Consent to information sharing
I understand the information contained in this assessment will be shared with the services indicated, so they can help us provide the support needed.I agree for the services indicated to share information about me and my family.
If we need to share information with other services not mentioned below, we will ask you about this before we do it. We will treat your information as confidential and we will not share it with another organisation unless we are required by law or unless you or another person may come to harm if we do not share it.
The purpose of this assessment has been explained to me and I agree to an Early Help Assessment being undertaken.
Parent/carer signature(s) …………………………………………………………………………Print name ………………………………………………………………..Date: / /
Young person signature …………………………………………………………………………Print name …………………………………………………………………..Date: / /
Fair Processing of Data
The States of Jersey has physical, electronic and managerial safeguards to ensure that sensitive information is only accessed by those who need to know about it. Anonymous statistical information will be shared to help support families better and develop understanding of family’s needs in general. Under the Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2005 you can request to see your own personal information. If you would like to know more about this please email
Services currently working with family membersName / Organisation / Role / Contact number / Working with / Consent to Information sharing
Ms Helpful / Samares / TA / 01534 735418 / Tia /
Ms Kind / Mont L’Abbe / TA / 01534 875808 / Jack /
Mr Generous / Youth Service / Inclusion Youth Worker / 01534 280518 / Jack /
Mr Patient / Jersey General Hospital / Paediatrician / 01534 442498 / Jack /
Services we will share information with not listed above:
- Les Landes– Tia’s previous school, request information
- Parenting Support Services
Family Details
Children’s details
Name / Date of Birth/
expecteddue date / Gender / Ethnicity / Home address / Tel/email / School/early years setting
Tia Taylor / 01/10/2007 / F / White Jersey / 32 Le Squez, St Clements
JE2 6TG / 07700369852
This is Tia’s number, however mum would prefer Tia not be contacted directly / Samares
Jack Taylor / 25/03/2004 / M / White Jersey / 32 Le Squez, St Clements
JE2 6TG / N/A / Mont L’Abbe
Adult members of the Family
Name / Age / Gender / Ethnicity / Relationship to Child/ Young Person / Tel/email of main carer / Parental responsibility
Marion Taylor / 45 / F / White British / Mother / 07700321456
/ Yes
Whiston Taylor / 47 / M / Black Jersey / Father / 07700147852 / Yes
Current family and home situation, eg family structure including siblings, other significant adults etc who live with, and those who do not live with, the child/young person.
The family have recently moved to a newly built three bedroomed Andium Homes property in St Clements. The house is in good condition and has an enclosed outdoor space which is safe for Jack.
The family moved to this property due to Whiston changing jobs. Tia is unhappy about the move and has found it hard to settle, this is causing some difficulties in relationships at home.
Whiston’s parents live in St Ouens, they are unable to provide support for the family, as they are elderly and care for Whiston’s sister, who also has profound learning difficulties. They are unhappy the family have moved as Marion used to assist them when the children were at school.
Marion’s family live in the UK, but visit during school holidays to help out.
Additional Information
Child/ren/Young Person’s first language / Parents’ first language / Disability / If yes, please give further details / Details of any special requirements for any family member, e.g. signing, interpreting, access needs / Any known barriers to home visiting
English / Mum – English
Dad – French (speaks and reads English) / Yes / Jack - learning difficulties and epilepsy / Parents requested English copies of documents / No
Dad works shifts. Arrange appointments.
Indicate reason[s] why the assessment has started
Relationship difficulties at home / Concerns about drug/alcohol issues (young person/parent/carer) / Concern around parent/carer and their ability to meet the needs of child/young person – need for parenting support / JRelationship difficulties at school / Concerns about risk taking behaviour / Concerns regarding domestic abuse
Concerns around bullying / T / Teenage pregnancy / Concerns about mental health
(child/young person/parent/carer)
Concerns about behaviour: home/community / Possible impact of parental disability / Concerns about emotional well-being (child/young person/parent/carer) / M
Concerns about behaviour: school /setting [including exclusion from school] / Possible young carer / Loss / Separation / Bereavement
Concerns about attendance at school setting / T / Possible impact of child/young person disability / Impact of housing issues
Need to support young person to access employment, education or training post 16 / Concerns about a child’s development/learning / Impact of financial issues
How Tiais growing and developing
Child development, educational attainments, achievements and health and wellbeing
Marion reports that Tia is very helpful around the house, particularly with Jack. They generally have a good relationship, Tia can be kind and patient with Jack. Marion reports that Tia has made friends with the girl next door, who attends a different school. They often play in her house.
Tia has been observed being affectionate with mum when collected after school.
Class teacher reports that Tia is achieving above her age expected targets in all subjects.
Les Landes reported that they had no concerns for Tia, she was a well liked child, who made friends easily, dueto her kind and caring nature. Tia attended school and local church choir, where she often gave solo performances. School nurse records show that Tia was healthy and well.
Marion reports that Tia appeared to settle well in school at first. Marion arranged a birthday party at home to help Tia make friends and it was after this that Tia started becoming withdrawn and angry. Tia eventually told her mum that people in school were saying nasty things about Jack. Marion is worried that Tia is beginning to be unkind to Jack and then appears to get angry with herself. Tia is spending more and more time alone in her room.
Marion states that she has seen Tia and the girl next door arguing with some other girls on the estate, Tia came in crying and now will not play out. Marion recognised some of the girls from the school playground, in the mornings Tia will stay very close to her mum until the teacher appears to lead the class into school.
Marion reported that Tia Marion states that she has heard Tia’s phone late in the evenings, she has tried to take Tia’s phone away, but this was met with great resistance and Tia had a tantrum, which is not like her.
Marion states that Tia is now refusing to come to school, she will often complain of tummy and headaches in the morning and takes a long time to get dressed. Marion has taken Tia to the GP, Marion stated he was not very helpful.
Class teacher reports that Tia has been late after registration three times and 7 times overall. Tia has been observed shouting at her mum in the morning. Tia has not settled into school, she appears withdrawn and is not mixing with the other children.
What Tianeeds from those who care for her
Parenting capacity
Marion reports that Tia has always been able to talk to her about anything that has worried or upset her.
Les Landes school report that either Marion orWhiston attended all school events and encouraged Tia to take part in school activities and events. Homework was always completed and Tia’s academic attainment would indicate that she was supported and encouraged at home. Tia was always clean, smart and tidy and appeared well cared for.
Class teacher reports that Marion has approached her several times and does appear very worried about Tia.
Marion reports feeling tired and emotionally all the time. She states that she does not know what to do to help Tia and admits that both she and Whiston have shouted at Tia when she has hurt Jack. Marion states that she understands Tia’s behaviour is because she feels lonely, so does not want to punish her. Marion states she knows how Tia feels.
Whiston states that when he is home he is able to spend time alone with Tia and things seem calmer, however he is worried about what happens when he is not there as on occasion he has come home to find Marion tearful and drinking wine.
What Tiawider world is like
Family, environmental and community
As previously stated, the family home is suitable for their needs.
Whiston is in full time work and the family are in receipt of appropriate benefits. Marion states that they have no financial difficulties.
Marion states she is looking forward to her mum visiting at half term.
Marion is finding it very difficult to travel to St Ouens every day to support Whiston’s mum and dad and has started only going three times a week. This leaves her feeling very guilty. Marion enjoyed going, as she was able to spend some time with her friends, but there was not enough time to complete all the household chores and get there and back in time to collect Tia from school, especially now Tia is playing up in the morning and is often late.
Marion states she has tried to make some friends on the local estate, but is finding that the people are not very friendly.
Whiston states that although his new job is better paid, he now has to work shifts, so is spending less time in the family home when Marion needs him, such as morning and evenings.
A day in my life Tia
Tia stated that she is woken up by her mum shouting at her to get out of bed. Tia feels very tired in the morning and does not want to get up. Tia used to look forward to going to Les Landes and seeing all her friends. Tia says since coming to Samares she always feels sick in the morning.
Tia said she hated school, there was nothing good about it at all.
Tia said she likes it when mum picks her up, they walk home together and mum makes her a sandwich, then they sit and watch a TV programme together until Jack comes home on the minibus. Tia said that yesterday mum let her sit on her knee.
Tia said that after Jack comes home, they play together while mum makes Tea. Tia used to like playing with Jack, but now it makes her sad. Tia stated that sometimes she gets angry with Jack and makes him cry, she does not know why she gets angry. She knows this is wrong so she thinks it is better if she stays in her room.
Tia said she is often awake until late at night. She hears dad come home and mum and dad go to bed, they check on her and she pretends to be asleep, but she is not. Tia did not want to talk about what keepsher awake at night.
Tia stated she would like to go back to living in the old house, everything was ok then. Tia did not think that anything could be done to make living in this house better.
On a scale of 1-5 (1=low and 5=significant) what is the impact of these needs/concerns on Tiaif nothing changes
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 X / 5
How Jackis growing and developing
Child development, educational attainments, achievements and health and wellbeing
Marion reports that Jack’s epilepsy in managed by his medication, however he did have a seizure last week, which was the first for a long time.
Class teacher reported that Jack is settled in school and initially reported that he liked his new house. Jack is a friendly well liked young man, who enjoys sport, particularly swimming.
Marion is worried that Tia is beginning to be unkind to Jack .
Class teacher reports that Jack has appeared unsettled in the mornings on occasion. The bus escort has reported to him that Jack is not always ready and that Marion appears very stressed.
What Jackneeds from those who care for him
Parenting capacity
School report that either Marion or Whiston attended all school events and encouraged Jack to take part in school activities and events. Jack is always clean, smart and tidy and appeared well cared for. Marion and Whiston approach school for advice on how to prepare Jack for the move, this went well.
Marion reports feeling tired and emotionally all the time. She states she has found herself being less patient with Jack.
What Jack’swider world is like
Family, environmental and community
Please see above.
Jack attends a local youth club, the youth worker reports that Jack is well liked but has appeared a little subdued recently.
Please see above.
A day in my life Jack
Jack says he likes his new room, it is bigger than the last one. Jack thinks this house is louder, there is lots of shouting in the morning and mum looks angry all the time.
Jack enjoys coming to school, his best friend is John and they like to write stories.
Jack says he loves Tia, they used play games together. Tia does not play anymore, she is in her room and won’t come out. Tia hurt Jack’s hand when he tried to go in her room.
On a scale of 1-5 (1=low and 5=significant) what is the impact of these needs/concerns on Jackif nothing changes
1 / 2 X / 3 / 4 / 5
On a scale of 1-5 (1=low and 5=significant) what is the impact of these needs/concerns on Marion if nothing changes
1 / 2 / 3 X / 4 / 5
What are the desired outcomes the family want? Is there anything else the family would like to add?
Marion would like:
- Tia to have a friend in school
- A way to manage Tia’s behaviour without making Tia feel she is to blame
- Marion to have someone to confide in
- A dog
- To move back to the old house
- To see her friends every day
Name of Practitioner completing this form / Signature / Role and contact phone number
Ms knowledgable / Education Welfare Officer
01534 449448
Please ensure you send a copy of this assessment to the Early Help Co-ordinator–
Or Early Help Coordinator, The Bridge, Le Geyt Road, St. Saviour, JE2 4NT