Connections Syllabus
2015 1st semester
Contact Information:
Mr. Kenny Holtzclaw
BTHS (513)734-2271
Room 209
Office Hours: By appointment
Course Purpose and Description
Connections serves as a full period each school day in which you will actively work toward organizing, and completing assigned work from other classes. To be successful and productive during Connections period, you will be responsible for recording assignments given to you throughout the school day in all subjects. You will organize and prioritize your schoolwork to make sure that you are completing and turning in assignments on time. You will work on completing assignments or studying for quizzes/tests while in Connections. You will have the opportunity to work with the teacher on-on-one or in small group settings with other students who are working on the same assignments. You will be graded according to your ability to record, organize, and complete your assignments. You will receive elective credit for completing this semester of Connections with a passing grade.
Class Supplies
You need to come to class every day with the following items. Any student who fails to bring the following materials to Connections will lose daily points for organization:
●Pen or pencil
●Connections folder/BTHS Agenda
●Assignments and materials from other classes to work on during Connections
Classroom Behavior:
There are three general rules that encompass all other rules in our class:
Respect Yourself
Respect Others
Respect Your School
*We will discuss these more in class.
Grading Policy
Your entire grade (100%) for Connections will come from “Class Participation” points. You can earn up to ten (10) points a week in Connections. Class Participation points will be given daily based on the following areas:
●Work Effort
*Because your Connections grade directly corresponds to progress in other classes, it is imperative you pass Connections. If necessary, a weekly failing grade in Connections will be punishable by a 1 hour detention. Any failing weekly Connections grades thereafter, will be punishable by a 3 hour Friday School detention.
Organization:You will earn all points for Organization by recording all of your assignments and their due dates in your agenda/Connections folder (whichever you choose to use). You will keep your agenda/Connections folder with you throughout the day to record assignments as they are given. If you do not bring your agenda/folders to class you will not receive organization points.
Work Effort:Work Effort points will be earned by staying on task during Connections. You first need to prioritize your assignments in order of importance by due date and weight in points. Then you will work throughout the class period on assignments for classes. Failure to bring materials to work on or not remaining productive will result in losing Work Effort Points.
*Every high school student should have something to work on. If for some reason you have nothing to do, find something. If you cannot find something to work on, I will give you something to work on. This is not a class to socialize!
Behavior:Behavior points will be earned by being well-mannered and quiet throughout the class period. If students are respectful and responsible for themselves they will have no problems earning all of their daily points for Behavior. Any student who chooses not to adhere to classroom/school rules will not earn points for behavior and may be subject to further disciplinary action.
***Connections period is meant to be an aid to the student. Students who are responsible for themselves and respectful to others will excel in Connections, other classes, and life in general.
Please complete and turn this page of the syllabus in. A signed syllabus will serve as your only homework assignment for this class and will be worth 10 points. Due by Friday (1/9/15).
I ______have read, understand, andacceptthe requirements, and responsibilities set forth in this syllabus.
Student’s Signature: ______
Parent's Signature: ______Date:______