PRESENT: Brar, Hilbert,Richards, Teal
ABSENT: Kelso, Kloosterboer, Sullivan
OTHERS PRESENT: Wegner, Blake Theisen - SAA, Jim Bricker - JSD, Aaron Steber - Cardno JFNew, Jens Jensen - Cardno JFNew, Susan West, three high school students observing for a class
- Approval of11/02/11 CLC minutes
- Motion by Brar, seconded by Richards to approve of 11/02/11 CLC minutes as presented by staff. Motion carried.
- Approval of Revised Conservancy Lands Open Space Plan - Blake Theisen(SAA)
- After last meeting staff, other committees, and other consultants provided additional comments. These comments, updated photographs and text revisions were added to the plan.
- Blake Theisen of SAA presented the revisions to the committee.
- Motion by Hilbert, seconded by Richards to approve the revisions made to the master plan as presented by Blake. Motion carried.
- Good Neighbor Trail Final Plan - Jim Bricker (JSD)
- Jim Bricker of JSD presented the plan as it stands as of this meeting.
- Plan is at the working draft stage, and would welcome any comments.
- Jim provided a brief history of the project.
- Trail is from Middleton to Mazomanie.
- Multiple user groups intended for use and have had input in the process thus far.
- Discussion of trail segments - pluses/minuses and issues involved
- Middleton to Cross Plains
- Cross Plains to Black Earth
- Black Earth to Mazomanie
- Intended trail will be 22' to 24' wide - half paved/half not
- Hilbert inquired as to who will hold governance of the trail system.
- The hope is that the shareholders who have an invested interest in this trail will provide this need.
- Brar asked about funding for the trail.
- Each jurisdiction is responsible for funding its own segment
- As installation prices could be widely variable, Teal advised that citing any kind of amount now would be unadvisable and could have unintended consequences.
- Wegner asked for Jim to give a brief review of past meetings regarding this trail.
- Good Neighbor Committee meets monthly, and each municipality has been updated on the progress of the trail over the past three years or so.
- Jim Bricker stated that the working draft will be completed in the next couple of weeks and the complete document will be completed by the end of the month (January 2012).
- Committee deferred any action on the plan until plan submission and review which will take place during the February CLC meeting.
- Lakeview Park Streambank Stabilization Project - Aaron Steber (Carno JFNew)
- Aaron provided FYI for committee members as the project has now been completed.
- 1,500 linear feet of streambank of highly eroded streambank in Lakeview Park was repaired this summer.
- Multiple techniques were used to accomplish this
- rootwads
- seed matting
- carving back the banks
- Teal asked how long the rootwads would last.
- It is dependent on the placement of the rootwad. Cycles of wet/dry speed up the breakdown of the rootwad. If completely submerged it will last longer, if it is completely dry it will last longer.
- Experience thus far suggests that they will last for 15-20 years. As native plantings are put in place during the rootwad installation, these deeprooted plants will take the place of the rootwad to stabilize the banks.
- No action taken as this was FYI.
- Award of Bid - DNR CLWF Project - Aaron Steber (Cardno JFNew)
- This project is a continuation of the streambank stabilization along the Pheasant Branch Creek corridor.
- Funding is through a capital budget line as well as awarded grants.
- Motion by Brar, seconded by Hilbert to approve bid to Meister's K& L Landscaping for an amount not to exceed $49,980. Motion carried.
- HAV Project/Grant wrap up - Jens Jensen (Cardno JFNew)
- Jens Jensen of Carno JFNew provided information regarding the project that was completed this fall.
- The intent was to create Northern Pike spawning habitat as well as habitat for other wetland species.
- The site had been composed of Reed Canary Grass, Buckthorn, and Honeysuckle.
- Soil was scraped out in two different areas and then water was allowed to fill these new depressions.
- Operation Fresh Start helped plant native plant plugs and bio-logs in the area.
- Many types of birds, amphibians already seen in the area.
- No action taken as this was FYI.
- 2010/2011 Deer management final reports
- Grant paperwork for the 2010 and 2011 deer management programs were presented to committee members.
- Motion by Hilbert, seconded by Richards to approve the 2010/2011 wrap-ups as presented. Motion carried.
- 2012 Deer management grant application
- The 2012 deer management grant application was presented to committee members.
- Grant follows the same program used over the past number of years.
- Motion by Hilbert, seconded by Richards to approve the 2012 deer management grant as presented. Motion carried.
- Meeting adjourned at 8:35pm
- Note: These minutes are based on the notes of the recorder, Mark Wegner, Middleton City Forester, and are subject to change at a subsequent meeting.