WSO is working with key society member partners to drive membership. The “Opt Out” partnership works in the following way:
- When individuals join your society, part of the membership fee automatically includessubscription to WSO.
- If somebody does not want to become a member of WSO they need to actively check a box.
- The fee your society pays to WSO for each member is $40 per member for neurologists and other physicians and $25 per member for allied health professionals.
Members who join WSO via your society will have online access to journal and they will also have access to other WSO benefits including:
WSO app with access to IJS and WSA
Substantial discount to the registration fees for the World Stroke Congresses
Quarterly newsletter with information and updates in the field of stroke
Exclusive eligibility to apply for WSO travel fellowships and awards associated with major scientific meetings of the WSO
Free access to webcasted/podcasted congress sessions
Access to the premium content of the World Stroke Academy (WSA) – a global resource centre for information about stroke, and an opportunity for continuing education of healthcare professionals
Inclusion in and access to the online WSO Membership Directory
Right to host World Stroke Congresses and to participate in the call for bids
Right to vote for, be nominated or elected to the Board of Directors 2012-2016
It is important that all members who have a WSO membership as well as membership of your society are registered with WSO so they do not miss out on access to the WSO members area, journal and other benefits
To avoid manual transfer and input of member data the following is the preferred process:
-Members who have not opted out of WSO membership, complete your society application/renewal and payment in the usual way
-At the end of the process they are presented with a special link and a code so they can complete their WSO registration.
- This should either be on the final page of your process
- Or in a confirmation email sent
- Or both
-On clicking this link the member is taken to the WSO registration form
- For new members, they will be asked to input the code and complete their details to register with WSO. No payment is required
- For existing members they will have to input the code and check details to register with WSO. No payment is required
-Once per quarter your society will need to send to WSO the list of members who have subscribed to WSO and transfer the corresponding amount of membership monies to WSO.
The following communication about WSO subscription is recommended:
Society xx is pleased to work in partnership with the World Stroke Society (WSO) and your membership automatically includes a subscription to WSO. This means you will have online access to the International Journal of Stroke along with other exclusive WSO member benefits – click here for more information about WSO benefits.
If you do not want to have automatic membership of WSO, please check this box
Administrative Office
c/o Kenes Associations Worldwide, 1-3 rue due Chantepoulet, BP 1726, CH-1211 Geneva 1, Switzerland
Tel: + 41 22 906 91 66 ¦ Fax: + 41 22 732 26 07 ¦ Email: ,