Instructions: Fill in study specific descriptions noted in red and delete this section before submitting with application. If you are using this form, you must also request a “Waiver to Document Informed Consent” in your application
Consent to Participate in Online Survey Research Using MTurk
Study Title: (Title as listed on IRB application)
Study Description: We are researchers at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh doing a research study about(topic).The purpose of this research study is to (add study specific information). Approximately (number of subjects) subjects will participate in this study. Include any screening procedures here. If you agree to participate, you will be asked to complete an online survey that will take approximately (length of time) minutes to complete. Describe research procedures and what participants will need to do here.
Risks/ Benefits: Risks to participants are considered minimal. Collection of data and survey responses using the internet involves the same risks that a person would encounter in everyday use of the internet, such as fatigue or breach of confidentiality. While the researchers have taken every reasonable step to protect your confidentiality, there is always the possibility of interception or hacking of the data by third parties that is not under the control of the research team.There will be no costs for participating. Benefits of participating include payment from Amazon (describe amount and any conditions to payment). Describe any additional benefits to participants (Ex: learning experience from participating in a [psychology experiment/research study].The benefit to society is the contribution to scientific knowledge.
Compensation: Describe payment amount(s) here. If the study has multiple parts and there is a separate payment for each part, describe the total amount of payment if someone completes the entire study and also the payment for each part of the study and information regarding HIT approval.
Confidentiality Researchers will have access to your MTurk worker ID which may be able to link to your personal information on your Amazon public profile page, depending on your settings you have on your Amazon profile. Amazon will have access to your MTurk ID and personal information (social security number, IP address, bank account information, etc...) and would be able to link it to your survey responses if the survey is created using MTurk internal software. MTurk worker IDs will not be shared with anyone outside the study team and will be used solely for the purposes of distributing compensation and will not be stored with your (survey responses/data). We will not be accessing any personally identifying information about you that you may have put on your Amazon public profile page. Worker IDs will be removed from the dataset (describe when). Data will be retained on the Amazon (and Qualtrics/Survey Monkey) servers for (length of time) and will be deleted by the research staff after this time. However, data may exist on backups or server logs beyond the timeframe of this research project. Data transferred from the survey site will be saved on a password protected computer for (length of time data will be retained). Any reports and presentations about the findings from this study will not include your name or any other information that could identify you. If study data will (or may) be stored and shared for use in future research studies, explain here: [for example] We may share the data we collect in this study with other researchers doing future studies – if we share your data, we will not include any information that could identify you.
Voluntary Participation: Your participation in this study is voluntary. You may choose to not answer any of the questions or withdraw from this study at any time without penalty. Your decision will not change any present or future relationship with the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh or Amazon.
Who do I contact for questions about the study: For more information about the study or study procedures, contact (PI name) at (email and/or phone number).
Who do I contact for questions about my rights as a research participant? Contact the UW Oshkosh IRB Chair at (920) 424-3215 or .
Research Subject’s Consent to Participate in Research:By entering this survey/ selecting I agree, you are indicating that you have read the consent form, you are age 18 or older and that you voluntarily agree to participate in this online research study. Please make sure that you have read and agree to Amazon’s Mechanical Turk participant and privacy agreements as these may impact the disclosure and use of your personal information.