March 16, 2013 MBPA Meeting Minutes
Meeting held at Lathrop residence, Marla Bay, Nevada
Meeting convened at 9:12 am
1. Roll call of board members in attendance or attending remotely, guest intros
- Board Members in Attendance: Brendan Riley, Greta Atkinson, Steve Lathrop, Piper Smith, Ryan Davis, Ron Borsos
- Board Members Attending Remotely(SKYPE): Marijeanne Rende
- Board Members Absent: Shon Ledin, Scott Smith
- Guests: Carol McQuirk, Carol Borsos, Novell Lathrop, Bruce Atkinson, Roy Pike, Jack McQuirk
2. Secretary's report – Marijeanne Rende
- Board members reviewed January meeting minutes in advance
- Corrections in January meeting minutes requested: corrected action item on floating dock
- Ron Borsos motion to approve meeting minutes, Steve Lathrop second, all approved
3. Treasurer's report - Piper Smith
- Reviewed/Approved financial report, discussed MBPA tax liabilities
- Accts Receivable: $188.73 still due for user requesting 2013 buoy
- Budget vs Actual will begin appearing on treasurer’s reports
- Ron Borsos motion to accept budget report, second Steve Lathrop, all approved
- Board/Treasurer agreed to evaluate obligations under IRS code in light of current entity status and current financial situation
- Piper will investigate the tax id number about the type of tax obligation
- MBPA is not a homeowners association, it is a protective association
4. Buoy Field Update - Carol McQuirk
- 3/15/2013 was deadline for forms/fees
- Out of 49 available buoys, rec’d 42 applications, 37 have paid as of 3/15/2013, 4 pending, 1 in question, 5 positions have not responded
- Question: Does protective association pay for guest buoy? Board’s general assumption is that guest buoy is responsibility of entire association since anyone can use it
- Ryan Davis motion to approve treasurer’s budget adjustment to reflect allocation of $300 from miscellaneous contingency line to line item for buoy maintenance for line guest buoy, Ron Borsos second, All approved
- Carol talked to High Sierra Marine, mid-April schedule for raising buoys
- Currant applicant, has paid $300 for 2013 without paying for 2012 repair fees –decision to return application as ‘Rejected’
- Action Item: Roy Pike and Ryan Davis will draft Amendment on Buoy Use Agreement for next year’s boating season so that people don’t have to re-agree/resign permit every year for existing users (replaces existing user application)
- General Improvement District - Jack McQuirk
- GID Budget for 2013 has been established
- Public meeting April 8, at McQuirks residence
- Income down 45% for GID
- Annual Marla Bay cleanup scheduled for weekend after Memorial day
- Speed Bump:
- last year’s trial went well, accepted by membership
- MBPA agrees support GID position to reduce speed through installation of speed bump, requests
- GID continue to look into additional measures as needed
- Existing speed bump will be installed in May
- Paving Sealant:
- North half of entrance needs to be resealed - Paving to be targeted on north end on 31st…will also consider doing private driveways
- MBPA will send email to ownership regarding date of resealing entrance, traffic diversions, also ask if anyone requests driveway sealing
- Water Shut Off valves: Jack meeting with Carl Rushmeyer as follow-up to status/situation with 9 houses that didn’t get water upgrade that was paid for years ago, also will discuss identify locations on private lots
- Question (Brendan): What can people do to identify house shutoff valves on properties? Answer: Suggest homeowners identify locations for emergencies
- Marla Bay swag report - Scott Smith
- Report deferred to next meeting
- Kayak rack report - Brendan Riley
- Pinewild interested in second rack; Brendan will follow-up with them to negotiate purchase price, with understanding it will be placed on south end of Pine Wild beach
- Modifications have been made to existing MBPA rack lower top level, may now be able to fit 10 on rack
- Will draw names for use of rack
- Other business
- Treasurer/Piper smith, haven’t sent invoices for standard membership dues;
- ACTION Item: Piper will send reminder to association about membership dues
- Ryan Davis reported that Forest service is requesting 30-year special service permit at Round Hill Pines, unclear on whether new user, redesign of allocation, property
- Board Members to check calendars forJune meeting time.
- Next Meeting tentatively set for June 8
- Adjourn
- Ron Borsos motion to adjourn, Steve Lathrop second, All approved at 10:56 am
Meeting adjourned at 10:56 am
Minutes respectively submitted by Marijeanne Rende, MBPA Secretary