Quorum: 25
Present Were:Officers:3
Adult Delegates 42
Youth Delegates 3
Also Present:Interim Association Manager 1
Officers: President Reichin, 1st Vice President Lupacchino, and 2nd Vice President Amato
Directors: Gallant, M. Gilbert, T. Gilbert, Hockford, Kapitan, Turgeon
Youth Directors: Malaro, Schilkowski
President Reichin held a Memorial Service at 9:10 a.m. before the start of the Annual Meeting.
Director Hockford presented the American Flag. Delegates recited the Pledge of Allegiance and sang the National Anthem.
President Reichin called the 7th Annual Meeting of the Connecticut State USBC Association, held at the Villa Capri in Wallingford, to order at 9:40 a.m.
President Reichin welcomed the delegates to the Annual Meeting and introduced the Officers and Directors of the Connecticut State USBC Association.
Director T. Kapitan, member of the Legislative Committee, read the Rules of the Day. The President asked for the Rules of the Day to be accepted. Approved
Credentials Report read by Chairman Amato.
Condensed minutes of the 6th Annual Meeting, July 21, 2013, presented by the President. Placed on file.
Acts of the Board were reviewed and it was noted that a page was missing. 1st Vice President Lupacchino had the minutes and gave them to President Reichin. He read the motions that were in the minutes. Acts of the Board were placed on file.
President Reichin read his report, which will be placed on file. Barbara Bates, Southeastern CT USBC Assn. stated that to have an executive committee this must be in the state bylaws.
Interim Association Manager Voelker read her report, which will be placed on file.
Financial Reports – Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss statements placed on file, subject to audit.
Operating budget and Tournament budgets were reviewed. Cynthia Ciatto, Greater Danbury USBC Assn. asked why the Women’s Tournament Director had not been paid. Check would be signed today. Arthur Cabral, Southeastern CT USBC Assn. asked why more money was spent for bowling balls than what was in the budget. President Reichin explained that we had to buy two more bowls to have available for the raffle each day of the tournament and that the raffles brought in $1750.00. Barbara Bates, Southeastern CT USBC Assn. asked why the centers hosting the Women’s Tournament do not donate bowling balls for this tournament. President Reichin explained that Hall of Fame Silver Lanes did donate a bowling ball and only $215.00 was brought in for this raffle. Cynthia Ciatto, Greater Danbury USBC Assn. asked about Special Projects expenses. Interim Manager explained it is used to purchase all the items that are for sale at the tournaments, entry fees and shirts for seniors going to National Tournament and any unforeseen expenses. Paul DiMauro, Greater Central ConnecticutUSBC Assn. said if tournaments were supposed to be self- sufficient than why was Senior Tournament expenses paid out of Special Projects. Art Cabral, Southeastern CT USBC Assn. asked if the $8000.00 figure on the Open Tournament Budget was the profit for the tournament. President Reichin explained that there were still expenses to be paid such as awards, masters and the luncheon. Cynthia Ciatto, Greater Danbury USBC Assn. asked why we do not send the 2nd Place All Events Winners to the Masters and the Queens National Tournaments if the 1st Place winner cannot go as we do for the Senior Tournament. Director Kapitan, Sr., stated that to go to the National Senior Tournament you have to qualify in a State Tournament, but for the Masters and Queens anyone can pay the entry fee and bowl in those events.
Audit Reports reviewed. President Reichin called for a vote and audit reports were approved.
Committee Reports
Moved by R. Bilotti, Greater Danbury USBC Assn. and seconded by C. Miller, Greater Danbury USBC Assn., to omit the reading of the reports. Motion Carried
Art Cabral, Southeastern CT USBC Assn. questioned why bowlers had to show their membership cards when checking in for the Open Tournament. Paul Di Mauro, Greater Central CT USBC Assn. stated he did not have the bowlers at the Women’s Tournament show their membership cards.
This will be addressed when the State Tournament Committee meets in August.
Awards and Recognition – Chairman Lupacchino presented a written report.
Hall of Fame – Chairman M. Gilbert presented a written report.
2013 Senior Tournaments – Chairman Amato presented a written report.
Special Projects – Chairman Amato presented a written report.
Tournaments – Chairman Hockford presented a written report.
Scholar of the Year – Chairman Hockford presented a written report.
Publicity – Chairman M. Gilbert presented a written report.
Unfinished Business There was no unfinished business.
New Business
Committee Member Kapitan,Sr., presented the Proposed Amendment No. B1 to the Connecticut State Bylaws to membership for approval to increase the number of Delegates and Youth Delegatesto attend the State Annual Meeting. President Reichin called for the vote. Approved
Paul DiMauro, Greater Central CT USBC Assn. brought the subject of Youth Awards to membership. Local Associations want to know how State will be handling youth awards, as they will not be receiving any dues for youth membership. Local Associations must receive a request from the State by August 1, 2014, for $1.00 for funding for awards for our Youth, if the State Association needs this funding.
Elections-Nominating Chairman Quentina Martin read her report. Following names are being presented for consideration:
President – Patricia Lupacchino
Directors (4) – John Turgeon
Herb Barrett
Vacancy (2)
Youth Directors (2)* Dave Malaro
Andrew Schilkowski
2015 USBC Convention Delegates (2)
2015 USBC Convention Alternates (2)
Joel Reichin Patricia Lupacchino
Annie Gallant
Paul DiMauro
*Youth Directors are elected by the Youth Delegates.
Patricia Lupacchino presented for President by acclamation. Chairman called for the vote.
John Turgeon and Herb Barrett presented for Directors by acclamation. Chairman called for the vote.
Dave Malaro and Andrew Schilkowski presented for Youth Directors by acclamation. President Reichin called for the vote by the youth delegates. Approved
Teller Chairman reported the following votes for USBC National Convention Delegates:
Annie Gallant 34
Patricia Lupacchino 32
Paul DiMauro 30
Joel Reichin13
Annie Gallant and Patricia Lupacchino will be the delegates and Paul DiMauro and Joel Reichin will be the alternates to the 2015 USBC Annual Convention.
Gold Ball Ceremony
Patricia Lupacchino, President of Greater Central CT USBC presented the Gold Ball to Quay Grove, Incoming President of Greater Central CT USBC who will be hosting the 2015 Women’s State Tournament.
Annie Gallant presented a plant to Barbara Bates for her many years of devoted work for the bowlers of Connecticut and for her work on the national level.
Director Hockford retired the American Flag.
Meeting adjourned at 11:55 a.m.