade: Presentation of Creating a Business
Closure: Review today and preview tomorrow.
Materials: Creating a Business Activity Handouts and order of presenters / Bellringer/Warm-up
Essential Question: What is a partnership?
Journal Topic: #2
Objective: Students will begin presenting their business they have created to the class and will utilize good business related skills and professionalism in the presentation of the project.
Guided Practice: Briefly discuss the do’s and don’ts of giving a good presentation. Let the students know that lack of preparation, spelling and grammar, and lack of professionalism will result in a deduction of points.
Independent Practice: Presentation of Creating a Business Project
Grade: Creating a Business Project (used as the assessment for the unit – test grade)
Closure: Review today and preview tomorrow.
Materials: Projector, computer, and Creating a Business Presentation / Bellringer/Warm-up
Essential Question: What is a sole proprietorship?
Journal Topic: #3
Objective: Students will continue presenting their business they have created to the class and will utilize good business related skills and professionalism in the presentation of the project.
Guided Practice: Briefly discuss the do’s and don’ts of giving a good presentation. Let the students know that lack of preparation, spelling and grammar, and lack of professionalism will result in a deduction of points.
Independent Practice: Presentation of Creating a Business Project
Grade: Creating a Business Project (used as the assessment for the unit – test grade)
Closure: Review today and preview tomorrow.
Materials: Projector, computer, and Creating a Business Presentation / Bellringer/Warm-up
Essential Question: What is a corporation?
Journal Topic: #4
Objective: Students will finish presenting their business they have created to the class and will utilize good business related skills and professionalism in the presentation of the project.
Guided Practice: Briefly discuss the do’s and don’ts of giving a good presentation. Let the students know that lack of preparation, spelling and grammar, and lack of professionalism will result in a deduction of points.
Independent Practice: Presentation of Creating a Business Project (If needed to fill in the rest of the period, use TypingWeb)
Grade: Creating a Business Project (used as the assessment for the unit – test grade)
Closure: Review today and preview tomorrow.
Materials: Projector, computer, and Creating a Business Presentation
Intro to Entrepreneurship PowerPoint
Intro to Entrepreneurship Notes Handouts
What Makes a Successful Entrepreneur Activity
Daddy Day Care Movie
Daddy Day Care Activity Sheet
ABCs of Entrepreneurship Activity
Types of Business Ownership PowerPoint
Types of Business Ownership Graphic Organizer
Types of Business Ownership Matching Activity
iGenius: How Steve Jobs Changed the World – Discovery Channel Documentary (Disc)
iGenius: How Steve Jobs Changed the World Notes Handout
Business Plans PowerPoint
Business Plans Notes Handouts
Creating a Business Handouts with Rubric
**Use to generate random list for partners and/or the order of presenters