Principles of Management
and Production
MGT 3114
Summer 2012
G. Stephen Taylor, Ph.D.
Professor of Management
302G McCool Hall
662.325.0283 (office)
Office Hours
MTWRF 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Course Description
MGT 3114. (Prerequisites: EC 2113, BQA 2113, and junior standing). Four hours lecture. Management principles for all organizations including planning, organizing, leading, and controlling as well as the purposes, methods, tools, and procedures of production management.
Required Texts
Management special edition for MSU by Thomas S. Bateman and Scott A. Snell. McGraw-Hill Irwin.
Operations Management, special edition for MSU by Stevenson. McGraw-Hill.
The books can be purchased as a “bundle” at Barnes and Nobles (ISBN 9780077951436).ilHi
This is an exciting period to be alive (granted, compared with the alternative, any period is an exciting one to be alive)! In fact, many would say there simply is too much excitement, the world is changing faster than we cope, life is too interesting (do keep in mind the old curse: may you live in interesting times). Certainly the economy – and capitalism – have fundamentally changed in the last 48 months (Hint: can you say “state capitalism?” The Chinese, Russians, Brazilians, etc. certainly can.) Without a doubt, this new world – one in which government plays a larger role than ever before – will have an entirely different set of rules than does the world to which we were accustomed. And these new rules will require managers to develop new skills sets and to be more nimble than ever before. If you think change has occurred rapidly in the past, then hang on tight, because you “ain’t seen nothing yet.” If you think the business world has been turbulent in the past, then you better sit down and get ready for a ride the likes of which we’ve never seen. And if you think the world has become too small, then once again get ready for more change because our globe hasn’t even begun to shrink. The best is yet to come???? Well, we’ll see.
But despite all of these changes – and let me emphasize once again, that more changes are definitely coming – certain fundamental principles have not. For example, a “business manager” and a “business leader” still are very different people. A manager is concerned with the day-to-day actions of the business and the employees. He or she emphasizes the systems and the processes and the policies and the procedures. A leader is focused outwardly and towards the future. A leader is constantly scanning the external environment, looking for opportunities to exploit and threats to counteract. A leader inspires trust.
So while this course if officially entitled “Principles of Management and Production,” our emphasis is on leading. We’ll discuss and explore the traditional duties of a manager, but with an eye on how these duties can be used to lead.
Course Objectives
· To develop your capacity for strategic thinking about a company, its business position, and how it can gain competitive advantage.
· To build your skills in learning how to lead, not manage.
· To help you understand the basic functions of management.
· To provide you a firm foundation on which you can build the knowledge gained in later courses.
· To further enhance your ability to think and to make logical decisions.
Your grade in the course will be the mean of your performance on the four graded inclass exams. The exams are weighted as follows:
Exam #1 (June 8) 20%
Exam #2 (June 15) 25%
Exam #3 (June 22) 25%
Final Exam (July 2, 3-6 p.m.) 30%
Grades are based on the standard 10-point scale.
A = 100 - 90
B = 89 - 80
C = 79 - 70
D = 69 - 60
I do not curve grades. However, you can earn performance points on the exams. These points will be awarded in the following manner:
If your grade on an exam is: / The you earn the following performance points:85-89 / 3
90-94 / 4
95+ / 5
You will receive the grade you earn in this course. Grades are based on the 10-point scale provided above. Also, I do not round grades up or down. And I most definitely do not give points simply because you need them. Example: If you need a B in this course to stay in school and your average is a 79.9, then it will be recorded as a 79 and you will receive a C.
Exams will consist of 60-75 multiple choice questions. Although you will have two hours to complete each exam, the length of the exams means you must know the material “cold” before you enter the room.
There will be no-makeup exams or rescheduling of exams. If you miss an exam you will receive a 0 (zero) for that particular test unless the absence is for to a University-approved purpose (see below).
Attendance Policy
In the past, there has been a statistically significant relationship between the number of absences and grades. Accordingly, it is extremely important for you to attend class on a regular basis. Hence, the following policy will be in effect:
• 0 absences = 2 points added to end of semester average
• 1-2 absences = no reward or penalty
• 3 absences = 5 points deducted from end of semester average
• 4 or more absences = 10 points deducted from end of semester average
Having said all of this, there are university-excused absences that will not count against you. According to AOP 12.09, the following are “sanctioned” reasons for missing class:
• Participation in an authorized university activity.
• Death or major illness in a student’s immediate family.
• Illness of a dependent family member.
• Participation in legal proceedings or administrative procedures that require a student’s presence.
• Religious holy day.
• Illness that is too severe or contagious for the student to attend class.
• Required participation in military duties.
• Mandatory admission interviews for professional or graduate school which cannot be rescheduled.
However, and still quoting from AOP 12.09:
“When absence from class is essential, the student is responsible for providing satisfactory evidence to the instructor to substantiate the reason for absence. The student is also responsible for making arrangements that are satisfactory to the instructor in regard to work missed. These arrangements should be made prior to the absence when possible.”
In regards to an “illness that is too severe or contagious for the student to attend class,” you must have a note from a doctor or other medical professional (such as nurse practitioner) stating that you were too ill to be in class on the day(s) you were absent.
MISWEB: The Course Management System for MGT 8063
Registering for MISWEB
To register for MISWEB, use the following link:
To register for MISWEB, you need your MSU NetID and Password:
Welcome to the COBI misweb Student Information System.
Use this page to register for the COBI misweb Student Information System.
You will also use this page in the future to log into your misweb Student Edit Routine.
Top of Form
MSU Banner Net Id:(example: abc123)
Password: / You can always use your Banner net password to log into misweb.
Additionally, if you have set up a special misweb password (using the option in your Edit Routine), you can use that password to login.
Bottom of Form
You will create a password-protected account that will allow you to do many things, including: (1) checking your grades, (2) viewing the course calendar (3) receiving course e-mail, (4) accessing archived course e-mails, (5) downloading notes, lectures, & assignments for the course, and (6) posting questions to the class message board.
When you register for MISWEB, you must:
(1) Complete the information under the first link, “main information”
(2) Provide a valid e-mail address. NOTE: THIS MUST BE YOUR MSU ADDRESS!!!! I will not send materials nor respond to any address other than an MSU ADDRESS. Without your correct MSU e-mail address, you will NOT receive course e-mails. If your e-mail address changes during the semester, update your e-mail address at:
It is your responsibility to maintain the correct contact information.
MISWEB -Checking Grades, Class Calendar, E-mail Archives, Course web-site, Notes, Message Board, & Audio:
To access your grades, the class calendar, e-mail archives, or the course web-site with notes and audio files, at any point during the semester, go the web site:
Look for the Department of Management and Information Systems. Click on the instructor’s name for this course, Steve Taylor. Scroll down the page to the section Courses Taught. Select your course, MGT3114, and click on the link for Online Grades. You will check your grades using the password that you selected when you registered for MISWEB. You will also find links for course calendar, course website (on-line notes and audio files of lectures), e-mail archives, etc. in your gradebook.
Academic Integrity
Very simple rule: cheating will not be tolerated. No exceptions to this rule. Anyone who uses “unauthorized” help (translation: anyone who cheats) on any graded exercise will receive a 0 (zero) for that particular assignment. Another word to the wise: I consider cheating to be a personal affront.
Mississippi State University has an approved Honor Code that applies to all students. The code is as follows:
"As a Mississippi State University student I will conduct myself with honor and integrity at all times. I will not lie, cheat, or steal, nor will I accept the actions of those who do."
Upon accepting admission to Mississippi State University, a student immediately assumes a commitment to uphold the Honor Code, to accept responsibility for learning, and to follow the philosophy and rules of the Honor Code. Students will be required to state their commitment on examinations, research papers, and other academic work. Ignorance of the rules does not exclude any member of the MSU community from the requirements or the processes of the Honor Code. For additional information please visit:
Class Schedule
4 / Overview of Business and Management
Course introduction and overview.
What is management?
Henry Mintzberg on Managing / Chapter 1:
5 / Management History
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it," (in other words, it’s o.k. to make a mistake, but it’s dumb to make the same mistake twice)
History of Scientific Management (
6-7 / The Environment of Business
Internal and external forces that impact organizations / Chapter 2:
8 / MID-TERM #1
11 / Exam returned and discussed
Ethics and Corporate Responsibility
The most socially responsible thing a business can do is to make a profit….or is it??? / Chapter 3:
12 / Entrepreneurship
Why not you?
Cameron Herold: Let's raise kids to be entrepreneurs / Chapter 5:13 / Strategic Planning
The view from on high….or……to infinity and beyond!!!!
Railroad Competition in the 1920s & 1930s / Chapter 4:
14 / Organizing for Action
It’s not exactly like making sausage….but it’s close / Chapter 6:
15 / MID-TERM #2
Modules 9 & 10 / Managing Human Resources / Chapter 7:
18-19 / Exam returned and discussed
Managing Human Resources
The most frustrating and the most rewarding aspects of the job / Chapter 7:
20 / Motivating People
Most people dislike their jobs and work only hard enough to avoid being fired. Oh really????
Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford graduation address / Chapter 10:
21 / Leadership
Are they born, or are they made? / Chapter 9:
22 / MID-TERM #3
25 / Exam returned and discussed
Introduction Operations Management
Working at Ford in the 1920s – Parts 1 and 2: / Chapter 1:
26 / Manufacturing in Small Firms
27 / Decision Tools
Management of Quality / Chapter 9: 232-283
28 / Supply Chain Management
Why UPS trucks never turn left
Future Supply Chain 2016 / Chapter 11: 338-374
29 / Lean Operations
Toyota Executive on Lean Management
Boeing Lean Manufacturing / Chapter 15: 438-472