Daniel 2
Consent to Participate in a Research Study
Missouri State University
College of Health & Human Services
Science, Psychology, Society, and Statistics
Principal Investigator: Todd Daniel PhD
You have been invited to participate in a research study about Science, Psychology, Society, and Statistics. Before you agree to participate in this survey, it is important that you read about and understand the study and the procedures it involves. If you have any questions about the survey or your role in it, be sure to ask the investigator. If you have more questions at a later time, the investigator will be happy to answer them for you. You may contact the investigator at:
Todd Daniel: 1-417-836-4631
You will need to electronically sign this form giving us your permission to be involved in the survey. Taking part in this survey is entirely your choice. If you decide to take part, but later change your mind, you may stop at any time. If you decide to stop, you do not have to give a reason and there will be no negative consequences to you for ending your participation.
Purpose of this Study:
The purpose of this survey is twofold. The study will replicate a previous study about statistics anxiety and the data collected will be used – in an anonymous form – for statistical and research training. These data may be used to teach other students and researchers how to clean a dataset, how to code variables, or how to conduct a linear regression. This study will include, at minimum, 200 participants.
Description of Procedures
If you do agree to participate in this survey, you will be presented with a series of questions. Answer honestly, following the directions provided for you. The entire survey should take less than 20 minutes.
What are the risks?
The study has minimal risks. Your physical safety is not affected by completing an online survey. Potentially, for reasons I cannot anticipate, you could experience emotional distress from a given question, although the questions are not intended or designed to provoke an emotional response. This emotional distress would be considered minimal. If you choose not to complete the survey, there will be no consequence to you; however, your answers will not be included in the analysis.
What are the benefits?
You could benefit directly from completing the survey by satisfying one unit of credit for your research requirement in your Introductory Psychology class. The data set created from this study could potentially benefit you personally if you do research or learn statistics at MSU. The scientific community (possibly including you) will benefit from the availability of instructional resources that improve the quality of research and learning statistics.
How will my privacy be protected?
You will notice that we do not ask for your name or any personally identifying information. This is because we are only interested in your responses when they are combined with the responses of others. Typically, the actual response data from a survey is kept secure, but for this project want to use your actual responses to teach others how to analyze data. Therefore, in addition to not collecting personal data, we will be shuffling some of the data that is used for teaching purposes. At the end, you will not be able to identify yourself among the responses even if you tried.
Consent to Participate
If you agree to participate in this survey, Science, Psychology, Society, and Statistics, please click the “Continue” button. If you click the “Disagree” button, the survey will end immediately and no information will be collected from you.
I have read and understand the information in this form. I have been encouraged to ask questions and all of my questions have been answered to my satisfaction. By clicking “Continue”, I agree to voluntarily to participate in this study. I know that I can withdraw from the study at any time. I have the option to download a copy of this form for my own records.
Continue (I agree to participate in the survey) Disagree (I prefer not to take the survey)
Todd Daniel, PhD
Principal Investigator