Constitution of the Malaysian Students Association atthe Ohio StateUniversity
ArticleI Name, Purpose and Non-Discrimination Policy
Section 1- Name of the Organization
The organization shall be called the Malaysian Students Association ofthe OhioStateUniversity,hereafter designated MASAOSU.MASAOSUshall bea non-profit studentorganizationwhichisnot affiliatedto anypoliticalparty.
MASAOSUis affiliated withEducationMalaysiaatWashingtonDC, formerlyknownas, MalaysianStudent Department,which is involved in assisting andguidingallMalaysianstudentswhoare studying in theUnitedStatesof America.
Section 2- Purpose
A. Thepurposeof thisorganization shallbe asfollow:
i. TorepresenttheMalaysianstudentcommunityinTheOhioState
ii.ToaidincomingandcurrentMalaysianstudentsinadjustingand discovering TheOhio StateUniversity.
iii.ToprovideinformationandhelpnecessaryforMalaysianstudents to ensuretheir welfare and well-being.
iv. Tocontributetoincreasingtheawarenessofadiversestudent bodythroughourMalaysianidentityto allfacets oftheBuckeye communityon campus.
v.To foster relationships among Malaysian students and other studentsof different nationalitiesat TheOhio StateUniversity.
vi. TopromoteandshareouruniqueMalaysiancultureanddiversity
to the internationalcommunityat theuniversity.
vii. To increase awareness of current events and happenings in
Section 3- Non-Discriminatory Policy
This organization andits membersshall not discriminate againstany individual(s)forreasonsofage,color,disability,genderidentity orexpression, nationalorigin, race, religion, sex, sexualorientation,or veteran status.
ArticleII Membership: Qualifications and categories of membership
Section 1- Qualification and Categoriesof Membership
A. QualificationformembershipofMASAOSUisdividedintothefollowing categories:
i.GeneralMember-Generalmembersaredividedfurtherintotwo categories:-
a.Coremember:Any Malaysianstudentwhoiscurrently enrolledatTheOhio StateUniversity.Membershipforcore membersare automatic.
b. Non-coremember: Any otherstudent enrolledatTheOhio StateUniversitywho is notMalaysianbut has aninterest in the Malaysian culture. Membership for non-core members requiresapprovalbythe currentMASA OSUExecutive Committee.
ii.ExecutiveCommitteeMember:Amemberthatiselectedbythe CoreGeneralMember inanannual Executive CommitteeElection, who shallbea part oftheMASA OSUExecutiveCommittee.
iii.HonoraryMemberwhoshallbeappointedintheGeneralMeeting for his/hercontribution towardMASA OSU.
B. OnlytheCoreGeneralmembersingoodstandingunderthisConstitution shallbeeligible torunforor holdofficeor vote inan ExecutiveCommittee Electionheld in Spring Semester ofevery year.
C.Everymembershall otherwisebeeligibletoparticipateintheactivities handledbyMASAOSUandshallbeentitled tosuchrights andprivilegesas spelled or qualified by thisConstitution.
D.Every member hastherightto participateinanydecision processin General Meetings, however, finaldecisionscan only be made by the Executive Committeeaftercareful considerationofall opinions,thoughts,comments, and/or suggestionsput forwardduring GeneralMeetings.
Section 2- Membership Miscellaneous
A. AllmembersasdefinedinArticleIISection1,partA(i)shallbeamember ofgoodstanding and mayberequiredto payamembershipfeeforan amountnogreaterthan$10.00persemester.Thefeewillvarydepending on the need for it, which is determined by the current Executive Committee.
B. TheExecutiveCommitteeshallberesponsibleforcompilingaRegisterora MembershipProfile of itsmemberstobeusedasreferenceforthepurposes of documentation andthekeeping-trackof itsmembership.
C.ARegister orMembership Profileof membersshallbekept current andshall beevidenceofmembership ingoodstandingfortheConstitutionandfor exercising themembers’rightat theGeneralMeetings.
ArticleIII OrganizationLeadership
Section 1- Organization Hierarchy
MASA OSU’sorganization hierarchy isdividedintothreecategoriesasfollow:
A.OrganizationAdvisor(s)whoshallbeselectedfromamember offaculty or administrative and professional staff of The Ohio State University, preferablyaMalaysianorapersonwithanunderstandingof Malaysian culture.
B.ExecutiveCommittee(EXCO) Members which consist of:
i. President
ii. VicePresident
iii. Secretary
iv. Treasurer
v.FourormoreExecutiveCommitteemembers asdeemednecessary bythePresident and otherexecutivemembers.
C.AdvisoryCouncilMembers consistingformer EXCOMemberswhoarecurrent studentsof TheOhio StateUniversity whichconsistsof:
i. Chairperson
ii. DeputyChairperson
iii. Ex Officio
iv. Secretary
v. Council Members
Section 2- Termsof Office and typeof selections
A. AllExecutiveCommitteeMemberswillholdofficeforamaximumtermof one (1) year and areexpected to perform inthetaskgiven tothem.
B. ExecutiveCommitteeMemberswillbeselectedfromasimplemajority votingprocessduring theExecutiveCommitteeElectionheld inSpringsemester.
C.Only eligibleCoreGeneral Member(Article II,Section1,B)areallowedto votefor the ExecutiveCommitteeMembers.
D. TheAdvisoryCouncilwillonlyconsistofmembersfromtheimmediate, outgoing ExecutiveCommitteewhowill stillbe aMalaysianstudentwho is enrolledintheUniversity for atleast one(1)semester aftertheir term of office.
E. AdvisoryCouncilMemberswillbeelectedinternally,andonlywithinthe outgoingExecutiveCommitteeMembers.Thisexcludesoutgoing Executive CommitteeMembers who arein theincoming ExecutiveCommittee.
Section 3- Major Dutiesof the Advisory Council
A. Assist the current ExecutiveCommitteeby providing resourcesandadvice.
B. Ifrequired,overseetheprocessandprogressofaneventoractivity organized by MASA OSU.
C.TheChairpersonwillbethemainliaison betweenthecurrent Executive Committeeand theAdvisoryCouncilandtheViceChairperson willbethe secondary liaison.
D.The Ex-Officio will be responsible for advising the current President directly.
E. TheAdvisory Councilwillmeet for at least one(1) timeper semester.
ArticleIV Executive Committee
A. ExecutiveCommitteeshallalso assumethefollowing responsibilities:
ii.TheExecutiveCommitteeshallberesponsibletomakesurethe organizationfollows therules andregulations putforwardby The Ohio StateUniversity in handling anyevent oractivity.
iii.TheExecutiveCommitteeistrustedtoorganizeandhandleany event oractivity forthe organization tomakesureMASA OSU able toachievetheirspecifiedpurposes andobjectivesasstatedin ArticleI Section 2.
iv. The ExecutiveCommitteeshallbe responsible in the decision
making processof anyissuesin MASA OSU.
v.The ExecutivesCommitteeshallberesponsible in representing the organizationat any meetingsbetweenofficials,facultyorstaff fromTheOhioState University,board members ofotherclubs, associations, and/or affiliates.
vi. To handle press statements and other formal letters or instrumentsofcommunication,indicatingMASAOSU’sstandand in thebestinterestof theorganization.
vii. ToformadhocCommitteestocarryoutspecificfunctions,if
B. FurtherDivisionofDutiesforeachExecutiveCommitteeMemberisas follow:
i. President
- Attend compulsory annual President training provided by the University to maintain student organization's Active status
- Maintains organization’s registration with the University and ensures organization remains in active status throughout the year.
- Determine the general direction of MASA with the supervision and advises of executive board members
- Represents the organization to the University and serves as spokesperson for the organization
- Secondary person to handle and has direct access to MASA’s financial accounts
- Calls and facilities executive committee meetings
- Presides over any meetings of the organization if necessary.
- Set up subcommittee for events if necessary.
- Maintains contact with organization adviser, alumni, and community partners
- Appoints Ex-Officio and Appointed Officers if necessary
ii. Vice President
- Complements the president and assumes the duties of the President in his or her absence
- Steps in to lead and support the organization when necessary
- Takes initiative to engage members and to nurture next batch of leaders
- Suggests ideas and influences the organization in a positive and encouraging manner
- Reach out to other student organizations/campus department for potential collaboration(s)
- Oversee duties performed by all executive committees
iii. Secretary
- Document and keep all records of activities and routine correspondence organized by MASA effectively.
- Prepare and distribute minute meetings as well as maintain the administration reports.
- One of the primary persons to work with Ohio Union or any on-campus program coordinator for events space reservation and ensure that the requested setup is arranged accordingly.
- Go through policies and procedures in the extension of the event confirmation.
- Email or complete online forms to request for events’ refreshments, equipment/AV system needed for MASA event.
- Write an invitation email and communicate with VIP, MASA adviser, MASA members or other guests prior to any scheduled event that involved these people.
iv. Treasurer
- Attend compulsory Annual Treasurer Training provided by the University to maintain student organization's Active status
- Primary person to handle and has direct access to MASA’s financial accounts
- Coordinate fundraising initiatives, sponsorship acquisitions, and solicitations throughout the academic year
- Prepare budget proposal for MASA’s events, keep relevant financial records, and account reconciliation
- Maintain a positive balance account and healthy financial status
v. Membership Director
- Maintain and update list of current MASA members
- Secure emails of incoming students in the Fall and Spring semesters
- Maintain contact with current and incoming students and serve as a resource for them to contact with questions about various topics including but not limited to accommodation, university resources, and academic programs
- Plan Welcome Reception and involvement fair booths for Fall and Spring semesters
- Coordinate annual executive board elections
vi. Media and Information Technology Director
- Oversee media-related activities that increase the public’s interest in the organization while maintaining the organization’s prestige.
- Ensures every MASA event is documented via photography and/or videography and gather other files from other photographers if needed.
- Assists with promoting MASA’s events on campus and on social media by creating event posters, videos, and other advertising materials.
- Maintain the organization’s official website ( and social media accounts.
- Provide technical support for MASA’s events and save pictures and documents into an archive.
ix. Sports Director
- Host social sporting events to promote healthy lifestyles and engage with the MASA community members with sports related activities.
- Recruit players that are interested to represent The Ohio State University for annual sporting events such as the spring East Coast Festival and the summer Midwest Games.
x. Public Relations Director
- Facilitates trainings to include competency coaching, career development, talent growth, and leadership development.
- Creates opportunities for members to showcase their talents and get involved on campus activities.
- Recruit an executive committee for the annual cultural night and act as a EXCO representative in the committee.
- Updates MASA email subscribers with events by releasing MASA newsletter monthly
- Reach out to other OSU organizations about possible collaborations
Xi. Operation Director
- Responsible for overseeing the inventory management process by keeping records of all MASA’s inventory.
- Communicate and assists MASA Night’s team (or any other MASA’s sub-committee) regarding any logistics-related activities.
- Manage transportation system for every MASA’s events.
Xii. Community Engagement Director
- Responsible for MASA community engagement activities.
- Identify, initiate, and deepen relationship with various people of MASA.
- Understand the community and their needs.
- Schedule, implement, and periodically suggest new community-based programs, partnerships, and other engagement initiatives.
- Coordinate program collaboration with other organization, mainly student organization.
Article V Methodof Selecting and/or Removing Officers andMembers
Section 1- Selecting of Officer/Executive Committee Member
A. AllCoreGeneralMembersareeligibletobethecandidateforExecutive
CommitteeMember electionif they satisfiedthefollowing requirements:
i.Enroll at The Ohio State University for at least until Spring semester of thefollowing year ofthetermapplied.
ii.Haveagoodunderstandingoftherolesandresponsibilitiesfor position applied.
iii.Bodily able to perform the roles and responsibilities for the position applied.
iv. Haveagoodacademicrecord(GPAatleast2.0)andhaveno unresolvedissues withTheOhio StateUniversity.
B. ElectionGuidelines
i.Elections will be done through a voting process during the ExecutiveCommitteeElectionthatwillbeheldwithinthelast two monthsof theSpring semester.
ii. An Election Committee will be established for the Executive
Committee Election.
iii.TheElectionCommitteeshallfollowtheElectionGuidelinesas statedin Appendix I.
iv. TheElectionCommitteecanmakemodificationstotheelection rules based onthecurrentcondition of theorganization.
C.The elected Executive Committee will replace the former Executive Committeethrough anInaugurationCeremonywithinthirty(30)days afterthe ExecutiveCommitteeElection day.
Section 2- Removing of Officer and Replacement Policy.
A. IfanyoftheExecutiveCommitteeMemberfailstoperform,theywillbe subjectedtoremoval withasubmissionofapetitionfromeithergeneral membersor by theother membersof ExecutiveCommittee.
B. InanycircumstancesatwhichtheExecutiveCommitteeMemberfailsto satisfyhis/herrequirementsforcandidacy asstatedinArticleIISection1 (A)(ii),he/she isimmediatelyrelieved of his/her position.
C.InanycircumstanceswhereanyoftheExecutiveCommitteeMemberplans toreliefhimself/herselffromhis/herposition,he/sheneeds to provideat leastthirty(30)daysadvancenotice,and aletter ofresignationfromthe position to anyother member of the ExecutiveCommittee.
D.IfthePresidentof theExecutiveCommitteesteps down,he/shewill be replacedby theVicePresidentifapproved bythemajority ofthe Executive Committee.
E. Inthecasewhereapositionisemptyduetoremovalorself-releaseof positionofany ExecutiveCommitteeMember,othermembers of the ExecutiveCommittee shall elect atemporaryreplacementuntil a re- electiontakesplace.
F. Incertaincaseswhereamajorreorganizationisabsolutelynecessaryand approvedby atleast2/3 of theCoreGeneral member,are-electionis tobe held.
Section 3- Removal ofMembership
A. Allmembersareexpectedtorepresentthisorganization,andthusis expected to portrayagood image of theorganization
B. IfmemberofMASAOSUisactinginsuchwaythatcouldjeopardizethe image ofeitherMASA OSU,itsAdvisorand/orExecutiveCommittee,the ExecutiveCommitteewillhavetherighttoputthememberonprobation, or a counseling session with theAdvisorand/or theExecutiveCommittee.
C.Ifthemembercontinueshis/heractionas statedinBof thissection,the Advisorand/orExecutiveCommitteehas therighttoremovethe member from theorganization.
D. Ifthememberdecidestoleavetheorganization,he/shecanapplyfor removalof membership to anyof theExecutiveCommitteemember.
E. Allmembersofthisorganizationareexpectedtoshowagoodimageof
Malaysian but also tohaveagoodacademicstanding (GPAat least2.0).
Article VI Advisor Qualification Criteria
TheAdvisorQualification Criteriacanonlytake effect onthefollowing basis:
A. TheAdvisorofMASAOSU,mustbeamemberoftheUniversityFacultyor professional staff at TheOhio StateUniversity.
B. He/shemustattendtheAnnualGeneralMeetingandtheExecutive CommitteeElection tofacilitateand to supervise themeeting ofthe organization.
C.The advisor isresponsibleforrepresenting the organizationduringhis/her term of being anadvisor.
D.Theadvisor is expectedtoadvisethemembers ofthe organizationwhen needed.
Article VII Amendments totheConstitution
A. Amendment of the Constitution shall be submitted to the Executive
Committee at least 15daysbeforetheAnnualGeneralMeeting.
B. Theamendmentshallbeproposedbyanymemberofgoodstandingand seconded by anytwo such members.
Article VI Dissolution
Thedissolution oftheorganization can onlytake effecton thefollowing basis: A.Theproposalforsuchdissolutionshallbespecified,dulyproposedand
seconded and signed byat least 2/3of themembership of good standing.
B.TheExecutiveCommitteeshallbenotifiedandshalltakenecessaryaction to addresstheproposed dissolution within aperiod ofthirty(30) days.
C.Areferendumshall becarriedoutwithinforty (40)days fromthedateof notificationof theExecutiveCommitteeto determinetheconsensusof the members.Intheeventofthe2/3majority infavorofsucha proposal, dissolution isdeemedto becarried out.
D.Allmembers shallequally sharetheliabilitiesof theorganization.
E.All properties andremainingfunds shall besurrenderedtoThe OhioState Universityforsafe-keeping orbedonated toanycharitableorganization as agreed by Members.
Appendix I Election Guidelines
Committee Elections:
Proposed Date: Starting March 25th, 2014(Tuesday).
Submission ofScannedNominationForms to the ElectionCommitteeisrequired byMarch 29th, 2014at 11.59pm.
OfficialMASA EmailAddress:
Titleof the email: “Nomination Form 2014 Election.”
Nomination Rules & Regulation:
1. Proposed nomination period of 5days.
2. NominatorandseconderareonlyallowedtoendorseanindividualforONE
Example:IfAbunominates andMuthuseconds AhBengtorunforPresident, Abu and Muthu will not be able to nominate orsecond anotherindividual for the position of President.
3. ApersonisallowedtonominateanindividualforamaximumofTWO
Example: AbuandMuthucanstillnominate and second Ah Bengfor the position ofSecretary. (SoifAhBengloses thePresidency,hecanstillrunfor the Secretary position).
4. Self-‐nomination in paper and during Election Day isallowed but a seconder
Example:AhBengcan nominatehimselffor anypositionandhecanaskMuthu to second hisnomination.
5. NominationduringElectionDaywillbeallowedaslongasthereisa nominator and a seconder present.
Example:AhBenglostthePresidency andSecretary,AbuandMuthuarestill allowedtonominate AhBengonthespotforany otherposition providedthey didnotendorse another individual for thatparticular position.
6. It is assumed that the nominator andseconderwillvotefor their candidate onElectionDay.The individualwill need tobepresentto cast theirvote.A nominationor asecond onpaperisnot considered a vote.
1. Campaigning through social media and talking to members are highlyencouraged.
2. Integrityisexpected of allcandidates.
3. Presidentialcandidatewillbeallocated10minutespresentationand10 minutesquestionandanswering session during Election Day.
4. Candidatesforotherofficeswillbeallocated5minutespresentationand5 minutesquestion andanswering session during Election Day.
5. SlidesneedtobesenttotheElectionCommitteeonedaybeforeElection
Proposed Date: April 5th, 2014(Saturday)
Proposed Location: Student AlumniCouncilRoom, Ohio Union
1. Votecountwill bebasedonballots (withcandidateofrespectivepositions namewritten onit) countedbyTWOdesignatedindividuals approvedatthe beginning of theAnnualGeneralMeeting.
2. A simplemajority isrequired to win a position.
3. Anappeal ofrecountneedstobefiledimmediately after the announcement of results, onlyonerecount isallowed.
4. In anycaseofatie, thesitting Presidentwillserve asthetiebreaker.
1. OnlyaMalaysianenrolledinTheOhioStateUniversity(ColumbusCampus)
are allowed to vote.
2. OnlyONEvoteper position willbe allocated to oneperson.
3. Thenominatorandseconderwillvotefortheircandidate,however,an individualneedtobepresenttocasttheirvote,anominationoraseconderin
thenomination form isnot considered asa vote.
1. Werecognizethefactthatifapersoncouldnotattendtheelection,heor sheshould notbedenied hisorher rightof voting.
2. Submissionofscannedmail-•invotewillbeaccepteduntil12.00amof
Election Day.
3. Onlyonemail-•invoteisallowedforoneindividual,iftherearemorethenone,both willbe considered void.
4. Ifamail‐invoteissubmitted,anindividualwillnotbeallowedtovoteon
thespot unlessheor shedeclarethevoidofthemail-•in vote.