Sally Goldsworthy Bursary Scheme


Sally Goldsworthy was the Chief Executive of Discover from 2003 to 2015. Discover is a Story Centre in the heart of Newham that sets children, families and schools on a journey of imagination and curiosity that combines learning with immersive literature and story making experiences. Sally was a great supporter of artists, new and established, raising the profile of children’s literature through collaborations with, amongst others, Oliver Jeffers, Chris Riddell and Michael Rosen.

In honour of her extra-ordinary contribution to Discover and the wider world of children’s literature and creative arts, the Sally Goldsworthy Bursary Scheme offers bursaries to UK-based artists working in younger children’s literature or story-telling. For the purposes of this scheme younger children are defined as 1-11 years old. The Bursary supports emerging children’s writers, poets, illustrators or story-tellers to develop their practice. It aims to support experimentation and exploration of the creative process, for which funding is more difficult to find. This could be in the form of subsidising time, materials, action research, travel etc.

We will explore with recipients opportunities to tie the bursary back into Discover i.e. through a workshop, a reading, a presentation etc., but this is not focused as a commissioning fund.

Applications are welcome from writers, poets, illustrators and story tellers who have been making work for up to 10 years. Individuals ranging from those who are early on in making work to those with more established practices are welcome to apply.

The bursary can be used to support development through March 2018 - March 2019. Discover is looking to make one to two bursary awards (depending on amount awarded). Rather than offer a prescriptive package, Discover should like to work with the recipients to develop a plan for their bursary.

The offer includes:

·  A cash award of up to £5,000

·  Professional development mentoring and/or artistic mentoring

·  Opportunity to present work in development

·  Discover will provide technical, documentation and marketing support if appropriate.

Application process

Applicants should complete the application form that will ask for the following information:

·  Name, address, phone number and email

A written statement explaining:

·  Why the applicant would like to be considered

·  What they would do with the award including a breakdown of how time and money would be spent

·  What they would aim to gain from the bursary and how it would support their practice

·  How they would share their development with Discover

·  Extracts, images or other documentation of previous work

·  Work/creative history

Selection Process

Applications will be reviewed by a Discover panel and a short-list of applicants will be invited to interview.

Applications will be assessed through the following criteria:

•  Completed submission of all the material requested

•  Relevance of the application to the scheme’s aims

•  Evidence of a committed and rigorous practice

•  Clarity of intentions for how the bursary would be used

•  Potential for future development

•  Timeliness of offering bursary support


8th December 2017: Application process opens

8th January 2018: Application process closes

W/c 15th January 2018: Shortlisting by selection panel

W/c 22nd January 2018: 3-5 applicants invited to interview

29th January 2018: Applicants notified of outcome

If you have any queries, please contact

The scheme is supported by Arts Council England

Discover is a registered charity number 1070468