Important Dates To Remember
Wednesday 27th November / Book Club Orders Due.
Wednesday 27th November / Prep – 4 Assembly @ 2.45 pm.
Friday 29th November / Last Day Year 11 students..
Wednesday 4th December / Prep – 4 Assembly @ 2.45 pm.
Thursday 5th December / Parent Meeting for Prep 2014 students 9.00 – 10.00 am.
Friday 6th December / Prep – Year 10 Adventure Park Excursion.
Friday 6th December / Last Day Year 10 students.
Monday 9th December / Prep 2014 Transition – 9.00 – 10.30 am.
Tuesday 10th December / Prep 2014 Transition – 2.10 – 3.10 pm.
Wednesday 11th December / Presentation Night 9 – 12 Learning Community – Performing Arts Area.
Thursday 12th December / Prep 2014 Transition – 2.10 – 3.10 pm.
Thursday 12th December / Presentation Night 5 – 8 Learning Community – Performing Arts Area.
Wednesday 18th December / P – 4 Learning Community Concert.
Friday 20th December / Last Day of Term 4 – Dismissed at 12.45 pm.
Thursday 30th January, 2014 / First Day Term 1.


Last week our Year 12 students completed their end of year exams and then on Thursday evening celebrated at their Valedictory dinner with family, friends and College staff. It was an excellent occasion with all Year 12 graduates receiving a certificate and gift as a memento of their time at Laverton P – 12 College. During the evening, I sincerely complimented all Year 12 students on the manner in which they have conducted themselves at school right throughout the year. Our Year 12 students have been role models for our College and their fellow students. Once again, I want to pay tribute to our College Captains RyogieTumandao and Courtney Muscat, who, along with the Vice-Captains in Year 11, Patrick Barbin and Luke Wilson, have set a high standard in their commitment to Laverton P - 12 College right throughout the year.


Our Year 11 students are currently undertaking their end of year exams before finishing for the year. Their last day at school is Friday 29th November. We wish all our Year 11 students well for their extended holiday break before commencing their Year 12 studies on the

30th January, 2014. Years 9 and 10 exams will take place in the week commencing the 2nd December. Our Year 10 last day coincides with our College visit to Adventure Park on Friday 6th December, 2013.


Last week our Crashendo Program conducted its final concert for the year. By all accounts it was an excellent occasion with all students performing exceptionally well. Well done to all the Crashendo performers. A special thank you to our Crashendo coordinator Erica and her team of tutors. We are highly pleased with the development of our Crashendo program and we look forward to its continued progress in 2014. The program relies on the support of all families and without that support we could not exist. Thank you to all families for your ongoing support.


During the last two to three weeks of the term Laverton P – 12 College will be undertaking a Student Transition and Orientation Program across the College. Students who will be joining our College in 2014 will be visiting the College to meet their teachers and fellow students. This will include our 2014 Prep children, the Year 7 students who will be coming from various primary schools along with a number of other students at various year levels. In addition, the Year 4 students will be spending time getting to know the teachers and students in the Year 5-8 Learning Community. Likewise, the Year 8 students will have a special orientation program in the Year 9-12 Learning Community hosted by the 9-12 teachers. Our Year 11 students will have a special Year 12 Orientation program this coming week when their exams conclude. All these initiatives are aimed at supporting our students and making them feel comfortable about life in their new surroundings in 2014.


From time to time our College receives feedback about our students whilst they are out of the College. On the whole the feedback is usually very positive. When our students attend special events, camps and excursions we usually have people complimenting the students on their responsible behaviour. This makes us feel proud as their teachers. We know it also gives them a sense of pride.

However, on the other hand, occasionally we receive complaints that our students are not acting responsibly. Last week was a case in point. Laverton P – 12 College received several complaints that our students were not acting responsibly whilst travelling on buses and on the Laverton to Werribee train. Families are requested to remind their sons and daughters that whilst in school uniform all College students must reflect the College expectations in terms of behaviour, attitude and language. Where students fail to follow school behaviour expectations they will be given consequences that apply when they are in school. It is the expectation of the Education Department that all students must follow school rules in school, travelling to or from school, or at events and activities organised and supervised by the school.

Laverton P – 12 College has a Bus Policy, endorsed by School Council, which details expectations of all students travelling on buses. The same expectations apply when travelling on any public transport; buses, trains or trams. Within our Bus Policy there is Appendix A: ‘Laverton P - 12 College Bus Code of Conduct for Students’. We encourage all families to familiarise themselves with this code and discuss it with their children. The policy can be viewed on the College website in the policy section.


The construction of our new College gymnasium is about to move to the next stage with the construction of the steel framework. The building supervisor is concerned that children have been entering the building site when work is not in progress. Building sites are full of dangers and no one should enter the site at any time without permission. Students at Laverton P – 12 College are aware that they are not permitted to retrieve any sports equipment which may happen to end up in the site. The building site is regularly patrolled out of work hours and anyone found on site may find they are reported to the police.


Tuesday evening sees the final meeting for the year for our School Council. The members of our School Council play an important role in supporting the running of our College. I would like to thank all School Councillors, parents and staff members, for their assistance in 2013. A special thank you to Amanda Daniels, our School Council President for her work throughout the year.

Have a great week,

Neil Sproal

College Principal


A reminder that our celebration for Prep to Year 10 students is coming up on Friday 6th December, 2013. The deadline for payment and permission forms was last Friday 22ndNovember. The school program will not operate on this day as all teachers and staff will be attending the excursion for the entire day.


A reminder for all parents/guardians of Instrumental Music students:

Please inform the school before the end of this term if your child does not wish to continue lessons next year. Those who have not informed the school by this time will be charged for lessons in Term 1 2014, even if their child stops attending lessons.


When:Wednesday 4thDecember, 2013

6.00 – 7.00pm

Where:in the “Amphitheatre” (if the weather is fine)

Bring:your own picnic dinner and a rug or chair to sit on

Students performing will be guitar, voice, drums, and violin students, and Year 10 Music students. All welcome!


Last newsletter, I discussed young and all people needing to develop skills for healthy relationships. White Ribbon Day is recognised on November 25th and we have this day in Australia because of unhealthy relationships.

What is White Ribbon Day?

White ribbon day is Australia's campaign to stop violence against womenViolence against women from males ranges from inappropriate behaviour or harassment to physical and emotional abuse and claims at least one woman’s life every week. White Ribbon Australia encourages people to speak up and uncover acts of violence against women.

* one in three women over the age of 15 report having experienced physical or sexual violence at some time in their lives

* violence is a major cause of homelessness for women and children

Family violence is the most prevalent form of violence against women and in many cases children are present when family violence incidents are perpetrated. Children who are exposed or subjected to family violence suffer a range of harms as the result of the violence, including extreme trauma. Early childhood experiences set the stage for later development, learning and wellbeing. Children need loving relationships with adults who protect them from harm and who model positive behaviours.” (Mark Green, White Ribbon Ambassador & Chief Executive Officer of the Tasmanian Early Years Foundation).

Our young people need the skills to manage their peer relationships and romantic relationships and violence is not a normal part of any relationship. As adults and a community, we need to be role models and demonstrate how to be respectful, the skills to effectively and appropriately communicate with each other, not be violent and speak up against violence.

Further information:

Emergency 000

Lifeline phone 13 11 14 or Kids Helpline (ages 5 to 25) 1800 55 1800

Viv Harris- Laverton College Health Promotion/Secondary School Nurse


Students who wish to be considered for the Brass and Woodwind Program in 2014 must return their RSVP slips by THIS THURSDAY28TH NOVEMBER, 2013.

Trials for the Program will be held on Monday 2nd December at 3.30pm in the Performing Arts Centre.


All students need to wear their College hat this term when playing outside or doing sport. Students who do not bring their hats will sit under cover if they are outside.

Please ensure that all hats are named so that if they are lost we can return them to the correct child. If your child has lost their hat please check the lost property box which is located near the Prep-4 office.


If your child cannot participate in sport or has a medical reason (i.e broken arm etc.) we need a note advising the reason and the length of time the student will not be able to participate (sport/running around etc).

The student will then be issued with a “Sport Alert” or “Medical Alert” badge which they will wear while at school. They must collect it before school and at the end of the day return it to the Prep-4 office.


If you know people who have not enrolled their child for Prep next year or are new to the area please remind them that we are taking enrolments.

Anyone who has siblings at school please make sure that their preps for 2014 are enrolled as transitions will start soon and we need to have them on record so that we can contact them.


A pair of children’s glasses has been handed in to the Prep-4 office. If your child has lost a pair please see Rhonda.


Congratulations to Grade 4MP/AP – winners of week 5 and 4MP/AP winners of week 6.

We have introduced another attendance award into the assemblies. All students who have 100% attendance go into a draw with their class. Each class has a draw and one student from each class wins a prize.

I would like to thank all parents and students on the increased and improved attendance and improved punctuality routines. Student’s absences have improved from 82% to 85%.

We still have a few students who regularly arrive late. In many cases they are missing core teaching for literacy or numeracy. So that they do not fall behind the students will be able to make up their time in Study Club which operates for the first 15 minutes of recess or lunch. Study club is supervised by P-4 staff and is a time where gaps are filled and students retain the ability to keep up with their peers with work expectations and skills.


If you are intending to move and leave Laverton College P-12 next year and wish to transfer your children to a different school, could you please let your Learning Community Principal know as soon as possible. Staff and classes are being allocated in the next few weeks and accurate numbers are necessary. Your help in this regard would be appreciated.


Law Saw So – 1 AR – being a Reading Recovery student.

Kayden Bradley – 1AR- confidence in reading and writing in front of two teachers.

Eh Nay Tha – 1AR – confidence in reading and writing in front of two teachers.

Law Saw So – 1AR – confidence in reading and writing in front of two teachers.

Eh Taw Joe – 4AP – demonstrating self-control during shared time and independent time. You are focussing hard and committing to your work and this is influencing others in a positive way.

HsarTha Dah Paw – PLP – always doing her best.

Jayden Symss – PLP – accepting an apology.

Dah O’Mer – 2JM – always uses self-control.

ZhivargoHapeta- Fenton – P/1HJ – for forgiveness.

Michelle Maiava – 2KG – for self –discipline.

YanruZong – 1HJ – being able to correctly pronounce new English words.

Tha Ku Kue – PLP – being able to correctly recognise and pronounce the alphabet.

Veronica Jury – 1AR – for always taking pride and care in the presentation of her work.

Krystal Hall – 3/4CG – great improvement in reading.

Jazmyn Bryant – 3/4CG – starting to take control of her actions by making sure she get s her homework in on time.

Eh LerPlaw -2JM – showing patience.

HsarLweHtoo – 2 JM – showing patience.

Charlize Morgan – 2JM – showing patience.

KamelinaVakauta – PLP – always waiting patiently for her turn.

Sharni Martin-Buttigieg – 2KG – patiently showing students how to sew a “Blanket” stitch in Textiles.

Abdul El Danaoui – 4AP – having patience with learning at Laverton P-12 College as a new student and making new friends

Ms. Jan Scott

Prep-4 Community Principal


The school has organised appointments at Werribee Donor Centre for Wednesday 4th December, 2013. There will be 1 group of 7 (6 students and 1 staff) leaving at 10:00am and returning to school at 12:00pm.

If you are interested in donating blood and are over 16 years of age and weigh 50kg or more, please see your Young Blood Ambassador Tristan Lee for details.

Students who are planning to donate blood will need to bring their photo ID on the day and make sure they eat and drink plenty of fluids beforehand. If they are unwell on the day they will not be able to donate.

Alternatively, all students over the age of 16 are able to donate at their own convenience at any of the Donor centres in Melbourne.

For more information please see Mrs Sandra Di Mieri Laverton College P-12 Blood Donor Coordinator.


On Friday 8th November, nine Laverton P – 12 College students competed in the Hobson’s Bay Interschool Chess Championships at Bayside College. Three Laverton students won silver medals -Yash Shah, Tama Titoko and Hayden Schneider. Various Laverton students won bronze medals and certificates of credit and participation. Congratulations to them all for doing their best.

At the presentations the championship organiser said how impressed she was by Laverton’s performance, especially as this was the first time Laverton P – 12 College had participated in the interschool competition.

The Laverton team consisted of students from Years 5 to 9, with the Years 5 and 6 providing half the team. Although Laverton’s opponents were generally older, players were computer matched to play against similar level participants throughout the day.

During 2013 Laverton P – 12 College has been running the Chess Club every Tuesday lunch time in the Resource Centre (Library). Any student who is interested in playing chess either for fun or competition, see the Librarians or Mr Van Dalfsen.

TO STUDENTS: If you are curious about chess but don’t know the rules, come along, learn how to play and see if you like it.


During the Year 9 cooking class, they prepared, cooked and enjoyed eating Spanish Churros. Delicious.


Need help with class or homework?

Want to finish work after school?

Then come to the Study Group!

A Math/Science and English/Humanities teacher will be available to help you.

When: Every Thursday at 3.15 – 4.15 pm

Where: 9 – 12 Learning Community in A13 & A14.