date as postmark
Dear Applicant
Conservation Support Officer (Wildlife)
15 hours per week job-share, working Thursday and Friday
Thank you for your enquiry in regard to the above position.
Enclosed is a recruitment and information pack which includes the following:
- A job description and person specification
- Background Information and Terms and Conditions of Employment
Further information including our Corporate Plan is available on the Authority’s web site,
The closing date for receipt of completed application forms is 12noon on Monday 20 March 2017.
Anticipated Interview: week commencing Monday 27 March 2017.
It is not our practice to acknowledge applications or to inform applicants that they have been unsuccessful. If you have not heard from us within 3 weeks after the closing date of the advertisement, you may assume that your application has been unsuccessful.
I look forward to receiving your application and thank you for the interest you have shown in the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority.
Yours faithfully
The HR Team
JOB TITLE:Conservation Support Officer (Wildlife)
RESPONSIBLE TO:Senior Trees and Woodlands Officer
RESPONSIBLE FOR:No line management responsibility
To provide support to the Wildlife Conservation Team in conserving, enhancing and raising awareness of the biodiversity of the Yorkshire Dales National Park.
To provide support to the YDNPA Wildlife Conservation Team including:
- co-ordinating and administering surveys and monitoring, including: identifying survey sites; contacting landowners; field survey work (where qualified to do so); inputting results into MAPINFO and ACCESS databases; and assisting with analysis and report production;
- Assisting with the implementation of projects, such as ‘Wildlife Roadshows’, ‘Parish Wildlife Mapping’, working with schools and volunteer groups and other activities.
- co-ordinating responses to planning applications and other development control issues;
- providing secretariat support to the Yorkshire Dales Biodiversity Forum in co-ordinating the YDNP local Biodiversity Action Plan;
- responding to general queries from other departments, partner organisations and the general public;
- maintaining and updating wildlife publications, websites, social media sites, information notes and other awareness-raising resources;
- developing and maintaining record keeping and document library systems.
To comply with the requirements of the Authority’s Health and Safety Policy and Codes of Practice.
Such other duties as are commensurate with the objectives and grade of the post, as directed from time to time by the Chief Executive.
Educated to a Higher National Certificate or Diploma level or equivalent in a related discipline /
Hold a degree in environmental conservation or related discipline /
Full driving licence /
Experience of dealing with environmental conservation issues /
Direct experience of dealing with local communities and the wider general public /
At least one years experience of working within an environmental conservation environment /
Experience of surveying and/or handling survey data /
Project management, contract and admin experience /
Excellent communicator /
Strong inter-personal skills and a proven ability to deal sensitively with local communities and/or the general public /
Good IT skills particularly Microsoft Office /
Knowledge and use of GIS systems (especially MapInfo) /
Ability to work under pressure to tight deadlines /
General administrative skills including data collection, maintenance and management /
Negotiating skills /
Commitment to National Park purposes /
Well organised and demonstrates self-management /
Flexibility /
Good team worker and enjoy the interaction of collaborative working /
Positive and proactive approach to work and demonstrates willingness /
Determination to find creative solutions /
Diplomacy and political sensitivity /
Conservation Support Officer (Wildlife)
Based at: Grassington, North Yorkshire
The Yorkshire Dales National Park was designated in 1954 in recognition of its extraordinary natural beauty, the diversity of its wildlife habitats, its rich cultural heritage and its fantastic opportunities for outdoor recreation. It is a dramatic upland dissected by numerous long glaciated valleys or dales with a resident population of 23,637 people. The area is a working landscape, with agriculture, quarrying and tourism, offering the main employment opportunities. Indeed, it is the long history of people settling in and working this harsh environment that has created a cultural landscape recognised today as one of the most distinctive in Western Europe.
The Park is looked after by the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority and it’s the Authority’s job to care for this very special place and its communities and to help people understand and share in it.
The National Park was extended to the north and west on 1 August 2016, it now covers an area of 2,179 square kilometres (841 square miles).
It is one of a family of 15 National Parks in the UK, protected for future generations to enjoy. Truly Britain’s breathing spaces.
From 1974 the whole of the Yorkshire Dales National Park was administered by a Committee of North Yorkshire County Council but, as a result of the Environment Act 1995, the new National Park Authority was established on 1st April 1997. The Authority remains within the framework of local government but is independent of the counties and districts. The Authority now consists of both county council and district council representatives as well as parish representatives and members appointed by the Secretary of State.
The 1995 Environment Act revised and updated the purposes of national parks which are:-
“conserving and enhancing the natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage of the areas, and promoting opportunities for the understanding and enjoyment of the special qualities of those areas by the public”.
In pursuing these purposes the Authority
“shall seek to foster the economic and social wellbeing of communities within the National Park.”
The National Park Authority is advised by the Chief Executive (National Park Officer), who is supported by approximately 130 staff.
Terms and Conditions of Service
Band E
Salary: £15,807 to £17,772 per annum pro-rata (with possible progression to £20,661 per annum pro rata).
Work Base
This post is based at our Colvend office in Grassington, North Yorkshire, however, there may be travel elsewhere in the Park.
All staff are automatically brought into the Local Government Pension Scheme, unless they elect otherwise. Membership of the LGPS provides access to high quality pension benefits based on final pay.
Hours of Work
The hours of work are 15 per week. The working pattern is 8.30am to 5.00pm Thursday and Friday.
This role is a job-share. The policy can be found at the end of this document for information. Please take particular note of paragraphs 9 and 10.
A flexitime scheme is in operation. This allows you to vary your start and finish times within set parameters to help your work fit in with your social and domestic responsibilities. If you have accrued sufficient time, the scheme allows you to take up to 12 days extra leave during the year.
The holiday entitlement is based on length of service within Local Government or related employment.
On commencement of employment: 25 days per annum pro rata.
Special Leave
Working for a public sector employer, you will find that we offer favourable entitlements compared with many other employers in regard to time off for such reasons as maternity, maternity support leave, adoption and special leave for various other reasons.
We also support employment initiatives aimed at achieving work/life balance such as parental leave and time off for family emergencies.
Training and Development
The National Park Authority is committed to the professional and personal training and development of its staff. To support this, the Authority has achieved the national Investors in People (IIP) Standard. An appraisal scheme is in place for all staff and opportunities to undertake in-house and external training programmes are available.
Recruitment Clearance
The offer of appointment is subject to medical clearance by Occupational Health and receipt of satisfactory references.
The notice period applicable to this post is 1 month.
The Authority operates a non-smoking policy in its offices.
Completed application forms to be returned to the HR Office, Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority, Yoredale, Bainbridge, Leyburn, North Yorkshire, DL8 3EL, by 12noon on Monday 20 March 2017.
Anticipated Interview Date: Week commencing Monday 27 March 2017.
If you have not been contacted for interview within three weeks of the closing date, you may assume that your application has not been successful.
The National Park Authority supports the principle of Job Sharing provided that:-
i)there be no detrimental effect on the effectiveness of the post, team or Authority;
ii)a suitably qualified and/or experienced job share partner is available;
iii)agreement can be reached between the Authority and the job share partners about the most effective split of hours.
Job sharing is normally the division of a full-time job into two part-time jobs with the sharers being equally responsible in the full time post. There are usually two types:
- Shared responsibility – the two employees share all the responsibilities of one full-time job, each performing the full range of duties picking up where the other left off. This is most suited to ongoing work rather than project based work.
- Divided responsibility – the responsibilities of one full-time position are divided between two people, although they may also provide back up for each other each other as required. This is most suited to work which can be easily divided up, eg. project work.
Job-sharing can also have operational benefits:
- The duties of the post can be covered during the absence of one of the partners.
- Written systems for ensuring continuity of service at handover can also benefit the rest of the team and the manager.
- Two or more people can bring complementary expertise to the job that may exceed the expertise of one.
- Job sharers can bring greater flexibility than a single post holder, eg by working peak periods together.
Job-sharing can also lead to operational difficulties which have to be considered when considering job-sharing as an option:
- Difficulty of arranging for both job sharers to attend directorate/team meetings.
- Twice as much staff time needed to attend directorate/team meetings, training courses etc.
- Double the training costs etc.
All jobs within the National Park Authority can be considered for job sharing subject to the conditions set out in paragraph 1 above. In particular, the suitability of a post for job sharing will be dependent upon:-
i)the operational requirements of the team in which the particular post is located; and
ii)whether or not it is feasible to split duties of the post without adversely affecting efficiency or effectiveness.
The pattern of the working week for job sharers will be determined by the manager in consultation with the Head of Section and with individual job sharers/job share partners. Heads of Sections should be satisfied that any proposed pattern of working meets both the demands of the job and, wherever possible, the preferences of the job sharers. The total hours of the job sharers will not exceed that of a full time post.
There are no fixed rules regarding working patterns for job sharers and consideration will be given to all suggested work patterns on an individual basis.
However, the examples below are most commonly used:-
i)Split Day – one sharer working in the morning, the other in the afternoon;
ii)Week Basis – each job sharer works 2½ days per week or sharing out the days to suit their requirements, eg. 3 days and 2 days or 4 days and 1 day.
iii)Alternate Weeks –job sharers work two days one week and three days the other, eg. Monday, Tuesday and alternate Wednesday or Thursday, Friday and alternate Wednesday.
iv)Overlap – both sharers work three short days per week; and
v)Alternating Days – both sharers work on a one day on/one day off basis rotating over a fortnight.
A job share can be initiated in one of three ways:-
i)existing or potential employees applying, either individually or jointly, for posts which have been advertised;
ii)an existing full time employee formally applying to their Head of Section for a job share arrangement to be agreed for their own post;
iii)two existing employees formally applying together to job share one of their current posts. The same terms and conditions of employment would need to apply to the original post and intended job share post.
Job sharing arrangements will not be introduced for any existing employee without their agreement.
Vacancies may be advertised as suitable for job sharing, unless it has demonstrated that a particular post is unsuitable for job sharing, as determined by the guidelines in paragraphs 1 and 3 above.
The appropriate statements to be included in advertisements for these posts and in situations where one sharer of an already job shared post subsequently leaves, are as follows:-
“This post is suitable for job sharers”; or
“This vacancy is a job sharing position”;
whichever is appropriate.
The short-listing and selection of both internal and external job share applicants for vacancies will be undertaken in accordance with normal recruitment and selection procedures.
It will be the responsibility of the line manager, throughout the selection process, to ensure that the skills and experience of each prospective job sharer relate to the full requirements of the job concerned.
Each short-listed candidate will be interviewed separately in the normal way. However, where communication and mutual co-operation between job sharers is considered important, managers may wish to arrange a meeting for both candidates together to assess how they will jointly fulfil the demands of the post.
If only one job sharer is appointed to the post, a further advertisement to attract a job share partner will be made. If, after reasonable steps to recruit another job sharer have been taken, a suitable job share partner cannot be found, the successful candidate should be offered the post on a full time basis. However, if this is unacceptable to the candidate, the original offer of appointment will lapse.
Existing employees should submit a formal request to their manager who will, within 28 days, make a decision as to whether or not the post is considered suitable for job sharing. It is not necessary at this stage for the employee to have another person to share the job with.
If the manager considers that the post is suitable for job sharing, approval should then be sought from the Head of Section.
Where a joint application is initiated by two existing employees to share one of their existing posts, no advertising will take place of the then vacant post until the arrangement has been considered, agreed and implemented, at which time the subsequent vacancy will be advertised. All joint requests for job sharing will be considered on the basis that:-
i)both applicants are considered suitable to job share the post; and
ii)both posts in question are on the same grade, or the job share arrangement would not otherwise result in one of the job share applicants receiving direct promotion.
Where part of a job shared post becomes vacant, the remaining job sharer will initially be offered the post on a full time basis. If the job sharer does not wish to work full time, another partner will be sought through advertising in accordance with normal recruitment and selection procedures.
If no suitable job sharing partner can be found after all reasonable attempts (normally, a maximum of two rounds of advertising) the job will be reviewed and may have to be advertised on a full time basis. The remaining job sharer will then either:-
i)Be required to work on a full time basis in that post; or
ii)be redeployed to a suitable alternative job share, part-time or full time vacant post (if such exists) elsewhere in the Authority within existing procedures; the Authority’s arrangements for salary protection in such circumstances will apply.
iii)If the employee is unable to undertake the role on a full time basis as per point (i) and all redeployment options have been exhausted as per point (ii), then their contract of employment will come to an end.
It is important that these provisions are brought to the attention of all job share applicants prior to any appointments or commitments being made. The employee’s contract of employment should therefore state “Appointment to this post is initially on a job share basis, and is strictly in accordance with the Authority’s Job Sharing Policy, in particular paragraphs 9 and 10”.
Job sharers should be aware that such arrangements may have to be reviewed in order to ensure that the service does not suffer, or where there is a reorganisation of the Authority’s work. Where there is a proven need to revert the post back to a full time position, both job sharers will be offered the opportunity to apply for the post on a full-time basis, and if both apply, normal selection procedures will be followed. If one is appointed on a full-time basis, the other may be redeployed to a suitable alternative position within existing procedures. If neither is appointed on a full-time basis, both may be redeployed to suitable alternative positions within existing procedures. The job sharers may be required to work in full-time posts, or distinct part-time posts if no other opportunities exist. If all redeployment options have been exhausted the contract of employment will come to an end.