Many Catholics have had a deep sense of healthy pride and joy this week as we welcome Pope Francis to our country. Over 100 parishioners will gather this afternoon to watch the Mass at which he presides in Philadelphia to close the World Meeting of Families and then to continue celebrating by sharing pizza, salad, refreshments, dessert and community in the gym. It is truly a gifted week for us and our nation.
How can we not give thanks, even those who might disagree with one or another point that the Holy Father makes. The Gospel that he preaches in word and indeed affirms and challenges all of us in different ways. When he was welcomed on the White House lawn on Wednesday, he said:“Mr. President, together with their fellow citizens, American Catholics are committed to building a society which is truly tolerant and inclusive, to safeguarding the rights of individuals and communities, and to rejecting every form of unjust discrimination. With countless other people of good will, they are likewise concerned that efforts to build a just and wisely ordered society respect their deepest concerns and their right to religious liberty. That freedom remains one of America’s most precious possessions. And, as my brothers, the United States Bishops, have reminded us, all are called to be vigilant, precisely as good citizens, to preserve and defend that freedom from everything that would threaten or compromise it.”
His words reflect the best of our founding fathers and mothers. His words reflect today’s readings where Moses tells Eldad and Medad “Would that all the people of the Lord were prophets! Would that the Lord might bestow his spirit on them all!” Talk about inclusion. And Jesus’ response to John in today’s Gospel: “whoever is not against us is for us. Anyone who gives you a cup of water to drink because you belong to Christ, amen, I say to you, will surely not lose his reward.” May we find ways to offer the cup of cold water to everyone in Christ’s name. May we live the Spirit that God has given us and build the tolerant and inclusive society which the Pope reminds us is our legacy.
Congratulations to our former Director of Music and Liturgy, Pete Solecki, who is playing for the Pope in Philadelphia and to Natalie Cooper, one of our cantors, choir members and accompanists, who is singing in the choir for this afternoon’s Papal Mass.
Parish Community News
Congratulations to those who have recently been baptized in the parish:
James Thomas Workman
We extend our condolences and prayers to the families of those who have recently died:
Karen Marie Lyon
Offertory September 20, 2015Fiscal Budget
Immaculate Conception$ 7,513.47 $ 9,779.75
St. Jude’s$ 1,640.00 $ 2,165.75
Online$ 2,984.50 $ 2,560.50
$12,137.97 $14,506.00
2015-2016 Fiscal YTD(Offertory Deficit) -- $ 6,649.19
Building Maintenance Fund:
Collected $247,052.08
Expenses $226,516.49
Balance $ 20,535.59
Share In The Spirit Collection:Today’s second collection is taken in support of the diocesan tuition assistance program. Monies raised through this collection coupled with the diocese’s tuition assistance endowment provides financial assistance to hundreds of deserving families who seek a Catholic education for their children but who cannot afford the full cost of tuition. If you are not prepared to contribute today, you may drop your contribution off at the parish office or place it in next week’s collection basket. For further information, visit the diocesan website at
September 28, 2015-
8:30 AMMary Fusca
September 29, 2015 – Sts. Michael, Gabriel, and
Raphael, Archangels
8:30 AMLucia Maria & Joseph Nguyen and
all the souls in purgatory
September 30, 2015 –St. Jerome, Priest & Doctor
8:30 AMAnne & Edward Weber
October 1, 2015 – St. Therese of the Child Jesus,
Virgin and Doctor of the Church
8:30 AMFrancis McKinley, Jr.
October 2, 2015 – The Holy Guardian Angels
8:30 AMChristopher Reilly
October 3, 2015
8:30 AMJane Erikson
5:00 PMSteven Drendel
October 4, 2015–27thSunday in Ordinary Time
7:00 AMJoseph & Lena Battagliata
8:30 AMPeople of the Parish
9:00 AM SJEd Banas
10:15 AMAnthony Mallia
12:00 PMHugh & Eleanor Reilly
Next Week’s Readings:
First Reading: Genesis 2:18-24 - God created many different animals in an attempt to make a suitable partner for the first man. Then he took a rib from the man as he slept and built it up into a woman. At last God had created someone who equaled the man, as she was “bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh” and they proved to be suitable partners for each other.
Second Reading: Hebrews 2:9-11 - This passage describes how Jesus will become perfect through his suffering. It also reminds us that Jesus’ Father is our Father as well, making him unashamed to call us his brothers and sisters.
Gospel: Mark 10:2-16 - The people began to ask Jesus if it was acceptable for a man to divorce his wife. Jesus tells them that two people who have been joined together by God should not be separated. People began bringing their children to Jesus, but the disciples tried to send them away. Jesus grew angry and told his disciples to allow the children to come to him.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
Are you unbaptized and have a desire to be baptized?
Are you a baptized Christian interested in becoming a Catholic?
Are you a baptized Catholic who never received the sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation?
If you answer yes to any of these questions then RCIA is for you!!
A new RCIA program will be starting. RCIA is the process by which baptized Christians and those who are unbaptized become members of the Catholic Church. It is also the process by which baptized Catholics who never received the sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation receive those sacraments. Do you feel God calling you to have a deeper relationship with Him? Call the Parish Office at 410-398-1100 to learn more about this process and to set up an interview with Mrs. Pat Kosman, the RCIA Coordinator. The RCIA process is a wonderful way to have a greater understanding of the Catholic faith and become closer to God in the process.
Sponsors are also needed to walk with those who are learning about the Catholic faith through the RCIA process. Do you love your Catholic faith? Do you want to share it with others? Please consider being a sponsor for RCIA. Call the Parish Office at 410-398-1100 to sign up.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
The ages of the children for Children’s Liturgy are: Ages 5 & 6 and Ages 7 & 8 ONLY. Children who do not fall into these categories are asked to remain in church.
Catechists for Sunday, October 4Children’s Liturgy are: CLW 1Mary Kennard CLW 2Kim Burnham
Blessing of Animals is Back! Save the Date!
On Sunday, October 4, the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of animals, ecology, merchants and Italy, we will gather on the field next to the rectory to bless animals. We had a one year hiatus last year but the Blessing of Animals returns this year. Bring your animals to the field for this brief Liturgy of the Word during which we will ask God’s blessing on them. As the Book of Blessingsnotes: “The animals of God’s creation inhabit the skies, the earth, and the sea. They share in the fortunes of human existence and have a part in human life.” We praise the Creator and give thanks for making us stewards of Creation and the earth that we share with these creatures of God. St. Francis of Assisi, patron of animals, pray for us and with us!
If you cannot join us this afternoon, you can ask God’s blessings on the animals that share your home with these words:
O God,
you have done all things wisely;
in your goodness you have made us in your image
and given us care over other living things.
Reach out with your right hand
and grant that these animals may serve our needs
and that your bounty in the resources of this life
may move us to seek more confidently
the goal of eternal life.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Sing an Alleluia or
“The heavens are telling the glory of God.
And all creation is shouting for joy.
Come dance in the forest, come play in the field.
And sing, sing to the glory of the Lord.”
Moses tells Joshua, son of Nun, “Would that all the people of the Lord were prophets!” Each of us, by virtue of our baptism, is called to live as a prophet of the Lord. Might God be inviting you to live out that role as a priest, a religious sister, a religious brother or a deacon? Call or write Fr. David Kelley, Diocesan Director of Priestly and Religious Vocations (302-573-3113; ). Don’t forget to check out website:
Adoration for Vocations is usually held the first Sunday of each month in the Immaculate Conception Chapel. Adoration for Vocations will be held nextSunday, October 4th from 1:30– 6:00 PM. Take this opportunity to spend time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and to pray for priestly and religious vocations. Benediction begins at 5:30 PM.
Faith Formation
Immaculate Conception
School News
ROME SENDS A SPECIAL VISITOR TO ICS! While everyone was eagerly awaiting the arrival of Pope Francis, our staff and students had the great pleasure to meet Sister Margaret, a Felician Sister, who came to visit us from Rome. She had stories to share about her travels around the world, talking in English, Spanish, Italian, a little Polish, and she was successful in getting us even more excited about the Papal visit.
We participated in “See You at the Pole”, a national program in which our students gathered outside for a morning prayer service. Students offered intercessions for our school, our families, our community, and the world. In support of the Pope, we offered prayers for those in most need. Our students also took advantage of the live coverage of several events, watching the Pope in front of Congress and at the UN. Today’s technology afforded us the opportunity to witness the historic visit.
It’s hard to believe it’s almost October, but the school is making preparations to honor Mary throughout the month. The Rosary will become a focal point during our morning prayers each day. We will also have a pet blessing after First Friday Mass. Students are invited to bring in a picture or drawing of their pet, or they may bring in their favorite stuffed animal to receive that special blessing.
If you have any questions about the school, or if you would like to set up a tour, please contact the school office at 410-398-2636.
Religious Education & Sacraments
Religion classeswill be held today, Sunday, September 27th for Gr. K-8 at 8:30am and this Wednesday, September 30th at 6:15pm.
Any Parents who did not attend the annual Parent Gathering Must Stop by the Religion Office located outside of the gym to pick up the packet of important information.
Home School Meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 29th at 6:30pm in Parish Center Library. This is for parents whose children cannot attend the scheduled religious education classes and they requested this option. Parents need to attend this meeting to receive the necessary materials and information.
First Reconciliation Program - A Makeup Meeting for any parents who missed the First Reconciliation Orientation Meeting will be held Today, Sunday, September 27th at 11:30am in a first floor classroom. Please use the Gym door for entrance to the school. For a child to be enrolled in the Sacrament Program a parent must attend this meeting.
Volunteers Needed! - Have you ever thought about sharing your faith and the person of Jesus Christ with our parish young people? As we begin another year of religious formation for our students, we have a few classes in need of a Catechist and/or an Assistant.To be in compliance with the diocesan mandate, For The Sake of God’s Children, we must have two volunteers in each classroom. Volunteers are needed for the following:
- Sundays one Assistant each for grades 6 & 8.
- Wednesdays 6:15-7:45, one Assistant for grade 8.
- Confirmation – two assistants are needed for Sundays 7-8:30 PM. One catechist is needed for Wednesday 6:15-7:45.
If you are interested in volunteering or would like more information, please contact Sr. Grace or Ruthie Patterson at 410-392-3551 or .
Youth Ministry & Confirmation
Please visit the parish web site at See the News, Faith Formation and Ministries pages for more detailed information on YM events and opportunities. To contact the YM office, call 410 392 3551 or email .
Weekly Gatherings: Students in grades 9-12 and college-age young adults are welcome to join our Sunday gatherings in the Parish Center from 6-8 PM. No RSVP needed. Drop-ins welcome. September 27 –from 6-8 PM.
Confirmation 2016 Important Dates
Registration for Confirmation in 2016 is now closed.
October 18, 2015 - Sponsor and Candidate meeting 4 PM in the cafeteria
April 22, 2016 – Rehearsal for Candidates & Sponsors 6:30 PM in Immaculate Conception Church
April 23, 2016 – Confirmation and Mass 1:30 PM at Immaculate Conception Church
Adult Education
Have You Registered?The Acts of the Apostles Program starts this week:
ACTS. The Spread of the Kingdom
Did you know that the Acts of the Apostles provides us with more than a history of the FirstChristians –it is the story about the Early Church and the workings of the Holy Spirit. Offered on Mon.(6:30-8:30pm) and repeated on Tues. (9:15-11:15am) beginning Sept. 28 & 29
The Bible Timeline is a Catholic Bible Study that can help anyone to make sense of the bible and experience the life-changing power of God’s Word. This study takes you on a journey through the entire Bible and brings you deep into each period of salvation history. This year the 1st half of the Bible will be presented and discussed (12 sessions)
Offered only on Thurs. (9:15-11:15am) beginning Oct. 8th.
Social Concerns
The Parish Outreach Pantry is in need of
The demand for assistance has greatly increased. Your donations are appreciated. All non-perishables may be left at the entrances to each church or may be dropped off at the Parish Center during regular office hours. Thank you for your continued support and generosity
Outreach – United Way Donor Choice
The Immaculate Conception Outreach is a United Way Donor Choice. Our agency number is #4320. Please consider us when making your choice.
COMMUNITY KITCHEN: Our next Community Kitchen is on Friday, Oct. 23rd at the Elkton Presbyterian Church at noontime. We make and serve sandwiches, homemade soup, fruit, and dessert to anyone needing a good hearty meal. If you would like to help by providing readymade sandwiches, and/or can help serve or clean up, we would love to have you join us! Please contact Joyce Speakman at 610-597-3135 or Kathy Chamberlin at 410-398-7299 for more information, or if you can help us in any capacity. We also would be glad to receive cash donations. Please make checks payable to Immaculate Conception Church, and write Community Kitchen in memo. We have a wonderful group of faithful volunteers and would welcome anyone who can spare a couple of hours in this very worthwhile cause.
Parish and Family Life
Parish Coffee:SPECIAL NOTE: The Parish Coffee for St Jude’s will be held Sunday, October 11 after the 9 am
Mass. The Parish Coffee for ICC will also be held Sunday, October 11th after the 10:15 PM Mass at ICC.
Parish Events / Information
41st Annual Christmas Bazaar
Christmas in Candy Land!
November 14-15, 2015
Crafters! Crafters!There are still spots available for crafters/venders. Please call the parish office at 410-398-1100 or download an application from our parish website.
Theme Basket/ Silent Auction Items Needed: We are asking for donations for our popular Theme Basket Raffles and Silent Auction. If you would like to donate a basket or an item that we could include in a basket, such as gift certificates, sports tickets, etc) please call (410-398-1100) or drop off the item at the Parish Center!!! The deadline is September 30th.
Book Nook – Save your new/used books, audio books, videos, dvd’s, cassettes, cd’s and electronic games. Adults and Children’s. Please NO personal recordings. Drop off at Parish Center anytime.
Please submit some of your favorite recipes to be included in our Parish Cookbook. We want to have this ready for sale at the Annual Christmas Bazaar, so we only have 2 weeks to collect recipes! Recipe drop off boxes are in the Parish Center and both Churches. You may also mail to: K of C Cookbook c/o 113 St. Louis Dr., Elkton, MD 21921 or email them to . Please call Anna Maria Buehler (443-553-5693) or Bob Gorman (410-392-3779) with any questions.
Immaculate Conception’s
2nd Annual “Turkey Trot” 5K Walk/ Run
Saturday November 7, 2015 10 AM
Come out and support to our school & parish. Students $10; Adults are $20; Pre-School through 2nd Grade are free!! Prizes and medals will be awarded to top three runners/ walkers who place in their age group!
Music Moon Bounce Face Painting Refreshments
T-Shirt to all that pre-register.Register at parish office or
Christian Yoga returns! All are welcome to join in an hour and a half, Christ centered meditative and gentle stretching Yoga class. Classes continueon Monday evenings until November 10th. 7 - 8:30 in the ICS school gym. Wear comfortable clothes and bring a yoga mat and towel for class. A $5 per class offering is requested. Come to one or all classes !