December 21, 2016
Board Members PresentAdministrationBoard Members Absent
Dennis SchmidtDon RiceMartin Miller
Laura JansonSteve Tucker
Mark JacksonConnie Scanlon
Thomas MetcalfeTami Setlock
Nanette WarholicMegan Thirion
Michelle Hawthorne
John Bonko
The Ethics Council reviewed the attached listing of direct payments to affected persons in the financial transactions for November 2016.
a. Roll Call: 2016 Board
A call of the roll indicated that all Board Members were present with the exception of Mr. Miller. There being a quorum present, Dr. Schmidt, President of the Board, called the meeting to order.
b. Approval of the Minutes:
Ms. Scanlon introduced Resolution 16-81(A) approving the minutes for the October 19, 2016 meeting. Accordingly, this Resolution was approved, is attached, and made part of the official minutes of this meeting
c. Acceptance of Donations:
Ms. Scanlon introduced Resolution 16-12(D) acceptingdonations during the past month. Accordingly, this Resolution was approved, is attached, and made part of the official minutes of this meeting.
d. Personnel Actions:
Ms. Scanlon introduced Resolution 16-12(D) acceptingdonations during the past month. Accordingly, this Resolution was approved, is attached, and made part of the official minutes of this meeting.
e. Resolutions of Appreciation:
Ms. Scanlon introduced Resolutions of Appreciation 16-82 and 93(A) for the Mayfield High School Interact Club and Ms. Warholic for her service to the Board. Accordingly, this Resolution was approved, is attached, and made part of the official minutes of this meeting.
- Financial Statement Review (All Funds):
Mr. Tuckerprovided a review of financial statements for all funds.
- Ethics Council Recommendations:
The Ethics Council did not meet due to lack of a quorum.
- Financial Transactions and Voucher Approvals:
Ms. Scanlon introduced Resolution 16-21(B) detailing financial transactions for the period. Accordingly, these Resolutions were approved, are attached, and made part of the official minutes of this meeting. Resolution 16-22(B) approving voucher schedules for the period was not acted upon due to lack of approval from the Ethics Committee.
Mr. Rice reviewed the Board status reports: Population Served, Human Resources, Waiting List, Employment and Habilitation Services, and Abuse, Neglect and other Major Unusual Incidents. This information is contained in the Board Packet for this meeting and made part of the official minutes of this meeting.
Mr. Rice introduced status reports from the agencies programs. This information is contained in the Board Packet for this meeting and made part of the official minutes of this meeting.
a. Approvals:
- Annual Plan
Ms. Scanlon introduced Resolution 16-83(A) approving the 2017 Annual Plan. Accordingly, this Resolution was approved, is attached, and made part of the official minutes of this meeting.
- 20/20 Vision
Ms. Scanlon introduced Resolution 16-84(A) approving the 20/20 Vision for the agency. Accordingly, this Resolution was approved, is attached, and made part of the official minutes of this meeting.
- Medicaid Match
Ms. Scanlon introduced Resolution 16-85(A) approving the 2017 Medicaid Match. Accordingly, this Resolution was approved, is attached, and made part of the official minutes of this meeting.
- 2017 Board Meeting Calendar
Ms. Scanlon introduced Resolution 16-86(A) approving the Calendar of Board Meetings for 2017. Accordingly, this Resolution was approved, is attached, and made part of the official minutes of this meeting.
- Then and Now - JFSA
Ms. Scanlon introduced Resolution 16-87(A) approving Then and Now for Jewish Family Services Association for services rendered in 2015. Accordingly, this Resolution was approved, is attached, and made part of the official minutes of this meeting.
- Health Insurance
Ms. Scanlon introduced Resolution 16-88(A) rescinding Resolution 16-75(A) and approving health insurance for the Boards employees for 2017. Accordingly, this Resolution was approved, is attached, and made part of the official minutes of this meeting.
- Position Descriptions
Ms. Scanlon introduced Resolution 16-89(A) approving changes to position descriptions. Accordingly, this Resolution was approved, is attached, and made part of the official minutes of this meeting.
- 2017 Contracts
Ms. Scanlon introduced Resolution 16-90(A) approving additional service contracts for 2017. Accordingly, this Resolution was approved, is attached, and made part of the official minutes of this meeting.
- Accounting and Payroll Authorizations
Ms. Scanlon introduced Resolution 16-91(A) approving changes to the Geauga County Auditor’s Office Accounting & Payroll Authorization Forms.Accordingly, this Resolution was approved, is attached, and made part of the official minutes of this meeting.
b. Issues:
- MEA Decertification Update
Mr. Rice explained the progress on the MEA’s decertification efforts. This information is contained in the Board Packet for this meeting and made part of the official minutes of this meeting.
- What Board reports are valuable
Mr. Rice inquired of the value of the existing board reports and what changes could be made to improve the reports. This information is contained in the Board Packet for this meeting and made part of the official minutes of this meeting.
- Siffrin Liability
Mr. Rice informed the board of Siffrin’s request to help held harmless with the greenhouse issue.. This information is contained in the Board Packet for this meeting and made part of the official minutes of this meeting.
- Board Procedure
Mr. Rice informed the board of the changes in the Board health insurance procedure to better align with the Affordable Care Act. This information is contained in the Board Packet for this meeting and made part of the official minutes of this meeting.
Dr. Schmidt called for any other business or comments from the Board or the public.
Ms. Scanlon introduced Resolution 16-92(A) adjourning into Executive Session pursuant to ORC 121.22(G)(1) ) “To consider the appointment, employment, …, or compensation of a public employee or official, …” Accordingly, this Resolution was approved, is attached, and made part of the official minutes of this meeting.
There being no further business, Dr. Schmidt adjourned the meeting.
The Next Board meeting will be January 18, 2017.
Submitted: Approval:
Donald L. Rice II,SuperintendentDennis Schmidt,Board President
cc: Bd. of Geauga Co. Commissioners
Geauga Co. Probate Court
Geauga Co. Prosecutor
In compliance with O.R.C. 121.22; an audio copy of these minutes are kept on file at the Geauga County Board of Developmental Disabilities Administrative Offices. Further information contact the Superintendent.
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