Constitution For The OhioState Waterski Club

Article I- Name

-The Waterski Club at The OhioStateUniversity

Article II- Purpose

-The Waterski Club is composed of recreational skiers of all skill levels. It’s objective is to promote collegiate water skiing and provide it’s members the opportunity to enjoy various water sports.

Article III- Membership

-Any student currently enrolled in The Ohio State University is qualified for voting membership. Others such as faculty, alumni, professionals, are encouraged to become members, but as non-voting associate or honorary members.

-This organization and its members shall not discriminate against any individual(s) for reasons of race, color, creed, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, sex, age, handicap, or Vietnam-era status.

-To be recognized as a full member, a person must pay dues and attend scheduled meetings.

-Members have the privilege of priority skiing and are able to attend club sponsored trips and social events.

-If a member conducts themselves in such a manner deemed detrimental to advancing the purpose of this organization or is in violation of the OSU Student Code of Conduct, they can be removed through a majority vote of the officers, with the consultation of the advisor.

Article IV-Meetings

-The club holds ten meetings per quarter, Thursdays @ 8:00 PM in 384 Arps Hall

-Special meetings called via E-mail/ Internet

Article V- Officers

- President- oversees club, advises other officers, runs meetings, organizes club practice and skiing

- Vice President- assists president in all necessary duties

-Secretary/Events Coordinator- organization of all necessary club related information, head of social event planning, allocates duties to other officers if needed

-Treasurer-oversees funds and controls budget

-Officers do not pay dues, however officers from previous years must comply with the current due paying policy.

-Due amount is subject to change.

Article VI- Elections

-Open nominations are taken in the Spring. Elections are by secret ballot.

-Officers may be removed by a unanimous vote from other officers.

Article VII- Funds

-Funds are obtained through membership dues and by fundraising through trips. Decisions on what to do with these funds are made by members and officers.

-Dues are $50/ year. Additional costs are dependant upon the activities. Non- members are permitted to go, but first must pay non-member fee.

-There is little fund raising within the club. Yet that which does take place is through the sale of club sponsored merchandise.

Article VIII- Advisor

-Qualifications- must be an OhioStateUniversity faculty member, having experience and interest in waterskiing.

-Duties- overseeing club at fixed intervals throughout the quarter, guiding club leaders in any problems.

-Enforcing all university rules and procedures

Article IX- Coach

-not applicable

Article X- Travel

-Travel arrangements are made by club officers. President is ultimately responsible for trips.

Article XII- By-Laws

-Parliamentary Authority- Officers have the final say in decision making.

-Membership-OSU student, paying dues, attend meetings

-Election/Appointment of Officers/Advisor/Coaches- held in May, subject to change, if officer steps down or is removed, President or highest ranking officer replaces them.

-Meeting Requirements- Weekly meetings held, if missed contact officer for information.

-Grievance Policy- Complaints to President who will discuss with advisor or recreational sports department if necessary.


-Method of Amending By-Laws- Any club member may vote and the ultimate decision is upon the officers.