Connel Community Council

Connel Community Council

Connel Community Council

Secretary: Les Stewart

Dunavon, Connel, Oban, Argyll PA37 1PJ

01631 710425

Chairman: Sandy Dunlop 01631 564203

Treasurer:Lorne Nelson 01631 710223

5 March 2010

Sheila McKenzie

Development Policy

Development Services

Argyll & Bute Council




PA31 8RT

Dear Ms McKenzie

Local Development Plan --- Questionnaire on Main Issues

Connel Community Council organised a meeting of village residents on 2 March to try and obtain views and input for the Local Development Plan. The meeting was well advertised locally (with a leaflet drop and poster adverts) and 18 people attended. A presentation on the background to the Local Development Plan was made and, in spite of the low turnout, the meeting provided a good basis for discussion.

While the main objective was to try and provide as much information as possible, we also wanted the audience to complete the standard Questionnaire. The low turnout does mean that the following information may not truly represent the views of most villagers; however, it is the best we can do!

Section 4 of the Questionnaire

The audience felt that the most important things which make our area an attractive place to live, visit and or work are:-

1. Infrastructure (Roads, water, sewerage. etc.)

2. The Natural environment

3 Business/Employment

4 Tourism

5 Affordable housing

Renewable energy, Transport, Built Heritage and Community facilities were also considered important.

Under “Other” there was agreement that some form of Sheltered Housing was needed in the village and a limiting factor on business/employment was the relatively low Broadband speeds.

Respondents felt that some categories in Section 4 were rather imprecise and therefore too general. e.g. Housing - what kind of housing? Built heritage - what kind?

Section 5

Reasons why the 5 issues listed under Sect 4 are important.

1. In the absence of proper transport networks (primary roads), adequate water supplies and sensitive waste disposal, our community would be severely disadvantaged. People would be less likely to stay and, importantly for our economic well-being, visitors would be less likely to come.

2. Natural Environment is not an “issue” per se. It is the protection and maintenance of the natural environment which are important. Our natural environment is what attracts many residents (especially retired people) and then keeps them in the area. It is fundamentally important to our tourist economy and to our sustainable futures.

3. There is relative little employment in the village. There is a high percentage of retired people. The main activities are tourist related. As technology progresses, there should be more scope for improved IT links, enabling business/work opportunities which, hitherto, would have proved impossible.

4. Tourism. Self-evident from the responses to 1, 2 and 3 above.

5. Affordable housing. In order to bring new “life” into the village, there is a need for housing which will attract young economically active people, with young families. The future of several village organisations depends on some demographic change in the near future. e.gPrimary School.

Section 6

Effectiveness of the existing Local Plan

I think it is fair to say that the audience at our meeting was largely unaware of the content of the existing Local Plan or Structure Plan. Accordingly, it was impossible to obtain a view about the effectiveness of these plans in bringing forward sustainable development. The reply to this section would need to be ‘Negative’ or, at best, ‘Neutral’.

Section 7

Additional comment on the existing Plans

No comments - see Section 6 above.

We encouraged members of the audience at our meeting to complete their own, personal Questionnaire on-line. Links to the Questionnaire are also on our web-site. We would be very interested to obtain details from you of the number of Connel residents who completed the Questionnaire and also, if possible, how they responded to the Main Issues part of the Questionnaire.

I hope this is helpful. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like more details or further explanations of anything in this letter.

Yours sincerely

Les Stewart
