LIGHT SOLUTION: 1/8 cup (1 oz.) NVIROCF to 1-gallon hot water or 1 teaspoon per quart. Shake before each use.

HEAVY SOLUTION: 2/3 cup NVIRO to 1-gallon hot water or 3 tablespoons per quart. Shake before each use.

NVIRO will remain in solution and will not weaken. Mixtures may be stored in plastic containers with tight fitting lids indefinitely.



  • WINDOWS, MIRRORS, GLASS: Outside – Wet surface, apply NVIRO heavy solution with a wet sponge* and hose off. Best results when applied to cool glass and water will sheet off with no wiping. Inside – spray NVIROlight solutionand wipe off. If streaking occurs, solution is too strong. Pour out ¼ of the solution, add hot water and shake to mix.
  • WINDSHIELD FLUID: Mix ¼ cup NVIROCF to 1 gallon water. Pour into your reservoir. In the winter, add 2 cups rubbing alcohol to mixture to prevent freezing.
  • STEAM CLEANERS OR SHAMPOO MACHINES: For carpets and upholstery, mix 1 cup NVIROCF to 5 gallons of water in self contained units, or 2/3 cup to 1 gallon for units that attach to the faucet. Do not add a defoamer or spot remover. For bad stains, apply NVIROCF full strength or spray heavy solution on stains and let sit for a few minutes allowing NVIROCF to go deep down into the stain. Then begin your steam cleaning or shampoo process following machine instructions. WHEN CLEANING CARPETS, FOLLOW MANUFACTURER’S SPECIFICATIONS. SPOT-CHECK FOR COLORFAST FIRST.
  • SPOTS ON CARPET / UPHOLSTERY: SPOT-CHECK FOR COLORFAST BEFORE APPLYING NVIRO AND FOLLOW MANUFACTURER’S SPECIFICATIONS. Apply NVIRO CF full strength to spot with a wet terry cloth in both directions, using a short 5 or 6-inch motion until spot lifts. RINSE THOROUGHLY. Wipe with a clean wet terry cloth and then with a clean dry terry cloth. Regardless of how long they have been there, NVIRO removes most stains. EXCEPT: paint, rust permanent dye, and red or orange Kool-Aid. READ YOUR LABEL, SOME FOOD PRODUCTS HAVE A PERMANENT DYE.
  • PET STAINS / URINE: Apply NVIRO CF full strength to area and let sit a few minutes. RINSE THOUROUGHLY. Repeat process until odor is eliminated. For urine stains, first apply equal parts whitevinegar and water to neutralize odor. Then apply NVIRO CF full strength and let sit a few minutes. RINSE THOROUGHLY. Repeat process until odor is eliminated.
  • GUM, TAR, CANDLE WAX: Apply NVIRO CF full strength generously to the spot and let sit a few minutes. Scratch the spot lightly towards the center with a fork or comb. Rub in more NVIRO. Repeat process until the spot lifts from the fabric. Rub away the remaining gum, tar, wax, etc. with a wet terry cloth and wipe off with a dry terry cloth. When removing tar, etc. from a painted surface, do not use a fork or comb, follow the same instructions using a white webbed sponge*. RINSE THOROUGHLY.
  • LEATHER, NAUGHAHYDE, PLASTIC, VINYL, SPORT & LEATHER SHOES: Apply NVIRO CF full strength with a wet scrub brush, scrub sponge*, or terry cloth in a slow circular motion, giving cleaner time to emulsify dirt and grime. Wipe off with a clean terry cloth. NVIRO helps to soften leather and naughahyde. As a rule, ink on leather and naughahyde does not come off. DO NOT USE ON RAW LEATHER OR SUEDE. TEST LEATHERS FOR COLORFAST AND FOLLOW MANUFACTURER’S SPECIFICATIONS.
  • SPOTS ON CLOTHES: Wet your fabric and apply NVIRO CF full strength to the stain. Fold material, trapping cleaner and stain between layers of material, then rub briskly until stain loosens. Put fabric into washer or wipe off with damp terry cloth. For really tough pre-washed stains, mix ¾ cup NVIRO CF to 1-gallon hot water and soak over night. When stain has loosened, put material into your washer. WITH ALL FABRICS, CHECK FOR COLORFAST FIRST AND FOLLOW MANUFACTURER’S SPECIFICATIONS.
  • BATHROOM, FIBERGLASS, TILE, PORCELAIN, MARBLE, GROUT, ETC.: Apply NVIRO CF full strength with a wet scrub sponge. Let sit for 20 to 30 minutes and reapply again with a wet scrub sponge, and then rinse. FOR BATHROOM USE ONLY. If bath area is really bad, repeat the process if necessary.
  • DISHWASHER:For dishes: Use 2 teaspoons NVIRO CF full strength per load. To clean out dishwasher add 1 TBS per load for 2 loads with no dishes.
  • WASHING MACHINE: Use ¼ cup NVIRO CF full strength to full load.
  • OVEN CLEANING: Apply NVIRO CF directly to oven. Turn oven on LOW for 10-15 minutes. Turn off, allow time to cool, then wipe out.
  • NATURAL WOOD, ANTIQUES, CABINETS, PANELING, PAINTED WALLS, ETC.: Apply NVIRO CFfull strength using a damp terry cloth or scrub sponge* in a slow circular motion. Wipe off with a clean damp terry cloth immediately. This will remove grease and any old wax build-up. You may now wax or polish if desired. A squeegee may also be used, followed by buffing with a dry terry cloth.
  • FLOORS, LINOLEUM, NO-WAX, VINYL, ETC.: Apply NVIRO CF full strength with a wet scrub sponge* or brush, then wipe off. Or apply heavy solution with a mop or buffer and rinse or wipe. A squeegee will remove it faster, but any excessive liquid needs to be wiped up with a damp mop. NVIRO will remove any old wax build-up. Apply fresh wax. For No-Wax floors, use ¼ cup NVIRO CF to 1-gallon water.
  • FIREPLACES, BRICK STONE, GLASS DOORS: Apply NVIRO CF full strength with a very wet stiff brush, or a wet scrub sponge* on glass. Work in a slow circular motion. Spray with clear water to rinse and wipe with a terry cloth. NVIRO will remove smoke, soot, creosote and pitch. For extremely bad areas, repeat the process, if necessary.
  • ALUMINUM, CHROME, STAINLESS STEEL, (APPLIANCES, WINDOW TRIM, BOATS, TRIM, ETC.): Apply NVIRO light solution with a very wet scrub sponge. Squeegee off large areas while very wet. Wipe or rinse smaller areas.
  • SIDING, WOOD/VINYL/ALUMINUM: Wet the surface and apply NVIRO heavy solution with a brush or scrub sponge*. For a heavy build-up, let it sit for about 5 minutes, brush, and hose off.
  • CONCRETE & ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS: Hose or wet surface (hot water will work faster for heavier grease build-up). Apply NVIRO CF full strength to wet surface with a stiff or wire brush. Let it sit 20 to 30 minutes, re-brush, and hose or rinse off. It may be necessary to repeat this procedure in some cases.
  • AUTO, AIRCRAFT, BOATS, RV’S, SEMIS, TRAILERS, VINYL TOPS, TIRES, CANVAS AWNINGS, LAWN FURNITURE: Apply heavy solution to surface with scrub sponge* or terry cloth, then hose or rinse off. To remove oxidation and mildew stains, wet the surface and apply NVIRO CF full strength with a wet scrub sponge* or brush in a slow circular motion. Rinse or hose off.
  • HAND CLEANER, SHAMPOO: Mix 1 part NVIRO CF to 10 parts hot water. Mixture will thicken slightly when cool and may be poured into a dispenser. As a shampoo, NVIRO will NOT lather. It will leave fur or hair soft and fluffy with no drying to the skin. Recommended for show animals, livestock or pets.
  • BUGS ON WINDSHIELDS: Use NVIRO heavy solution. Be sure that the window is in the shade. Spray on, wait 5 minutes, and then wipe or spray off with clear water.
  • HARD WATER STAINS AND MINERAL DEPOSITS: With 0000 steel wool wet, apply NVIRO CF generously. Rub it on and let sit for 15 minutes. If it doesn’t come off the first time, repeat the process.
  • DE-IONIZATION OF GLASS AND PLEXIGLASS: Apply NVIRO CF directly with a dry terry cloth and buff in a circular motion. If hazing occurs, buff with a dry terry cloth. The dust and steam will not stick to the surface.
  • POOLS AND SPAS: Apply NVIRO CF directly with a white webbed sponge and rinse. This can be done with the water in the spa, as it will not harm the pH balance. FILTERS: Soak in NVIRO heavy solution for one day, then rinse.
  • PRESSURE WASHER: Mix 2/3 cup NVIRO CF to 5 gallons of water. Use as a pre-spray. (suggestion-weed sprayer) Let this solution sit for 10 minutes and power spray off.
  • BILGES: (For wet bilges) Mix 1 cup NVIRO CF to 1 gallon of water and pour in bilge before leaving the dock. (5 cups to 5 gallons, etc.) (For dry bilges) Use NVIRO heavy solution, spray on walls of bilge and wipe off.
  • HOLDING TANKS: Dump your holding tanks using lots of water to flush your tanks. Close the valves. Pour one half of a gallon of NVIRO heavy solution into the toilet bowl. Swish around a toilet brush to deodorize the bowl. Then release the cleaner into the holding tank. Run a little more water into the tank. Add some of the solution to the gray water tank also, be sure to put NVIRO in before traveling, so that the cleaner can slosh around in the tanks while driving. Remember, it is important to keep the valves closed even though you are connected to a sewer drop. Waste in the tanks needs liquid to keep the solids from getting dried out and hard. It will drain out of your holding tank more easily and completely if you dump when the tanks are nearly full.


*Any white webbed scrub sponge for tubs, teflon, silverstone, etc.; these will not scratch. Rinse new sponge before using.


If product has been frozen: NVIRO CF is made from natural coconut and the oils in coconut solidify when they get cold. If product appears separated after freezing, put the bottle into a pan of hot water until it liquefies.

Re-Use Bottles: Remember you can rinse out your spray bottles from other cleaners and fill with NVIRO CF.

Mix in Large Quantities: To use NVIRO CF to its fullest capacity, use (2) one-gallon containers. Use clean plastic water or milk jugs. Mark one with an H for heavy and one with an L for light. Use 1/8 cup (1 oz.) NVIRO CF for light solutions. Use 2/3 cup NVIRO CF for heavy solutions.

Fill gallon containers ¾ full with HOT tap water, add measured amount of NVIRO CF and finish filling to the top with water. These solutions will not solidify.