To Whom It May Concern!
An International Agency for the Development of Culture, Education and Science(IADCES)in collaboration with the Oxford University (United Kingdom)invitesyoutoparticipatein
theXVInternational Academic Congress"Fundamental and Applied Studies in the Modern World",which will be held intheOxford, United Kingdom, on 8-10July2016.
Congress proceedingswill be put on a Database ofSCOPUS.
Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 3.557
SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 3.787
TheCongresswilltakeplaceinthe online formatwithoutaneedforthe personalattendance.
Weare delighted to invite scientistsandlecturers, advancedandpostdoctoralstudents, employeesofthe Commonwealth of Independent States, Central and Eastern Europe scientificandeducationalinstitutions to take part in theCongress. Talentedstudentsandyoungscientistsareallowed to be the participants of the Congresstoo.ArticlestotheCongressinformationpackageare accepted until and including the date of10July2016.Workinglanguages areEnglish, Russian, Polish, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Spanish, French, German, Turkish, Chinese, Japanese and Arabic.
Typical descriptive data of the article:
Kmit A. International collaborationin Eurasia // Proceedings of the XVInternational Academic Congress"Fundamental and Applied Studies in the Modern World"(United Kingdom, Oxford, 8-10 July 2016). “OxfordUniversity Press”,2016. - P. 11-17.
TheCongressinformationpackageiscodedwithISBN, issuedbythe United KingdomandUK publisher’s imprint. Thecollectionofscientificarticlesissenttotheir authors by post whilst the Certificates of their participation – by e-mail. A part edition of the issued collection of scientific articles isforwardedtothelargestlibraries.
Thedistributiontermofthe digitalcertificates, electronicand printed versions of the collection is up to 120 working days after the end date of the articles acceptance.
Section of the Congress:
- Anthropology
- Biology
- Geology
- Geography
- DemographyandEthnography
- Journalism
- ArtsandCulture
- Historyandarcheology
- Politics
- Materials
- InternationalRelations
- Mathematics
- MedicineandVeterinary
- Mechanics
- Energetics
- Cybernetics
- Informationsystems
- InformationandComputerTechnology
- Psychology
- Pedagogy
- Regional Studies and socio-economic geography
- Religious
- Agriculturalsciences
- Sociology
- Engineering
- Physics
- PhilologyandLinguistics
- Philosophy
- Chemistry
- EconomicsandManagement
- Legal
- Physical Culture, Health and Sport
The Congress Organizing Committee:
Prof. RobertCarman, D.Phil. (UK)
Prof. RichardDixon, D. Litt. et Phil. (UK)
Prof.John Williams, D. Litt. (USA)
Prof.AndrewGordon, D. Litt. (UK)
Prof. Peter Galloway, LL. D. (USA)
Prof. GregoryDavis, D. C. L. (Australia)
Prof. SamuelRaymond, S. J. D.(USA)
Prof. NormanGreen, D. S. Sc. (UK)
Prof. NinaHarvey, D.F.A., (USA)
Prof.YukieTawara, D. I. T.(Japan)
Prof.MataroKato, Ed.D. (Japan)
Prof.WataruMatsui, Ed.D. (Japan)
Prof.KevinBarrington, D. S. Sc. (UK)
Prof. SelenaGraham,D. A., (Australia)
Prof. LaurensLawton, D. S. Sc. (UK)
Prof. DinaMiller,D. Hum. Litt., (USA)
Prof. PeterCampbell, D. Litt. et Phil. (UK)
Prof. ErinRobbins, Dr. P. H. (UK)
Prof. RyanCooper,D. Sc. V. M. (UK)
Prof.JamesRidley, D. M.(Australia)
Prof. DenisThompson, D. B. A. (UK)
Prof. KaraMcGregor,EDM. (UK)
Prof. RonaldHall, D. G. S. (USA)
Prof. DanielSmith, D.F.(Canada)
Prof. HarrisReed, D. B. A. (UK)
Prof. EmmaAllen, Ed.D.(Australia)
Prof.DenisCumming, Ed.D. (UK)
Prof. LeslieBragg, Psy. D. (Canada)
Prof. PaulBryant, Psy. D. (UK)
Prof. StevenGellar, Ed.D.(UK)
How to Participate in the Congress
Send yourarticleand information about theauthor to the editorial office address:
- Articles are accepted electronically using only an e-mail.
- Youwillreceiveamailwithfullcostcalculationsandallpossiblewaysofpaymentwithin 20 days afterthe procedure of the completed publication review.
- Payservicesforthe article handling as well as itspublicationin accordance with forwarded details.
- Wesend you thecollectionofscientificarticlesafterits publication by a regular mail.
PricesforServicesConcerningthe Publication of Articlesand Delivery of the Collection:
Service / PriceA registrationfee, and publicationfrom 3 to 7 text pages / 50 euros
Publication of 1 (one) page of the text running over the included article length / 6euros
Figures (photos, diagrams), formulasortablesoccurring in the text of the article / + 20% to the total cost of publication
Methods of payment:
- TransfertoabankaccountinEUR in theUKor Australia (Important!Ifyouusethismethodofpayment, banksadditionallychargeafeeforthetransferoffundsintheamountofupto 20 euros).
- Skrill internationalpaymentsystem – payment of the business account of the institutionin Skrill.
- WebMoneyinternationalpaymentsystem – paymentof the separate account of the institution in WebMoney.
- YoucanpayinEURand U.S. dollars.
PleaseSendan Article with aCongressApplicationForm as Required Below:
Type of publication / TheXVInternationalAcademic Congress"Fundamental and Applied Studies in the Modern World",Oxford, UK, 8-10July 2016Russianoranotherworking language of the Congress / Translation into English
Full name of the author / Important
Title of the article / Important
Thematic headings of the article
(the direction of the Conference) / Important
Place of employment or study, position held / Whenever appropriate
Academic degree, or academic rank / Whenever appropriate
Contacttelephonenumberande-mail address / Important
Complete mailing address with a ZIP code / Important
Quantity copies of the collection
Namesofallcoauthors (ifany),who need a Certificate of the Participation in the Congress / The full name translated into English or another language
Coauthor 1 / Full name in English
Coauthor 2 / Full name in English
Coauthor 3 / Full name in English
General Requirements toArticles and Information about the Author
Nameofthefilewiththe informationabouttheauthor (Application Form for Participation) / Aseparatefile withthe name «Application Form – Author’s Surname»Name of the file with the article / Aseparatefilecalled «Article Heading Name – Author’s Surname»
File type / Microsoft Word 97-2013 (doc, rtf)
Sheet size / А4
Margins / Top and bottom - 2 сm, left - 3 сm, right - 1,5 cm
Font / Arrial, body-sizeis 14, line spacing – 1,5
Text justification / width
Paragraph (indention) / 1,25 cm.
Page numbering / Absent
Making a list of references / Literary sources aregivenrelated to referencesonthe text pages, and placed at the end of the article as well as they are numbered. How to present the list of references, see Appendix 1.
Figures/diagrams / Black and white, and embedded in the text
Formulas / Representing In the embedded Word Editor of formulas
Length of the article, involved in the registration fee / Upto 7 pages
Both the Text Design and Layout on the First Page of the Article:
- Thefirstandthesecondlines of the text:a fullnameoftheauthor, placeofstudy/employment andthe position held are given in English (italic type, right-alignment),
- The third lineis empty;
- Thefourthline: the fullnameoftheauthor, placeofstudy/employment, the position held are given in the language of the article (italic type, right-alignment);
- The fifth lineisempty;
- Thesixthline includesthetitleofthearticleinEnglish (boldface type, center alignment);
- The seventh lineis empty;
- Theeighthlineconsists of the title in the language of the article (boldfacetype, centeralignment);
- The ninth line isempty;
- The tenth line– the text of the article.
The article should include the following provisions:
- formulation of ascientificchallengeanditssignificance;
- view of the topic and its analysis;
- purpose and objectives of the article;
-writtenreproductionoftheshellandmeritsoffindings available from research; and
-conclusionsandfurther research perspectives.
InternationalAgency forthe Developmentof Culture, Education and Science
Level 7/ 30 Collins St, Melbourne, VIC 3000, Australia
Example of an article in English
KmitAnn,University of Oxford,
Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences, the Faculty of Historical Science
International collaborationin Eurasia
Text. Text. Text[1]. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text[2]. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text.
- Lindboy A. RussiaandUkraine. London, 2009. - P.233
- Иванов C. Сотрудничество России и Китая. Москва, 2011. - С.111
Appendix 1.
Exampleof an articlein Russian
KmitAnn,University of Oxford,
Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences, the Faculty of Historical Science
International collaborationin Eurasia
профессор, доктор исторических наук, исторический факультет
Международное сотрудничество в Евразии
Текст. Текст. Текст[1]. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст [2]. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст.
- Lindboy A. RussiaandUkraine. London, 2009. - P.233
- Иванов C. Сотрудничество России и Китая. Москва, 2011. - С.111