Corrales International School PTA Meeting
Date | time4/6/2017 4:00 PM |
Board members
Naketta Wiley, President | Nicole Romero-Gabaldon, Vice President | Judy Hines, Secretary | Susan Murphy, Treasurer
4:00 / Meet call to order / Naketta /4:05 / Approval of Minutes / Naketta
4:10 / Jog-A-Thon, summer camp, Earth day updates / Naketta /
4:20 / Field Day changes / Naketta
4:30 / PTA 2017-18 school announcements / Naketta /
4:40 / Public Comments / Open
4:50 / Head of School comments / Naketta
5:00 / Meeting Adjourned/Next meeting May 9th @ 4:00 / Naketta
Minutes from March meeting:
Board in attendance: Naketta Wiley, Judi Hines, Susan Murphy, Nicole Romero-Gabaldon
PTA meeting, 3-6-17
Meeting called to order by Naketta, 4:01 PM. Tara Mathena motioned to approve, Reney seconded
Jog-a-thon- can we move to May 3rd, due to testing scheduled?Board decided to still use pledge website, will give 30 days, will move to March 31st to open website & will send forms/pledge sheets home that day, tooSign up genius for it will go up the same day
Permission slips- PTA does that (can we do that online?)Nicole will check to see if she can do that electronically- can we combine with Field Day permission slip?Water bottles from CostcoCan we have parents bring supplies more in advance?Clash day theme? Awards:Levels- 3Out of uniform for one weekJog-a-thon meeting: Tuesday, 3/28 @ 4PM in libraryFunding for Summer camp comes from Jog-a-thon, so first due date is April 29thNeed to do another push for camp, it is open to the public, can we post to FB, etc?Naketta is meeting with potential returning junior counsellors to figure out scheduling, etc. We do need additional camp counsellors, preference is adults (college kids)Camp is a total of 8 weeks, June 5-July 28Email out to interested parents for a committee and set meeting 3/31 @ 4 PM
Earth day celebration April 26th- need soil, seeds, potting plants, starting garden
Naketta will request for donations
Playground equipment: may have to move again, so there shouldn't be anything permanentMark is ok with providing each class a bag of equipmentPlayworks? Judi will askFoam blocks to build with? Younger classes can keep themBasketball hoops, soccerGoal is to have something for next school year, include rainy day activitiesNaketta will ask teachers what they'd like
Public comments-
Reney asked about permaculture committee?
Plan activities for themesHiringCurriculumMain teachers are: Melissa & Jaime
Themes are: Renaissance, prehistoric, Victorian...Naketta will email list
Fundraising for next year
Need membership boost, need a volunteer to lead that. That person would send monthly emails to PTA organization (Lisa?)Field Day 5/25 & 5/26We need to get porta pottyYouth on the move will facilitateMark needs to provideNeon theme for field dayNo head of school updateTeacher appreciation week will be set during April meetingApril meeting: 4/6 @ 4 PM Can we push for more teacher's participation?Should PTA take dances back?Red house hosting Father/Daughter dance 4/8 @ JCCMeeting adjourned @ 445
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