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Dan Bursich Summary
The following text was written by Dan Burisch's colleague Marci McDowell with a number of clarifying footnotes and other links added by Project Camelot. We offer it in response to a number of requests for a summary of the very complex and important edifice of testimony which is Dan Burisch's personal story. Shot, edited, and directed by Kerry Cassidy /
Dr. Dan B Catselas Burisch - A short biography
Dr. Burisch was a Senior Operative/Scientist, responsible first to the Committee of the Majority and the Majestic-12 (1986-2003), then only to the Majestic-12 (2003-2005) before it was adjourned (October 12, 2005).
During the 1991 Gulf War, he was assigned to a Black/Ops Unit and deployed into the International Coalition’s Zone of Operations for the purpose of counteracting a rogue military unit’s intended application of unauthorized biological warfare agents against the Iraqi Army.
After his return, he was ultimately assigned as a 'Microbiologist V' at the Papoose Lake Facility (S4) and operated as a Working Group Leader on Project Aquarius, where his responsibilities included leading a group of scientists in the investigation of a J-Rod’s (i.e., extraterrestrial entity's) neuropathy. Such investigation included his being introduced into a "Clean Sphere" containment unit and interacting directly with the J-Rod, then processing, evaluating, and transforming tissue samples for reintroduction into the J-Rod with the intent to ameliorate the pathology.
In the late 1990s, Dr. Burisch was formally censured by the Committee of the Majority for his violation of direct orders. But he had his academic credentials restored in 2006 by intervention of a very private Religious order based in France. (His credentials may be verified upon request.) During 2005, for a short time, Dr. Burisch sat as a pro-tem member of the Majestic-12 (as "MJ-9") and was finally assigned as "H-1-Maj" -- the designated person to disclose the "extraterrestrial human lineage (time-travel) information". He completed his final orders in September, 2006 and is retired from service.
In June 2007, he was asked my the new Majestic group to participate for several months in a special project concerning issues of "National Security", which invitation he accepted. This assignment lasted until December 14, 2007.
Dr. Burisch continues to conduct and publish research as Chief Scientist of the “Eagles Disobey Research Consortium” and Corporate Director of Eagles Disobey, Inc. with Dr. Marcia McDowell (President, Eagles Disobey Inc.). Their publications include the image analysis of Mars anomalies, Acoustic research aimed toward the Healing Arts and Sciences, and an unusual discovery designated 'Lotus'.
Dr. Burisch will make a public announcement about Lotus during his scheduled interview by Rob Simone on March 1, 2008 at the coming International UFO Congress at Laughlin, Nevada.
Dan's experiences with extraterrestrials and Majestic-12 go back about 20 years. He was inducted into Majestic in 1986 while he was a student at UNLV. Even before he was at UNLV, he had a long and distinguished history in microbiology -- working for many years with the Los Angeles Microscopical Society and studying with Dr. John Bunyan (England) [1]. So Majestic knew he was gifted [2].
They offered him an opportunity to work in BlackOps in his specialty. He had become well-respected in Special Applications and the chance to further his education into areas that he had only dreamed about. So he said 'yes' and found himself being trained and groomed to work up at Area-51 on "exotic" biological materials.
At that time, Dan did not know that he was in fact being "mentored" by one of the highest ranking members of the Majestic-12, who felt (and still continues to feel) a great affection and connection to Dan because of the events surrounding Dan's abduction in the early 1970s [3]. While working on exotics, Dan (by then, Dr. Dan Crain, having completed his Ph.D) learned that the tissue he had been studying was in-fact extraterrestrial in nature.
Dan found that he was being given a surprising measure of leeway while working within the Facility. He was still required to follow all the protocols. However his badge (as we later learned) was keyed to allow him access to multiple levels within the laboratory complexes at both Area-51 and S-4 [4]. This permitted him a range of movement and access to other projects rarely enjoyed by those working in highly-structured "Special Application" environments.
Dan became familiar with a project called "Looking Glass" which involved a back-engineered extraterrestrial device originally designed to be a portal opening mechanism for Stargate-type travel. It had (has) the capacity to bend time/space so that events over the forward and rear event horizons could be viewed.
When it is paired up with a second device using the settings, events can not only be viewed but heard. And more. This device was also being tested for communications protocols and transportation applications as recently as 2003-2004 before being dismantled for safety reasons as we enter further into the highly energetic space in and around the galactic plane [5].
While being introduced to these other projects, Dan began to work as part of the Aquarius/J-Rod team [6] which was tasked with the problem of figuring out why the J-Rods (commonly called "Grays") [7] were suffering from a debilitating medical condition that affected their nerves. Part of this work involved taking physical tissue samples from the J-Rod housed deep below S-4 in a "Clean Sphere" designed to support his atmospheric and environmental needs.
It soon became apparent that these Extraterrestrials were not all that different from us. In fact, as communications improved, it was learned that they are not so much space travelers as time/space travelers using a small planet in the Gliese System as a local base (approximately 15 light-years from Earth) where they can stage for their trips here. Using Looking Glass technology (which might be more properly called Stargate technology), they traveled in time from a Human future which is real to them but only "potential/possible" for us. [8]
Dan was introduced into the protocols surrounding the J-Rod by having him be part of the backup team while his supervisor "Steven M." would suit up and go in to do the tissue sample removals. However, the J-Rod began to reject Steven and make demands that Dan be allowed to suit up and enter the Clean Sphere for the tissue samples instead.
This created some immediate problems in the team structure as Dan was the newest member and not nearly senior enough in time or experience for such a responsibility. But the J-Rod was insistent. Dan was rapidly promoted within the team and soon found himself being trained in the protocols necessary for entering into the Clean Sphere and work directly with the J-Rod. (Dan details these steps in great detail in the DVD [8] --- going from the very start of the process, entering the gantry, the protocol for entering the Clean Sphere, the sampling method, what it was like to work directly with the Extraterrestrial, their communications, the exit protocols and debriefing -- he goes step-by-step so everybody can follow it.)
It was later learned that the reason that the J-Rod insisted on this change of personnel was because he recognized Dan as one of the abducted children on the craft he had been aboard that day back in the early 1970s. It is always difficult to explain this since discussing the movement through time as well as space is difficult [9].
This particular J-Rod had been traveling in the company of a group of P45s (i.e., a J-Rod group originating approximately 45,000 years into the Future) who were doing the abduction sampling that day in the early 1970s. He then traveled back to 1953 on a different mission which ended in a crash near Kingman, Arizona. He was recovered from that crash location and taken to S-4 and housed there. As a result of his presence on the craft when Dan was abducted, he felt a strong connection to Dan.
Dan eventually became accustomed to his new role. But on one occasion while he was working directly with the J-Rod, there was a break in the protocol and the J-Rod took a step towards Dan. This was still early enough in their working relationship that it startled Dan who backed up (again a violation of the protocol) and ended up catching his heel on a floor grate and falling backwards. The J-Rod climbed up on top of him and sat on his chest while taking this opportunity to "think" deeply to Dan, sharing a great deal of his people's history and his own personal experiences with Dan [10].
This was completely unprecedented and prompted an emergency reaction among the support teams. In the time it took to get somebody else into the Clean Sphere and rescue Dan, the J-Rod "downloaded" a vast amount of information into Dan's mind. Dan was unconscious when he was finally removed and spent (as I understand it) several days in a coma. He was maintained in their medical facilities at S-4 until he was well enough to return to travel back to Area-51 and then to Las Vegas [11].
Since that time, there have been many unsuccessful attempts to get Dan to share with Majestic what the J-Rod shared with him during that interaction. Dan has refused to say much, but was inordinately interested in our space program (among other things) afterwards.
Dan gathered tissue samples from the J-Rod for about 2 years, ending in 1996. The Q-94 document (it was leaked out to me by Steven M. before his death) is an early draft of a document that Dan and Steven were writing to go up to the Cover Committee concerning their work with the King-series tissue samples. It's important for many reasons including the rare glimpse it gives into the way things were done and how they were written up inside a BlackOps project.
In the years that followed, Dan worked with Majestic as they needed him and maintained a cover job in Las Vegas (several actually - in the field of security and safety).
One day while looking through images of Mars in the NSSDC (NASA gallery), Dan spotted something that looked like another face on the Martian surface in the area called "Inca City". During 1997 and 1998, Dan worked with Marcia McDowell on a book called Eagles Disobey: The Case for Inca City, Mars. The fact that he was writing this book and finding an amazing number of anomalies in this previously ignored region had many in Majestic sitting up and taking notice.
They again pressed him for information about what the J-Rod shared with him and whether it had anything to do with his discoveries. Dan still refused to tell them anything. Then NASA announced that they had discovered evidence of life in a Martian meteorite which Dan reviewed and found suspiciously similar to a small microbe discovered by one of the NASA panelists 30 years previously in Australia. He immediately went on record challenging NASA's announcement.
As our work grew closer to publication and became more volatile, the threats started. It was a very difficult time as both Dan and I were afraid for ourselves as well as our loved ones. But we decided to push forward regardless of the risk. Finally the Committee of the Majority (i.e., the body that had superseded Majestic-12 for a time, ending in approx. 2002) -- utterly frustrated with Dan's refusal to be stopped -- issued a demand that Dan stop his work on the book.
We later learned that they were afraid of how close we were coming to issues concerning the doctrine of convergent timeline paradox [12] (i.e., the problems that had been caused by the J-Rods who were using their technology to travel back in time and thereby creating overlaying time anomalies). Of course, Dan refused. The book was published and released in late 1998. Almost immediately, the Committee took action against Dan, causing his Ph.D degree to be vacated. (This was not all that difficult for them since Majestic had brokered the deal for his schooling to the Ph.D level in the first place. So they controlled the "playing field".) The loss of his credential hit Dan so hard that he suffered a heart attack and was hospitalized.
Upon his recovery, Dan found himself seriously "on the outs" with Majestic and the Committee of the Majority. Angrier than ever, Dan continued to look for more anomalies on Mars and we produced 2 more small publications (which will be worked into the rewrite of Eagles Disobey currently underway) showing amazing finds on the surface of Mars.
By the time 1999 came around, the Committee of the Majority was determined to do something about Dan's behavior. They couldn't outright "get rid" of him as he had heavy connections into the upper echelons of Majestic as well as deep connections with the J-Rods who were in treaty negotiations with Majestic and major governmental bodies. Plus he also had familial connections due to his marriage into a Majestic family line that reached all the way back to the early 1940s and the Roswell incidents.
So the decision was taken to try to modify his memories of rebelling against their authority (in essence, the entire period of time where he and I worked on Mars issues and wrote the book Eagles Disobey: The Case for Inca City, Mars) and move he and his family to a new location with new cover jobs and a completely different environment.